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Managing Director

Managing Director

Work Experience

Technology management (sales, marketing, support, development, F&A) – Managing Director / Sales Director – practical experience with Mergers & Acquisitions – Turnaround Management – Startup experience – Investor relations – Financial requirements of Public Companies – Geographic Business Expansion – Different Cultures/ International – In-depth market knowledge in mechanical computer-aided design & manufacturing (CAD/CAM/CAE) in mechanical industries (automotive, aerospace/aircraft, other mechanical) and telecommunications (Consumer Internet applications / devices / services)

For a chronology of the CV please see text below:

Professional career ( 32 years ):

1. Control Data GmbH , Frankfurt / Main, Germany

at that time 800 employees in Germany Jan.74 - Dec.81
US American producer of computer mainframes and worldwide
computer centre network for technical - scientific software applications
headquartered in Minneapolis , USA – CAD/CAM/CAE/consulting
Ranked 2nd after IBM in supercomputers, ranked 1st in scientific computing
at that time


- technical support analyst
- application consultant
- technical division manager

2. Pisces International BV , Gouda , The Netherlands,

at that time 50 employees Jan.82 - Oct.86
European headquarter of US supplier of technical software,
the defense contractor Physics International, headquartered in
San Leandro / San Francisco, USA – CAE/consulting


- European VP Sales & Marketing

3. MacNeal-Schwendler GmbH , Munich , Germany

today’s name: MSC.Software Europe
initially 8, at the end 175 employees in Europe Nov.86 - Dec.96
European headquarter of The MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation, LA ,
today MSC.Software, 650 employees at that time, USA
Supplier of technical software CAD/CAM/focus CAE with MSC/NASTRAN etc.


- Managing Director Germany
- European General Manager (VP - Europe)
- Managing Director of European subsidiaries in UK, France, Italy,
Norway, Spain, Republic of South Africa; representations in Israel,
Eastern Europe and India; revenue responsibility EURO 50 million
- Member of Supervisory Board of LMS, Leuven, Belgium

4. Consultant , Munich Jan.97 - Oct.97
- for LMS Leuven, Belgium (CAE solutions, automotive industry)

5. PolyTrax Information Technology AG, Munich, Germany
Nov.97 – Oct.02
Development – Sales - Marketing of electronic chipsets for emerging
market segment home-networking (Powerline Communication) for
in-house powerlines (“Internet from each electrical socket” – “Internet aus der Steckdose”) – PLC, electronics


- Co-Founder – Managing Director and CEO

Company history:
- June 1998 1st round VC-funds; 2nd Finance Round December 1999
- year-end 2001: products in the consumer market, patented base technology
- 35 employees; in 2002 reduction to 10 due to capital investment market
down-turn and refinancing problems in collapsing VC – market
- 3rd financing round unsuccessful, sold patent rights, closed company

6. LMS (Leuven Measurement Systems), Leuven, Belgium
Nov.02 – today
Engineering Innovation Company offering TEST (Hardware/DSPs for experimental data acquisition)/CAE hardware/software product suites (“hybrid PLM solutions”) and engineering services for mechanical product development in automotive, aerospace and other markets, 650 employees, 25 years anniversary in 2005. WW respected technology innovator.


- November 2002 - May 2004: General Manager CAE Division and VP CAE
personnel responsibility for 135 employees in 3 development centers (Belgium,
Germany, USA); revenue responsibility for EURO 20 million
- June 2004 – today: direct local management support for Japanese
country organization, new business development with IBM business
partners in Asia (CATIA – environment of Dassault Sistemes, Paris, France);
- appointed General Manager LMS Japan and VP Sales Asia: personnel
responsibility for 100 employees in 4 field offices and agents in Japan, China, Korea,
Singapore for South – East – Asia; direct revenue responsibility for
EURO 35 million; in 2005 Asia took revenue pole position for LMS
worldwide overtaking home-market Europe for the first time in company history


School education ( 12 years ):
• Grammar school , Kapfenberg , Austria Sept.55 - July 59
• High school , Bruck/Mur , Austria Sept.59 - July 67
• Examination: Abitur (Matura)
University education ( 6 years ):
• Theoretical Physics , University of Graz , Austria Oct.67 - March 73
• Examination: Dr.rer.nat. (equivalent Dr.phil - Physics)


Turn-around of technology companies (mechanical CAD/CAM/CAE keyword PLM and Internet-related telecommunications services), personnel management of highly skilled technical personnel, team spirit building, sales / business expansion, software / service / associated hardware sales, business planning, international experience through work locations in Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, USA, UK, Japan (2 years), China, Singapore


German, English


Currently under assignment in Belgium, short-term availability possible, preference in assignments for US or European technology companies - as well startups at the end of their investment phase - to expand business in Europe and (preferred) Asia (Japan experience, China, South-East Asia)


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