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Geschäftsführer / CEO

Geschäftsführer / CEO

Work Experience

since Mai 2008 IKEA Vösendorf (Vienna)
• CEO - Store Manager
110 M revenue, 450 people and total P&L responsibility

Sep 2005 – Apr 2008 IKEA Salzburg
• CEO - Store Manager
50 M revenue, 250 people and total P&L responsibility

Sep 2004 – Aug 2005 IKEA Salzburg
• Deputy store manager
Local marketing and commercial group responsibility

Feb 2002 – Aug 2004 IKEA Pratteln
• Sales manager
50 M revenue, 100 people and total Sales and Gross
Margin responsibility

May 2001 – Feb 2002 IKEA Home Organisation department CH
• Sales leader
Responsible for a Range for total Switzerland

Jul 2000 – May 2001 Mobility CarSharing, Luzern
• Sales manager
Establishing and implementing the B2B sector

Mar 1999 – Jul 2000 Kitchen department IKEA Spreitenbach
• Team leader
Responsible for the Kithchen Range and Staff

Jun 1997 – Mar 1999 Living & Dining dep. IKEA Spreitenbach
• Team leader
Responsible for the Range and Staff

May 1995 – Jun 1997 IKEA Switzerland
• Marketing Trainee
Responsible for CRM (IKEA FAMILY Club) and Enviroment

Sep 1994 – May 1995 stock sale store Basel
• Stock sales manager
Responsible for the stock sale and staff

Jan 1994 – Sep 1994 IKEA Aubonne (Lausanne)
• Summer furniture manager
Responsible for the summer furniture range and staff

Oct 1992 – Jan 1994 IKEA Switzerland
• Assistant sales leader

Aug 1990 – Jul 1992 Clerk at Winterthur-Insurance in Arbon

Aug 1987 – Jul 1990 Winterthur Ins. Chur
• Commercial Apprenticeship


Primary and secondary state school, Chur - Aug 77 – Jul 87

Business School, Chur - Aug 87 – Jul 90

Federal degree as Sales coordinator - Sep 95 - Aug 92

Bachelor of Business Administration GSBA - Oct 2002

MBA State University of Albany (NY), USA - March 2005

MBA GSBA Zurich - March 2005


• I am experienced in change management, troubleshooting and turnarounds. The last three stores have had this as the main issue.
• Performing: I like to plan and invest in resources for the long term and focus on the bottom line. I evaluate success and results.
• Finding solutions: I am analysing wide range of information and using knowledge of others to to be successful and achieve growth and profit. I understand my impact of my own decisions and I am constantly proposing change to minimise potential issues.
• Working with others: I am creating a development and coaching culture. I delivered several people to the organisation on different levels. I am good in integrating people and networking, remaining accessible and understands bottom line benefits of diversity (in the sense of increase my effectiveness through people who are good in things, what I am not good in).
• Developing: I am very reflecting on successes and mistakes. I understand their impact and I am seeking feedback from a different sources. I clearly understand the bigger picture and the business benefits of the company culture
• Leading People: I am defining and communicating objectives and expectations and I am able to inspire others.
• Handling Change: I am never satisfied and I am my biggest challenger of the status quo. I am developing a change culture and I lead change processes..
• Focusing on the customer: I am keeping myself up to date with the local market. I am using a range and market information sources to initiate business changes and I create a customer focused culture.
• Communicating: I am effectively sharing information with the managers.


German - mother tongue
Englisch fluent (TOEFL 250, GMAT 500)
French ok - need 1 month back into the language


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