Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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Work Experience

1968 Staff employee at \"N.V. Confectiefabriek Coutura\"

1969 Assistant to the French managing director of \"N.V. Nederland¬se Accumulato¬renfabriek Acifit\". The company is owned by the French giant \"Com¬pagnie Générale d\'Electricité\" (CGE)

1971 Dec. \"Douwe Egberts Royal Factories N.V.\" = “Sara Lee Corporation”
Assistant to the general manager
1973 Manager product group Tea.
Chairman of product group team.
1976 Finance manager foreign operations and chief financial analyst.
1981 Senior Officer corporate planning.
1984 Manager Corporate Planning & Strategy department Sara Lee Corpororation Europe. Reporting to CEO.
1986 Marketing manager new products.

1987 Senior concern planner at VNU,
1989 Director of Business Development & Analysis department, reporting to CEO.
1996 Director of Corporate Management Development department.

July 2002 Retired

German; very modest in Italian and Spanish.
*Board member of several charitable, social and professional foundations.


doctoraal bedrijfseconomie

1962 Certificate HBS A from Het Amsterdams Lyceum.
1968 Master\'s degree in business administration at the Universität St. Gallen für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwis¬sen¬schaften, Switzer¬land. Specializations in finance and marketing.


sterke partner voor klankbord


vloeiend in frans, duits, engels
Further information:
*Languages: fluent in Dutch, English, French,


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