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Customer managment

Customer managment

Work Experience

2000 -2003 POLAND

NETIA Telecom – Second largest fixed line operator in Poland. 2000-2003
• My task was to stop a crash in customer care. I acted in two parallel operations. Immediate first aid actions to improve processes by manual and semi technological tools. The results were that after few weeks service level rose from 50% to 76% and claims were handled in 3 days instead of 43 days.
The second operation was to create a C.R.M. environment that contained a major organizational structure followed by changes in sales and marketing. Than an integrator and technology vendors were chosen to implement the strategy I created. The project is still running and customer care today works on high-level service level based on segmentation (customer value) with sales orientation and on 40% reduced costs.
70% of my time in Poland was dedicated to Netia.

M-BANK – The first Internet direct bank in Poland. 2001
• The problem the bank faced was quick unexpected growth in number of customers, which resulted in low service level. I structured new workflows and processes that allowed much bigger efficiency with the same number of employees. Service level increased and situation stabilized.
• The problem was an increasing number of accounts that were not activated or were with minimum deposit sums. I suggested and built a change in organizational structure, which allowed quick interaction between customers and customers. This change brought to two major results: the rate of active accounts rose from 30% to 65% within 6 month; the second was reduced conversation time with customers from 5 minutes in average to 2.4 minutes in average and a growth of 7% in average deposit.
30% of my time in Poland was dedicated to the bank.

1999 Manov Software LTD.
I designed and managed a world wide training program on CRM for Manov’s distributors. The task was to change sales people orientation from product sales to a solution sale.


1995 – 1998
I bought a small telemarketing company with 20 seats that served as an outsourcing company for out-bound telemarketing campaigns. Through the years I developed the company to a contact center that served various industries (finance, telecommunication, retail) in variety of services (money collecting, customer care, information, sales both inbound and out bound). Due to my reputation I received the newest technologies as a beta sight and was able to serve my customers most efficiently with best advanced technology. I sold the company with 246 seats and over 1000 employees.

1990 – 1994
BEZEK – The Israeli telecommunication company.
• Design and management the construction of a collection center operated through IVR technology and human interface. The operational objectives were to set up a call center within limited timetable and a very tight budget. The business objectives were to develop a new payment channel for the company and to show the business world the possibilities of payments through the phone.
The results were extremely above expectations. The project ended on time with lower budget. The preliminary figures talked 10-15 % using the new channel by the end of first year and 5-7% that will do it on regular basis. The actual numbers showed 22% of customers who used the service on regular basis, which saved the company enormous amounts of money and with in a year 3 more collecting call-centers were built copying the Bezek model.
• Design and management of a direct marketing campaign. Ofer analyzed the billing databases and based on the analysis, which used different analytical tools created a sales strategy for different products using direct mail and telemarketing channels. The sales response target was 2% in direct mail and 5% in telemarketing. Within 4 month of try and error Bezek reached 7% in direct mail and over 12% in telemarketing.
40% of my time was dedicated to the above assignments in theses years.

BANK LEUMI – Second largest bank in Israel.
• I took part in the team that built the “First Direct” in Israel. The project included very sophisticated combination of technologies that had to interact and serve the banks consultants who served the end customer. The project had to come the difficulties of virtual banking from customer approach, the implementation of new technologies and the interaction between conservative bank employees and new fresh consultants who were not bankers. The original plane was to have 20,000 customers with an average deposit of X $ within a year. After a year the bank had over 30,000 customer with 20% higher average deposited than planed. My roll on that project was to define and implement sales tactics needs in that environment in terms of scripts, business processes and measuring tools.
• Design and management of a direct marketing campaign. I analyzed the databases and based on the analysis, which used different analytical tools, I created a sales strategy for saving accounts, credit cards and electronic services. I than managed the execution of that strategy through direct sales by bank personal and through direct mail. The normal rate of success in such operation is one sale every two hours in personal sales and .5% in the mail. In this project and many others that came after we managed to have a sale every 40 minutes and rate of 1.5% in mail.
• As part of various channels strategy the bank decided to open branches in supermarkets. I was sent to the U.S. to study this particular type of operation. I managed than a project of opening branches in supermarkets. My responsibility covered the organizational structure of the branch, workflow and processes, customer care and sales. The objective was to allow access to the bank wherever you are. The branches in the supermarkets completed the circle: regular branches, telephone and Internet and while shopping.
40% of my time was dedicated to the above assignments in theses years.

IDI - DIRECT INSURANCE - The first direct insurance in Israel.
Ofer took part in the setup team in which my roll was to determine business approach in the direct environment taking in consideration the legal and nature of insurance constrains. Ofer's objectives were to create for management quality measures and control tools on sales, customer satisfaction and operational back and front office processes.
20% of my time was dedicated to this project.

1986 – 1990 HAARETZ – a daily subscribers newspaper
I served as VP marketing and business development. In my time the number of subscribers grew 20%.


MBA – Tel Aviv University (Israel)
BA in Mathematics and Statistics – Heidelberg University (Germany)


15 years of experience in customer management issues most of which as an interim manager. International experience in different cultural environments. Main expertise in identifying blocking factors, setting adequate K.P.O.S and K.P.I.S , Utilizing technology to maximum, reengineering processes and procedures and handing over an internal motivated team.
Very good knowledge of the finance and telecommunication industries.




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