Flex Manager
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Work Experience

01.08.1984 Henkel KgaA, Düsseldorf
Assitant to salesdirector
AOK Nerval GmbH, München; incl 6m sales rep
• Team: new distribution strategy
• Restructuring sales regions
• Implementation new sales reporting

01.10.1986 Henkel Cosmetic GmbH, Düsseldorf
Produktmanager dental care
• 50 mio€, 2 FTE
• Development new product concepts incl:
- Concept
- Branding
- Formula/product development
- Packaging design
- Testing
- Biz plan
- Distribution strategy
- ATL/BTL action plan
- Implementation
• Relaunch existing brands, assortments
• Coop creative, design, media agencies
• P+L responsibility

01.11. 1989 Sony Deutschland GmbH
Marketing Manager Visual Products
• 300 mio sales, 5 FTE
• Full P+L responsibility
• Joined dev. new products
- Design
- Technology/features
• Intro channel management
- Dev. channel assortment
- Dedicated ATL/BTL activities
• Managing new eastern German market

01.07.1993 Director Key Account
• 500 mio sales, 10 FTE
• Reorganization
• New channel concept
- B2B, gas stations, QVC
• Strategic partnership key trade partners: i.e. Otto, MSH

01.09.1994 Marketing Director Consumer Goods
• Reorganization
• motivation new team
• Generalizing channel concept
- New trade spend system
- Dedicated assortment by channel
- Developing new products (focusing design)
- Dedicated BTL-concept
• New brand strategy
• Improving relationship headquater
• Joined activities B2B
• Total P+L responsibility

01.12.1995 VP Biz Division Digital Media, Sony Europe GmbH,
• Set up complete new biz unit
- Concept (B2B)
- Organization (30 HC)
- European customer base
• Development of customized products

01.10.1996 Donovan Data System GmbH
Managing Director Germany, Austria, Switzerland
• 10 Mio TO, 50 FTE
• New growth strategy
- Reorganization
- intro key account management
- localizing customizing responsibility and resources
- new products/apps
- new biz incl new channels
• New Team
- Restructuring
• CRM concept
• P+L and balance sheet responsibility
• Relation to shareholder, headquater, press etc

01.01.2001 Bauknecht Hausgeräte GmbH
MD Germany
• 690 mio€, 2.200 FTE (incl 2 factories)
• New strategy
- Complete new built in approach (one chance only)
- New Assortment
- Pricing
- Channel
- Merge kitchen manufacturer
- Complete new FS approach
- Intro channel management
• Channel range
• New Trade spend system
- Dedicated ATL/BTL concept
• New organization
- New spirit, motivation
• New image
- From mass to qualified biz
- Channel focus, dedicated traditional trade concept
- New built in approach
- Price stability
• Improve profitability
- Restructuring
- Trade spend (s.a.)
- Process efficiency
- Cost cutting
• Misc
- annual financial statement
- Representing BK to press, board, shareholder,
- Annual fin statement press conference

01.01.2002 Add. responsibility Austria (MD)
• Set up complete new strategy and organization
• Relocation of total office
• Search and placement of successor

01.01.2005 Interimmanagement

01.01.2005-31-07-2005 Laura Star GmbH
“Hands on”- CEO , 20 Mio€, 60 FTE
• Key issues: profitability, growth
• New strategy Germany
- Channel strategy
- New sales structure
• New organization
• Profitability
- Restructuring
- New trade spend system
- Cost cutting
• Search and placement of successor

01.08.2005- 30.06.2006 Nadler Feinkost GmbH
“Hands on”-CEO, 160 Mio€,, 600 FTE´s
• Key issues: growth, profitability, image
• Growth:
- Relaunch complete range
- New CI
- New market segment: B2B
- New management team
- New sales and marketing orga
• Profitability
- Restructurin
- Cost cutting
- Price increase

01.07.2006-31.10.2008 Saeco International Group S.p.A
Regional Managing Director
• Region: DACH, Scandinavia
• Dedicated Euro Key Accounts: MSH, Metro
“Hands-on”-CEO Saeco GmbH
• 110 Mio€, 140 FTE´s
• Key issues profitability, relation/trust headquater,
• New man. team
- CFO, sales, marketing, logistic
• Profitability
- Restructuring
- New trade spend system
- Cost cutting
- Process optimization
• New orga
- Sales, marketing, finance
• Relation/trust
- Weekly reporting
• Biz improvement
- Channel concept and organization
- New channel concept
- Strategical partnership key accounts
• Misc:
- Annual fin statement
- Representing Saeco to press, board, shareholder,

Head of Man Board Saeco Austria AG
• 40 Mio€, 60 FTE
• Key issues: keep market position, profitability
• New man team:
- Sales, marketing
• Keep position
- Channel concept and organization
- New channel concept
- Relation to trade
• Profitability
- Restructuring
- Cost cutting
• Annual fin statement

01.01.2009 Schaaf Peemöller + Partner, Executive Search
Shareholder/ Partner, Office Munich
• Several projects: fmcg, automotive


1962 - 1975 Primary/Gymnasium
Abitur at Landfermann Gymnasium Duisburg

1975 - 1976 Military Service in Emmerich

1976 - 1979 Apprenticeship at Carl Spaeter GmbH, Duisburg, Exportmanager

1979 - 1982 Business Admin. at University of Essen

1982 - 1983 Graduate Program Biz Administration, Ohio State University, Columbus/Ohio

1983 - 1984 Diplom-Kaufmann at University of Essen
Main Subject Marketing
Diploma: Portfolio Management as Instrument of strategic Planning (cooperation with Boston Consulting Group)


English: business fluent
German: native tongue


Hobbies: travelling; culture; sport: running, biking, fitness, spinning instructor; ex hockey, marathon/triathlon; shareholder it-company


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