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IT Manager / Key Account Manager / Geschäftsführer

IT Manager / Key Account Manager / Geschäftsführer

Work Experience

01.08.04 - up to now Management Consultant & Key Account Manager with Logica GmbH
- Key Account Manager Audi AG focussing on CRM/marketing/sales portal systems, process management and ERP implementations
- Project acquisition automotive
- Operations manager all over responsible for all Logia projects Audi AG
- Analysis, restructure and international outsourcing of IT infrastructures and application managements
- Project Manager for design and architecture of a new Backend Systems
- Team Manager with managerial responsibilities & Account Manager Audi AG (ca. 3 Mio € p.a.)

01.10.03 - 30.07.04 Interims Manager Managing Director & Account Manager with CCOS GmbH
CCOS GmbH is a SW company with ca. 65 employees worldwide
focussing on onsite-offshore projects SW development (CRM /e Training)
and project management in Europe. My mission was to optimize and finally sell the company CCOS GmbH.
- Responsible for general Management of onsite offshore IT Projects
- Responsible for marketing and market positioning of CCOS services and business application products
- Managerial responsibility of 15 European project manager & sales people and up to 50 internal and external software developer
General management, key account management and Project acquisition (ca. 1 Mio €)

01.01.03 - 30.09.03 Senior Manager IT- Bertelsmann AG, Corporate Center IT
- Analyse the exiting efficiency of global Bertelsmann AG IT infrastructure.
- Develop central strategies for redesign the worldwide IT infrastructure, concentrating on: communication Systems (voice/data), international data centres and business Applications of RTL and BMG
- Define the SLA’s for all divisions and external companies in co-operation with related managing directors
- Outsourcing of Bertelsmann AG main IT infrastructure and IT infrastructure-services to external companies and international shared service centres
- Define internal and external IT Services products.
- Lead of many international contract negotiations and handling of pre-sales services and customer rollouts
- Project volume up to 90 Mio EUR

17.07.00 - 01.01.03 Senior Manager international IT-Projects with Bertelsmann AG (BOL)
- Design, development, integration and roll out of the complete new Bertelsmann AG world wide e-Business Platform
The new platform has a budget of ca. 8 MIO EUR and includes all frontend systems like e.g. store, CRM, Campaign Management, Payment systems, CMS and customer service as well all Backend systems like e. g. product storage (up to 10 MIO products), product Sourcing, product shipping, data storage & hosting and search engines.
- Implementing business processes of international companies like e.g. different marketing online campaigns systems, cross shipment, direct up selling, direct online CS, complex product search processes, referrer integration and personalizing
- Project acquisition up to 3 MIO EUR per year, internal and external and key accounting
- Responsible for international contract negotiation up to 5 MIO Euro
- Managerial responsibility of 10 leading project managers

01.07.97 - 17.07.00 Senior Consultant with Bertelsmann AG (BMG / BMS)
- Operative Responsibility for IT Infrastructure of ca. 10.000 employees Main parts of theses infrastructure are: communication (voice, data, internat. network) data centres & hosting and ERP/EAI business applications
- Define standards and service levels of all levels of IT infrastructure and
Responsible for international rollouts and future strategic orientation
- Build up and integration of long term strategies of the international IT systems to optimise the cost/usability balance in co-operation with the managing directors
- Responsible for outsourcing projects of internal and external companies
- Project acquisition internal and external and key accounting
- Main operation field in Europe and USA.

01.01.96 - 01.07.97 Consultant with GMO
- Consulting and projects leads of various European companies regarding integration of ERP&EAI business applications, CRM structures, SW Development and LAN / WAN / Voice infrastructures
- Pre- & post sales and accounting

01.11.93 - 31.12.95 SW Development Engineer with ddw Computersysteme
- Responsible of SW development projects for many various European companies. Main part of the object oriented SW development was: end user applications for quality assurance, data visualisations, relative databases and ISO 9000 reports Responsible for build up and maintenance of IT Networks (NOVELL & Microsoft) at all international ddw clients
- Pre- & post sales and accounting
- Main branches were automotive (e. g. Daimler Benz, Ford, BMW) Financial Companies (e. g. Deutsche Bank) and various industrial companies like BRAAS, Henkel AG and Wella


02 / 90 - 10 / 93 Studium Nachrichtentechnik an der FH Lübeck,
Schwerpunkt und Diplom in technischer Informatik, Abschluss mit Note 2,0 als Diplom Ingenieur

10 / 00 - 04 / 02 Berufsbegleitend Studium Ökonomie (VWL, BWL) bei der AKAD Hochschule, Abschluss mit Note 2,6 als Hochschul Fach-Ökonom,
Fachrichtung Marketing

01.11.93 - fortlaufend
- diverse, betriebsinterne Seminare aus den Bereichen: Sprachen (Englisch), Projektmanagement, Betriebswirtschaft und technischen Vertiefungen
- Projektmanagement: PMI - PMP Zertifizierung
- Servicemanagement: ITIL Zertifizierung
- Qualitätsmanagement: ISTQB Certified Tester
- Netzwerke
- Certified Novell Engineer (CNE)


nterim Management und Geschäftsführung von IT Unternehmen
Projektmanagement von Grossprojekten der IT
Turn around von Projekten in Kritischen Phasen
Key Account Management / Vertrieb Service Leistungen und IT Produkten
Interim Management und Geschäftsführung von IT Unternehmen


german, english


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