Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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algemeen management

algemeen management

Work Experience

Jan 1975-Dec 1978
Saskia Nederland (Netherlands), a family owned international clothing industry.

Assistant production-manager

Project: established new script and translations in French. Set up production-unit in
Nabeul, Tunisia. One of the first companies who moved their production operations to North Africa at that time.

Assistant sales-manager - Assistant managing director
Garment sales to retail and department stores. In addition did internal training of product-knowledge, procurement, production, logistics and general management.

. Responsible for settlement during liquidation
At that time the group counted 150 co-workers; headquarters in Tilburg, Holland with sales’ offices in Amsterdam and Brussels, productions in the Netherlands, Belgium and Tunisia.
On behalf of the family, I cut financial losses, set up the reorganization and settlement. The unit in Belgium remained in tact.

Jan 1979-May 1989Saskia Belgium - a clothing production unit
Owner/Managing Director
Production-contractor company employing 55 coworkers. Out-dated firm, which at first mainly produced for large retail (chain) organizations. Updated machinery and internal routing. Introduced a new mentality to achieve flexible production methods and an upgraded product-range, justifying a higher price level. Affiliated with young designers and brands including: Soap Studio, Van Overdijk Design, A Different Dialogue and Nico Verhey.

Jun 1989-Dec 1994
Saskia/ 21st Industries an industrial division of the Sissy-Boy Fashion Group
Parner-Owner/Managing Director
Intensive cooperation with 21st Wholesale Company, Amsterdam – Holland
Expanded fashion group with an inventory turnover of EUR 30 million. Provided procurements, logistics and distribution. Led planning, worldwide purchases and productions, logistics and distribution (350.000 pcs/y). Huge challenge with new project set -ups: logistic and financial UNIX computer systems featuring communication links to Amsterdam. The joint venture was to result in a full juridical integration with Saskia as a daughter of the Sissy-Boy Group (Retail - Wholesale - Industries). August 1993 became clear that the Sissy-Boy shops generated losses. A period of reorientation followed, accompanied by an interim-manager. In January 1994 the wholesale-manager turned in his block of shares and left the group. Our claims grew and decisions had to be made, despite the fact that 21st Industries generated profit.

Jan 1995-Oct 1996
Set-up of new projects with Don van den Brandt, former manager 21st Wholesale.

PRISON BLUES A State Prison in Oregon requested us to introduce this brand-label in Europe. The project contained product development, purchase, sales and logistics Europe. Proposal has been worked out, together with the B.I.G.-group, a participation company.

IN-EX Set up trade between Eastern Europe/Russia and the West. Monitored supply and demand in various areas via consultant in Krakow (Poland).

Aug 1995- Personal Management Projects and Consulting

· Echoppe, Gilze (Netherlands). Aug ’95-July ’98. Advised and did project management for company processing plastics. Goal to prevent bankruptcy. Re-designed organization and production. Consolidated debts and attracted new capital.

· At Home, Eemnes (Netherlands). June-Sept ’96. Researched and advised wholesaler of interior articles. Crisis management and assistance during liquidation.

· SmokerS Foods, Londerzeel (Belgium). Sept ’96-May ’97. Established sales and production of new brand plus private-label in food.

· OptimaForma Text, Made (Netherlands). Jan-May ’97. Research for production possibilities in South Africa plus eventually start of new clothing production unit.

· Famacon, Etten-Leur (Netherlands) Feb-April ’97. Part-time advice in structure set-up starting fashion-consultants-bureau as well as external advisor in concepts of brand-labels, private-label and production.

· Bra’ss Textiles, Utrecht (Netherlands) Dec ‘97-Mar ’98. Setup and advised business-plan for restarting wholesale company in lingerie.

· Pel Stucco-works, Eemnes (Netherlands), ‘98-Aug ’99. Entrepreneur declared personal bankruptcy. Reactivated business through reorganization creditors and setup plus support for restarting the business.

· Cossini, Rijen (Netherlands) Aug. ‘98-June ’00. Wholesaler in high-class leather products. Full-time project management. Set-up and follow-up production in Morocco. General management, reorganization, upgrading/styling of COSSINI brand label and sales.

· Mimo Confection (Tunisia) 1997- Procurement and acquisition of production orders from European customers and follow-up in Tunisia. In 2001; Implementation of software and adjustment of organization in Sfax. Formation of production platform with several other production units, each having it’s own specialty.

· WinCraft BV (Netherlands) 2000- Interim management: production & logistics including software, general management, budgeting, cost-pricing.


Athenaeum A (economics/languages), Tilburg - Holland 1974
Economics, University KUB Tilburg - Holland
Management-training garment industry, (Fenecon)
Logistics in the garment industry (Koetsier-Amsterdam) 1993


Affinity with IT
Experienced in D-base, MS Office-pro applications incl. Access
Expert in budgeting, financial analysis, business-organization and logistics.
Proficient in procurement; capital, distribution / warehousing, transportation and point
of sale.
Project-management from strategic to tactical planning through completion.
Skilled in total operation of business including legal obligations required in crisis-situations and profitable environments.


Dutch mother tongue
English very well
French very well
German well
Italian basic


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