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Work Experience

Since 1999 International project management

Austrian Heart Centre (2004 – 2009)
- A private Heart Clinic and a Hotel will be realized in the eastern part of Austria
- CEO of the newly founded company
- Market analysis, negotiating and signing of management contracts
- Elaboration of a marketing strategy and a marketing concept
- Contacts to potential clients, preliminary contracts
- Project in construction, to be finished in 2010

Bondy Centrum, CZ (2002 – 2003)
- A commercial centre with a rental surface of 23.200 m², total investment € 30 mil., was planned in the Czech Republic.
- Market analysis, documentation for the presentation to the financing structures, negotiation of the financing agreements
- Development of the retail concept, negotiations with potential tenants, rental agreements
- Marketing concept for the opening phase, planning for the positioning and the PR events, concept for local marketing activities

Libro AG (2000 – 2002)
- For a consortium of Austrian banks, the Austrian non-food retail chain LIBRO (paper, books, CD’s) had to be restructured.
- Member of the Board and CEO, responsible for Marketing, Purchase and Sales
- Outlets had to be closed, the staff reduced, the assortment limited to an acceptable level.
- Within six months, the company was clean.
- The restructuring concept and the specific steps to be made had been prepared together with Roland Berger und Partner.

Poltrone Fratelli Mascheroni (2000)
- A north Italian furniture producer needed a new management structure, the company had to be handed over to the next generation (80 employees, turnover of € 60mil.)
- Establishing of a new sales structure in several European countries (Germany, France, GB and the Netherlands), reduction of the cost structure.
- Recruiting of a new CFO.

Südtirol Marketing Gesellschaft (Società Marketing Alto Adige, 1999 – 2000)
- For the regional government of South Tyrol, a marketing and distribution structure for products and services of the region had to be created. Budget € 12 mil.
- Recruiting, instruction of the staff (up to 40 employees), building-up of the new Internet information and booking (www.hallo.com).
- Development of the marketing strategy, a new positioning on the international touristic markets and a new product line (catalogues, folders, posters, ecc.)

1994 - 1999 General Manager Media Markt International, Ingolstadt-Munich
- 1. task: restructuring of the french daughter company Hyper Media
- 2. task: expansion of the concept and the opening of retail outlets in several European countries (France, Austria, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, Finland, Norway.
vCEO of Media Markt International (Marketing and Sales)

1984 – 1994 General Manager Veronelli s.r.l., Milan

1980 – 1984 General Manager and Co-Founder Lauda air Luftfahrtges.m.b.H., Vienna


Engineer Electronics, Technical High-school Vienna
Commerce and Economics (Master and PhD), University of Vienna, Nice and Chicago

Professional courses:
- The new markets in Eastern Europe
- Communication techniques
- Marketing in open markets
- Decisions in the process
- Management of working groups
- Group-dynamics
- Sensitivity-training
- Motivation-techniques


Umstrukturierung von Unternehmen
Mergers and Acquisitions


- German (native speaker)
- English (active and passive, working level)
- French (active and passive, working level)
- Italian (active and passive, working level)
- Spanish (passive, basic notions)
- Czech (basic notions)
- Russian (basic notions)


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