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Project/area manager-consultant

Project/area manager-consultant

Work Experience

October 2004 – present Business Development Consultant

Delivering consulting services for business development and waste management. Presently involved in setting up a German agent network for a Dutch waste management firm and as a company representative negotiating the set up of waste to energy plants in Eastern Europe. Furhtermore setting up a marketing organisation in Germany for a Dutch American company.

April 2001 –June 2004 General Manager
South African Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (SANEC)
Vice Chairman Eurochamber - Johannesburg South Africa

As General Manager of this export-promotion and network organisation, I was responsible for the financial well being of the Chamber. Leading a team of ten employees, I maintained and increased a very broad network with national and local government as well as the business community. I had to be able to recognise, inform over and materialise new and upcoming opportunities and sectors for both the South African and Dutch business community. We entered a number of public private partnerships and performed market reports, matchmaking programmes, training and implementation-programmes. The GM informed the Board of Directors four times a year extensively to guarantee their involvement and commitment.

Sep 2000 – April 2001 Technical Business Development Consultant SAFIKA DHV
Pretoria – South Africa

As independent consultant I wrote a proposal and managed the project for the Department of Trade and Industry (South Africa). Goal of the project was to determine the opportunities and possibilities to create a South African “Waste Recycling Industry” and to write a sector development plan of action.
I investigated the solid waste and recycled material market. I made an analysis of the competitiveness of suppliers of recycling machinery and waste management companies, the legal framework in place and its controls. I proposed a strategy and made recommendations for follow up.

1997 – Aug. 2000 Area manager, Duos B.V.
Beirut - Lebanon

Responsible for the turnkey delivery of a full scale six million dollar, MILIEV funded solid waste recycling plant in the centre of Beirut. I advised the director in financial issues and tender and contract negotiations. I coordinated and reported to head office, identified qualified sub-contractors and negotiated their contracts and set-up local quarters. I monitored progress and held meetings with the Lebanese client and American operator.
Furthermore I identified upcoming tenders in Lebanon and surrounding countries, made initial enquiries and held meetings with end-responsible parties. I Informed and made recommendations to the Director and finalised proposals.

1996 - 1997 Area Manager of Maintenance and facility management department
Kropman B.V. (utility industry), Breda – The Netherlands

I was responsible for budgets and end-procedures in the financial, organisational and technical field. As head I had to maintain a solid relationship with established and possible new clients, offering existing and new services. I wrote proposals for tenders, negotiated and finalized offers.

1994 - 1995 Trainee Project leader, Kropman B.V., Facility Management, Breda - The Netherlands

I designed and executed several projects for the company. During this period I acquired knowledge in the different aspects of fitting installations.

Oct - Dec 1993 Management Information Computer Analyst, Linotype,
Paris - France

I designed and implemented a Management Information System for the sales department. This system is used for generating Sales and Marketing Data.

1992 – 1993 Graduation Project, Technical Physical Research Centre, TNO, Apeldoorn - The Netherlands

Within a multidisciplinary team, I designed a knowledge-based system for solving problems relating to drilling with hard metals. Expertise was extracted from production experts of various companies and digitalised.


1996 External post-study Project Management.
1986 - 1993 Mechanical Engineering at Delft University of Technology. Main subject: Flexible computerised production systems.
1980 – 1986 Secondary School, Wassenaar. Obtained certificate.


Technical commercial quilifications

In all previous positions I have been able to create a working environment where all parties concerned, employer, (sub) contractor and of course project team, were able to gain maximum result within budget and time constraints. With a good technical understanding and my inter-personnel, negotiation and networking skills I am always in pursuit of getting trust and loyalty, a necessary foundation in all phases of a project from acquisition to after sales.

During my career I have been internationally involved with different employers, businesses and (semi) government organisations and learned to adapt easily to different cultures and positions. The broad range of fields I worked in all added to my personal and business qualities development and forced me to get acquainted on a very short notice with new fields.

I have a good drive, entrepreneurship and inter personnel qualities, combined with a commercial attitude and intercultural sensitivity.


Dutch Mother tongue
German reading & understanding Good
English Excellent
Arabic Very basic
French Moderate


Special projects and achievements
Business development consultant: Gaining the respect in the negotiating team in a relatively short period required to discuss issues in a co-operative and positive manner in search for solutions and compromises to the benefit of the Dutch, German and Russian partners.

SANEC: I initiated and implemented the first public private partnerships for the Chamber with ao the Ministry of Transport in the Netherlands and several South African local authorities. In consultation with Board, employees and members I introduced a commercial project oriented company structure, resulting in a transparent communication and cost structure and a professional working environment. Result was a direct increase of profits out of the South African market.

SANEC: Organiser of the Trade & Investment Diner hosting several hundred international company directors and their guests on a commercial base.

DUOS: I was able to set the right tone in meetings and negotiations in a complex contract structure between employer, contractor and operator and find a delicate balance in the choice of subcontractors in a project in which the country’s political and economic situation were frequently interwoven. This resulted in time, budget and functionality objects being realised to the satisfaction of all relevant parties.

Kropman: Increasing profitability of the forty ongoing projects, while improving internal procedures (e.g. ISO 9000 and new safety procedures) and introducing new services, therefore expanding the business.

Beirut: Speaker at ISO 9000 training in Lebanon.


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