Flex Manager
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Board Member/Director

Board Member/Director

Work Experience


August 2001- present Consultant

1998-2001 General Manager, Forefront Technologies Inc., Tokyo, Japan

l Drafting, conceptualizing and implementing yearly business plan. Responsible for reaching and exceeding yearly and revenue and bottom-line targets
l Responsibility for Management of Accounting, General Affairs and Human Resources Management
l Sales and Marketing of the IT services, Hardware-, Maintenance- and Outsourcing Services of in-house trained Engineers to companies in Japan.
l Business Development in new areas: Osaka, Hong Kong, and Singapore
l Management and coordination for the Microsoft Certification VUE Testing Centers

1987-1998 GfK/Asia Data Research Inc., Tokyo, Japan

1994-1998 President - Representative Director

l Supervised a team of client service executives serving the Japanese clientsEHead Quarters coordinating with the worldwide market research group GfK (www.gfk.com)
l Sales and marketing of Retail Tracking Database from Asian and European countries to the headquarters of major Japanese and Korean Consumer Electronics companies such as SONY, Matsushita, Toshiba, Samsung etc.
l Track record of exceeding yearly revenue targets by successfully introducing and negotiating new services to client base
l Supervised and participated in the coordination of special qualitative and quantitative international research projects requested by Japanese clients
l Improving ongoing service and consulting through the introduction of new analytical tools and sales presentation methods developed by GfK
l Periodical reporting of business result and preparation of the 3 year business strategic plans to corporate headquarters in Germany
l General office management: budget control, human resources and general affairs

1991-1994 Director
l Responsible for introduction and implementation of GfK-HQ services to Japanese client base
l Initiated and developed client base in Korea
l Controlled, handled and improved all operational negotiations for new product development, quality control and client value realization between GfK Head Quarter and Japanese subsidiary
l Assisted Japanese Representative Director in successfully introducing and implementing new methods of research in Asia
l Reward from GfK-HQ for having participated in the Accelerated Management Executive Development Program in the London Business School in 1993

1987-1991 Manager International Coordination
l Successfully expanded revenue by serving clients with enhanced analytical tools and service presentations
l Liaison between GfK-HQ in Germany and Japanese subsidiary reporting directly to the Board
l Accessing and developing new international marketing planning and Service Department leading to the expansion of overseas business
l Participated in the European Union Executive Training Program in Japan with full year intensive Japanese Language course and a half year in-house traineeship in Canon Inc. and McCann Erickson/Hakuhodo
l Responsible for all aspects of coordination and implementation of quantitative and qualitative research projects to local clients

1980-1987 Project Manager, GfK Nederland, Amsterdam, Holland
l Coordination of ad-hoc research projects
l Client sales and services GfK-Holland databases
l Retail acquisition and ongoing services to participants in the panel
l Office coordination and management of junior research assistants
l Liaison to GfK-HQ for production and database preparation


Education: The Hague Professional University - Marketing Major
London Business School - ATP
Participant in the Executive Training Program in Japan of the EU E8/E9

Currently pursuing an Executive MBA at the Temple University ETokyo Campus


Japan Advisory's mission is to maximize value for shareholders; provide strategic input; and increase overall transparency. We assist foreign affiliated companies in Japan, giving overseas HQ's and shareholders the additional perspective of years of relevant Japan business experience. We serve as outside directors or advisory board members to a corporation's board of directors, forming a key addition to the local management team. Japan Advisory is a partnership of non-Japanese executives, living and working in Japan, with a unique set of hands-on, local experience. We offer client focused strategy and general management consulting and advisory services at the corporate board level.


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