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CEO, COO, Managing Director, Project Director, Project Manag

CEO, COO, Managing Director, Project Director, Project Manag

Work Experience

CEO with 35 years’ experience, leading companies of Process Industry with turnovers of Euro 550 Mio and Investments of Euro 300 Mio in Emergency Countries to excellent results.

Hands on Manager and Chemical Engineer with capabilities to handle Turn- around Situations, big Projects, Shop floor as well as Supervisory Board achieved recognition by all stakeholders involved.

1. Top Management Experience:

• Leading “Mondi SCP”, Slovakia, as CEO, a company with Euro 550 Mio:
 to one of the most modern pulp and paper companies in Europe regarding environment and productivity
 to cost leadership for copy paper and folio in Europe with proven top quality.
 restructuring and transformation of the company from 3200 employees to 1800 and implementing a modern challenging company culture
 investing successfully Euro 300 Mio
• Turning “Mondi Business Paper in South Africa” as CEO, a company with Euro 550 Mio, for the IPO of Mondi in 2007 by execution of an extreme change process from a dramatic loss (Euro 8 Mio first 6 months in 2006 into a profit of more than Mio 45 Mio in 2007).
• Turning “Dunacell”, Hungary, as Interim Manager, a company with Euro 16 Mio from a sustainable yearly loss of Euro 2 Mio within 6 months into a “black zero”. The company could have been sold afterwards as it was the targeted by delfortgroup AG to its customer Rettenmaier.
2. Specific Experiences:
• Human Resources and Experience with different Cultures:
Successful companies make the difference by people, organisation, communication and company culture.
 Social competence and understanding of how to manage and develop successful people to a powerful team and to work together in effective organisations has been gained as a Project Manager, Project Director, Technical Director, Head of Technical Customer Service, Logistics, Sales Back Offices across Europe, CEO leading 2 major companies, COO working in huge Siberian pulp and paper mills, Interim Manager with a tremendous turn around in a very short time in Food Industry in Hungary.
 In one case co-working and in 3 cases being responsible for reorganisation projects of companies (with turnovers of Euro 16 Mio, Euro 130/800 Mio, 2x Euro 550 Mio) provide a sound understanding of how to assess and engage people even in such threatening procedure for employees.
 Human Resource capabilities have been acquired in Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, South Africa, Russia, Canada and Malaysia. During extensive business visits in USA, Chile, Brazil, Thailand and Brunei impressions also about these business environments were collected.
• Project Management:
 Neusiedler AG, Austria: Partly Project Team Member, partly Project Owner for the process change of the pulp mill from Ca- to Mg- Bisulphite, investments in new a boiler, a evaporation, a chemical recovery, a steam turbine, a fibre line, and a bleaching plant, a biological effluent treatment plant and a new 10 KV system.
 Mondi Business Paper AG, Austria, Slovakia, South Africa: Partly Project Owner and partly Project Sponsor for several major rebuilds/new investments of paper machines, boilers, gas turbines, steam turbines, landfill, industrial water treatments, effluent treatments, water turbines, 110 KV-, 10 KV electricity networks, 2 fully automated warehouses (17 000 pallets), 1 fully automated reel storage (8000 tons), 2 paper lines A4 cutting incl. packaging, 1 paper line Folio cutting incl. packaging, flue gas scrubber for recovery boiler, ammonium injection system, major bark boiler expansion project, bio sludge burning and many others.
 Mondi SCP a.s., Slovakia: Project Sponsor and Project Owner for the major expansion project (Euro 300 Mio) of the pulp and paper mill (450 000 tons pulp, 550 000 tons paper)
• Operation Experience:
The understanding of the technology for a successful execution of project or leading a company, especially in emergency countries:
 5 years at mechanical high school and 5 years at university for chemical engineering with excellent results provide the basis for understanding of the operational processes in many process industries (pulp, paper, chemical industry, breweries, energy, petro industry, cement and many others).
 35 years involved in different operations of pulp and paper production, in finishing lines, logistics, power plants and all other utilities give a practical background.
• Contract Management
Contracting is an essential for every part of business:
 Since 1985 when appointed a procurement manager all major contracts for all projects (total value of investments of Euro 550 Mio) have been negotiated. The biggest single commercial contracts were a Euro 50 Mio contract with Voith AG for a major rebuild of a paper machine (350 000 tons) and a Euro 30 Mio contract with Andritz AG for a boiler (80 bar, 525 C, 100 ton steam/h), all within a Euro 300 Mio project.
 Other negotiated contracts were for commodities, out sourcing (paper reel finishing in UK), sale of companies (eg. a forwarding company, a small paper mill, landfill operation), foundation of companies (eg. wood trading), joint ventures (eg with SAPPI in Nederland) and contracts for supply of maintenance and utilities for other companies.
• Business Development:
 As an appointed leader of a team of the Austrian paper company, delfortgroup AG, for a due diligence of a “brownfield”- opportunity in Thailand and for the analysis of several business parks in Thailand, Malaysia and Brunei huge experience were collected regarding the people and their capabilities, culture and performance, the political environment and the way how their organisations work, the possible subsidies from governments for investments, system for education, possible suppliers and real situation of all major types of costs. For one location all necessary negotiations, comprising subsidies of government, purchase of land, supply of water, gas, electricity, building permit, permit for operation of gas turbines and permit for environment with all relevant parties were executed respective ready to be signed. The environmental permit was still pending (6 months period for EIA) when I left the project in December 2011 as the company postponed its project because of an unexpected “JV- opportunity” in another Asian country.
• Infrastructure and Power Plant Management: water, effluent, electricity, steam, transportation
 Due to the extensive involvement in projects and/or operations there is also an excellent knowledge available for infrastructure projects like preparation of industrial water, waste water treatment, energy generation/supply by power plants, public grids and gas supply. Managed power plants with 550 tons steam/h, 100 MW electricity provision and plants for 7000 m3/day industrial water preparation respective effluent treatment.
 Leading many years a big logistic centre for shipping 1 Mio tons of paper worldwide provides the necessary background for all kinds of logistics.


October 2010 – December 2011 delfortgroup AG
Due Diligence of for a “brown field” project in Thailand; evaluation of business parks in Thailand, Malaysia and Brunei for a “green field” paper mill project
• Euro 300 Mio investment
• Achievement: Greenfield Project in principle ready for “go”

June 2010 – March 2011 delfortgroup AG
Energy optimisation for a paper mill in Finland
• Achievement: reduction of 18% of the energy consumption yearly sustainable savings Euro 2,5 Mio, ROI: 1,5 years

July 2009 – May 2010 Dunacell Kft. – Hungary
Interim Manager for delfortgroup AG
• Turnover: Euro 16 Mio
• Employees: 148 + 25 contractors, reduced to 92 in total, incl. contractors
• Achievement: Turn a sustainable loss of Euro 2,5 Mio within 6 months and without investment into a “black” zero with the potential to substantial profit (production, maintenance) in the following months; company could have been sold to its sole customer as targeted; the new owner, Rettenmaier AG, is still very happy with the company’s performance even 2 years later.

Feb.2009 – April 2009 Bukoza Holding a.s. - Slovakia
Advisor of the shareholder- owner

Aug.2008 - Nov.2008 Continental Management, Moscow
Interim COO for Bailkaski Mill, Eniseyski Mill
• Interruption of all contracts of all foreigners due to financial crisis 2008

Jan. 2008 Incorporation of own Company
Culmination MOPD Management, Operation, People Development

July 2006 – December 2007 Mondi Business Paper – South Africa
CEO of the 2 mills in Durban and Richardsbay (Turnaround Project)
• Turnover: Euro 550 Mio
• Employees: 2400 reduced to 2000
• Permanent Contractors: 1400 reduced to 450
• Contractors in plantations (325 000 ha): 12 000
• Achievement: Turn within a half a year from a loss of Euro 8 Mio into a Euro 45 Mio profit; IPO of Mondi could have been executed very successfully
2005 –2007 Member of a Mondi “Due Diligence Team” and “Steering Committee for Project in Syktyvkar” (Euro 550 Mio project)
• “Brown Field studies in Russia”: Kotals, Bratsk, Ust Ilimsk;
• Visits in Chile, Brazil: Veracel, Szuzano, Votarim

January 2003 – June 2006 Mondi Business Paper SCP – Slovakia
CEO and COO, Member of the Board of Directors
• Turnover: Euro 550 Mio
• Employees: 3200 reduced to 1800
• Achievement: Invest Euro 300 Mio; Reorganisation of the company and mill development to be the cost benchmark leader in Europe (incl. Russia) for copy paper; increase of production of pulp by 170 000 to 420 000 tons and paper by 180 000 to 520 000 tons

January 2001 – December 2002 Neusiedler SCP – Slovakia
Member of the Board and COO (see above 2003 to 2006)

1985 – 2002 Neusiedler AG – Europe
• Turnover increased from Euro 130 Mio in the year1985 to over Euro 800 Mio in 2000.
• Member of extended Executive Board and Holding Board
• Head of Technical Department (Investments and Maintenance, Power Plants, Chemical Recovery)
• Head of Competence Centre Logistics, Production Planning, Customer Service and all Sales Back Offices for all countries in Europe
• Head of Procurement
• Internal Project Manager for reorganisation
• Member of Project Team to form the Holding

1979 – 1985 Frantschach Pulp & Paper – Austria
Project engineer, Operation Assistant in the Pulp Mill, Corrosion, Material and Energy Expert
1978 – 1979 Technical University of Graz – Austria
Ass. Lecturer for Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer
1972 – 1973 Andritz AG, Graz, Austria
Detail construction engineer for Hydro Plants

Profile of an International Power Plant- and Utilities Manager for Capital Investment, Operation and Managing the Company, Energy Expert

Working 35 years as Project- and Operations Manager and later as COO and CEO in the Process Industry gives me specific knowledge and experience for all kind of small and big power plants, Industrial Water Preparation and Waste Water Treatment. In the course of these assignments I was:
• responsible for yearly maintenance budgets up to Euro 18 Mio
• managing small teams and companies up to more than 2400 employees
• executing Projects as Project Owner: sizes up to Euro 70 Mio
• executing Projects as Project Sponsor/Owner: sizes up to Euro 300 Mio
• managing Companies with turnovers in range between Euro 16 to 550 Mio
• negotiating with Authorities and representatives of local and federal governments
• working in 9 different countries (Austria, Finland, Hungary, Slovakia, South Africa, Russia, Thailand, Malaysia and Brunei) and gained a lot of social competence.

1. Realized Projects with Focus on Power Plants and Utilities:
o Frantschach AG, Austria: as Operation Assistant (operation of pulp mill and energy plant, Execution of Heat Balances and Optimisation of Operations after “second energy shock”) , Maintenance Engineer, for:
 AEG Kanis steam turbine (condensation)
 AEG Kanis steam turbine (back pressure)
 ABB steam turbine (back pressure)
 2 gas boiler La Mont HP (40 tons/h, 45 bar, 425 C)
 1 recovery boiler (180 tons/h, 80 bar, 480 C)
 1 recovery boiler (50 tons/h, 45 bar, 425 C)
 Whole power plant system (de-aerators, feed water system, network)
 lime kiln, 3 paper machines, 1 Yankee paper machine, pulp mill, pulp drying machine
 realization of a flue gas scrubber for recovery boiler (SO2- and dust removal)
o Neusiedler AG, Austria: as Project Team Member, Project Owner and/or Head of Operation for 2 Power Plants, Chemical Recovery System
 new recovery boiler (30 tons/h, 80 bar, 480 C)
 bio sludge burning in the recovery boiler
 Ammonium injection for reduction of emissions of NOx
 new steam turbine SGP (12 MW)
 retrofit of Escher Wyss old condensation turbine into back pressure turbine (6 MW)
 new effluent treatment plant for pulp and paper mill (5000 m3/day)
 new 10 KV system for pulp mill and power plant
 new compressor station for whole pulp and paper mill
 capacity increase (20%) and automation of gas boiler (55 tons/h, 80 bar, 480 C)
 change of boiler water conditioning to NaOH and NH3
 capacity increase (25%) of HP gas boiler (125 tons/h, 80 bar, 520 C)
 retrofit of AAB steam turbine (new blades, new bearings,..6 MW)
 new industrial water preparation (Krofta, water from river, 250 m3/h)
 retrofit of 2 hydro power plant: 500 KW
o Mondi SCP as, Slovakia: as Project Owner, Project Sponsor, CEO, COO:
 1 new recovery boiler: (100 ton/h, 85 bar, 525 C)
 1 new Siemens steam turbine: 22 MW
 110 KV/10 KV electricity networks: improvements and expansion
 Major bark boiler expansion project with Kvaerner/Metso: (45 bar, 420 C, increase from 120 to 180 tons steam/h)
 Retrofit of 2 steam turbines: (output increase from 10 to 13 MW)
 New operations concept for gas turbines: net profit Euro 6 Mio per year
 Dynamic steam network analysis for stable operation of paper machines

2. Operation Experience: 5 years at mechanical high school and 5 years at university for chemical engineering with excellent results provide a good basis for understanding of all important processes of a power plant and utilities.
The own direct and indirect responsibility comprises the following Power Plant and Utilities Equipment:
 Steam Turbines: 10 MW Siemens, 6 MW ABB, 12 MW SGP, 6 MW Escher Wyss, 22 MW Siemens, 20 MW Skoda, 2x12 MW Skoda, 38 MW, 34 MW, 3x5 MW
 Gas Turbines with boilers: 2x15 MW Mitsubishi, 26 MW GE
 Coal Boilers (ton steam/h): 3x80, 3x85
 Gas/Oil Boilers (ton steam/h): 30, 50, 50, 120, 2x60, 70
 Recovery Boiler (ton steam/h): 180, 45, 30, 30, 100, 300. 270, 160, 30
 Bark boiler (tons steam/h): 120
 Industrial Water Preparation: Flotation with Al2SO4, PAC,
 Feed Water Preparation: Fe2CL3 Reactor, Dynsand Filter, Kationic-, Anionic-, Mixed Bed Filter, Anthrazit Filter,
 Boiler Water Conditioning: by NaOH, NH3
 Effluent Treatments: 7000 m3/day, 8000m3/day by biological process
 Compressor Stations: Turbo and Screw Compressors
 110 KV/10 KV systems (along with another expert): 2x 100 MW , 1x 50 MW, 1x20MW

3. Experience in Team building & Organisation development: Social competence and understanding how to manage and develop successful people to a powerful team have been acquired by working in 6 different countries as a Project Manager, a Project Director, a Technical Director, a Head of Power Plants, Head of Maintenance and Engineering Department, by leading as CEO 2 major companies, working as COO in huge Siberian pulp and paper mills, as Interim Manager with a tremendous turn around in a very short time in Food Industry.
The above mentioned projects were managed with matrix- organisations according to a FEEP project type. External (foreigners from many different countries) Project Managers worked together with the Employees (from operation, maintenance, engineering and administration) of the company and this cooperation was very effective and successful. This organisation generated huge benefits for the company due to training on the job, know how remaining in the company, good acceptance of the equipment by the operators and maintenance.

4. Experience in Contracting & Procurement: Since appointment as a procurement manager in 1985 all major contracts for all projects (total value of investments of more than Euro 550 Mio) have been negotiated. The biggest single commercial contracts were a Euro 50 Mio contract with Voith AG for a major rebuild of a paper machine (350 000 tons) and a Euro 30 Mio contract with Andritz for a boiler (80 bar, 525 C, 100 tons steam/h), all within a Euro 300 Mio project.
Other negotiated contracts were for commodities, out sourcing (reel finishing in UK), sale of companies (eg. forwarding company, a small paper mill, landfill), foundation of companies (eg. wood trading), joint ventures (eg with SAPPI in Nederland) and contracts for supply of maintenance and utilities for other companies.
Remark: EPC contracts would make no difficulties!


Education: Technical University Graz, Austria
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering


International Leader, CEO, COO, Interim- Turn-around Manager and Engineer
International Power Plant- and Utilities Manager for Capital Investment, Operation Managing, Energy Expert


German (native language), English (fluent)


Mobility: worldwide
Availability: according to agreement
Engagement: permanent position or contract


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