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Dr Sc Techn ETH, Dipl Masch Ing ETH

Dr Sc Techn ETH, Dipl Masch Ing ETH

Work Experience

Positions held:
2003 - present Free lance engineering consultant & proprietor, MCBC
2002-2003 Head, Astronautics Division & partner, Andromeda srl
1998-2000 Scientific Director for Technologies of the Frontier
1994-1999 Organizer and co-chair, IAA Symposia on Space Activities & Society
1990-1998 Vice-President, The OURS Foundation (Basle/ Embrach)
1989-2002 Principal Engineer for mechanical systems studies, Contraves Space AG
1987-1988 Senior scientist, ISRS technology; Contraves, Space Department;
1986-1989 Advisor to the Orbiting Unification Ring Satellite (OURS) Project
1982-1986 System engineer & study leader, inflatable, space-rigidized structures (ISRS) technology development; Contraves, Space Department
1978-1982 Project engineer, Large space structures study, Contraves AG
1974-1978 Teaching Assistant, Institute for Aerodynamics, ETHZ
1972 Industrial internship, Contraves AG, Zurich (FEM program development)


Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Zurich (ETHZ)
Dr Sc Techn ETH -- fluid mechanics: thermophysics
Dipl Masch Ing ETH -- with specializations in:
* lightweight structures
* fluid mechanics
additional courses in: mathematical methods, numerics, OR, FEM.


* expert in lightweight structures, astronautical systems, and astronautics and society assessments
* extensive experience in the development of ultralight structure technologies and application designs
* consultant to the European Space Agency (ESA) for futures assessment
* ability to coordinate interdisciplinary teams (scientists/ engineers/ architects/ artists)
* appreciated presenter and speaker
* high-quality reporting
* lecturer on large space structures at the International Space University (ISU), and on basic fluid mechanics at the ETH
* experience with FEM, numerical methods, structural technology & materials


Italian - Native
English - Fluent
German - Fluent
French - Fluent


Professional Societies Affiliations:
since 2006 Member, British Interplanetary Society
since 2000 Member, IEEE & Society for the Social Implications of Technology
since 1995 Full Member, International Academy of Astronautics
2004-2006 Member, Extropy Institute
1990-1992 Professional Member, World Future Society
Since 1979 Member, then Senior Member, American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics.
1972-1975 Member, then President (1973-75), Zurich Section of Euroavia (the European Aerospace Students Association)


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