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Directeur Général-Technique

Directeur Général-Technique

Work Experience

2006 to present

Project Director
Lurgi AG, Frankfurt

Responsible for the projects in Algeria (GTL, Methanol, others). Contract award with Sonatrach ( 500 Million €). Project direction for the preliminary studies of a GTL plant (2 Billion €) in Algeria, Gas sweetening for Iran ( 1400 M€), 70% chances to win 250 Million further CFR deliveries : Various assistance to the Group for the projects in France and Iran. Gasification plant in India (Key project for Lurgi - Air Liquide).

1999 to 2005

Operation Director
Lurgi SA, Saint-Cloud

Responsible for projects in France and Norway; Member of the Board. Finishing of all the ongoing projects; responsibility of finalising negotiations with the clients; building the subsidiary of a sintering plant in Gabon-also concluding business transactions; agreements with local authorities, direct responsibility for corporate relations: overall controlling. Sludge incineration LSTK in Lyon. ( 19 M€)


General Manager CFR and Technical Director
SELAS SA, Gennevilliers

Responsible for continuous steel thermal and galvanizing treatment; directly responsible for the technical design and planning of a plant for Voest Alpine Stahl in Austria and various projects in Malaysia, USA and Germany. Claim management and money recovery.

1991 to 1998

Cerchimie, Nanterre

Member of the Board, responsible for the integration of the company into the group;
Managing of multiple projects in France, England, Germany, Korea and Hungary ( up to 25 M$ each); engineering for plants of hazardous, clinical or domestic wastes; responsible for recycling of batteries; various small projects in chemistry . Tecnical advisor for SAFT ( batteries) for environment.

1989 to 1991

Profit Center Manager
SABLA, Villenave d’Ornon

Update and revamp of the plant of Villenave d’Ornon; responsible for quality, security; refurbishing . Increased sales ( 200 customers, 6000 products). Recovering quality agreements.

1988 to 1989

Technical Director South-West France
SABLA, Toulouse

Directly responsible for activities regarding the restarting and revamping of the Toulouse plant; new productions and reduction of costs. Aloso in charge of 4 other units in SW France.

1981 to 1988

Head of Technical Services
COMURHEX, Pierrelatte

Technical Management of a chemical and nuclear plan; responsible for the civil update of a military designed plant, for investments and maintenance, the follow up of process evolution, receipt of the Cryogenic Gas Cleaning-Patent

1977 to 1981

Responsible for Chemicals and Development
Usines Lamboitte, Prémery

Responsible for the chemical part of the plant (wood distillation and formaldehyde). Responsible for all activities regarding the process development, technology sales; director of Chemical; receipt of Gasification and Carbonisation Patents

1976 to 1977

Produits chimiques Ugine Kuhlmann,

Responsible for the commissioning of the steam N°2 cracking in Feyzin
(200.000 t ethylene)

1974 to 1976

Responsible for Studies
Ugilor, Pierre Benite

Petrochemicals, Acrylonitrile, Cyanides
“Chef du Bureau d’Études”


Ingenieur ECL - IFG PME Management


Direction d'équipes pluridisciplinaires en contexte multiculturel international


French, EnNglish, German ( fluent)


Target oriented and motivated by challenges


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