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CDO/CIO/General Management de Transition

CDO/CIO/General Management de Transition

Work Experience

Feb ’11 – Mar ’15 Neopost - General Manager Data quality Software Business Unit

Create and build out Data Quality software division within Neopost as part of further digital transformation: lead the organic and external growth with direct P&L management of Data Quality Software Entities; acquisition of key local players in Data Quality space (Human Inference - NL, DMTI Spatial - Canada) and integration of acquisitions into a new business unit creating new products and solutions in customer & big data space – Member of Neopost Executive Team
- double digit organic growth, EBIT improvement in double digit. Successful transition to Agile, Scrum, Cloud based software (from waterfall/license based origins)
- all aspects of pre and post acquisitions of mid size software players

Feb ‘08 - Feb ‘11 Neopost - Director Solutions Group (Director of Digital Transformation)

Create and build out a Neopost digital transformation division for transformation into a software / digital / Cloud player integrating acquired software entities by identifying markets, products and strategies to allow transformation of Neopost resulting in Neopost becoming a top 10 player in French software industry in 2014 from scratch in 2008

Sept ‘05 - June ‘08 Neopost - Group IT Director / CIO

Transformation of local IT teams into a shared service centre model and as such initiation of first worldwide shared IT strategy, including deployment of common ERP, CRM, PLM and infrastructure in shared service environment set up for this purpose. Total team of 200 FTE in 9 locations, budget: 35m EUR

Prior to 2005
- WW CIO roles for various US and French B2B actors in service, hardware and IT technologies
- CFO EMEA APC by Schneider from 1998 - 2001, in charge of all Finance, IT, Legal aspects of 300m USD revenue across Europe, Middle East and Africa


- 2007/9 HEC (France) - Neopost management courses (general management, innovation management)
- 2001 INSEAD Executive Program Singapore/Fontainebleau, France
- 1984 - 1991 Groningen University. Netherlands, Master in Computing Sciences & in Business Administration
- 1990 Hogskolan i Boras, Sweden, International Business Program


Transformation Management, Leadership, Pre & Post Acquisition integration, (Large) IT project Management in sales / business environments, International Management


French, Dutch, English (all fluent/trilingual), German (working knowledge)


Active participation as "Business Angel +" in start-ups in B2C environments


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