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supply Chain & Transformation Consultant

supply Chain & Transformation Consultant

Work Experience

August 2016 – December 2016 – Senior Supply Chain Consultant – Heinz
BV Zeist

Supporting the European Supply Chain Lead and SOP team within the Sauces
category to review critcial areas and initiatives within the business related to
sourcing, capital spend and capacity. The driver being what to do where, smartly
and in a sustainable manner for the European business. Was a very successful 5
months working with a highly motivated and energised team of experts, results
were delivered in weeks vs months, with saving exceeding 30M$.

Nov 2014 – May 2016 - CPG Lead Consultant– Larsen &Toubro
Technology Services.

My engagement with the L&T Technical services team, as part of the sales team has come with a very specific brief, namely one of developing, designing and then executing a Value Add Business service programme for the engineering giant to move the company, stepwise up the Value Chain, starting with key trusted clients. This has taken almost 9 months of “nurturing” and I am currently driving a Euro programme for a Global Agriproducts client, where financial deliverables and bottom line benefits are very visible. This comes with many challenges not the least identifying key and correct skills, knowledge base and commitment to build such a new Revenue Stream, which is in the arena of “ Consultancy” currently not core to the L&T group. My focus is on driving End to End supply chain with Clients around OPEX, profitability etc using my capabilities / skills from the industry to strengthen the offering of the L&T team.Main areas of engagement with Clients is in Strategy development, Network design and Operational Excellence. Two projects were delivered OTIF and with projected savings and Capital Avoidance.


Employment History – AS SELF EMPLOYED

August 2016 – December 2016 – Senior Supply Chain Consultant – Heinz
BV Zeist

Supporting the European Supply Chain Lead and SOP team within the Sauces
category to review critcial areas and initiatives within the business related to
sourcing, capital spend and capacity. The driver being what to do where, smartly
and in a sustainable manner for the European business. Was a very successful 5
months working with a highly motivated and energised team of experts, results
were delivered in weeks vs months, with saving exceeding 30M$.

Nov 2014 – May 2016 - CPG Lead Consultant– Larsen &Toubro
Technology Services.

My engagement with the L&T Technical services team, as part of the sales team has come with a very specific brief, namely one of developing, designing and then executing a Value Add Business service programme for the engineering giant to move the company, stepwise up the Value Chain, starting with key trusted clients. This has taken almost 9 months of “nurturing” and I am currently driving a Euro programme for a Global Agriproducts client, where financial deliverables and bottom line benefits are very visible. This comes with many challenges not the least identifying key and correct skills, knowledge base and commitment to build such a new Revenue Stream, which is in the arena of “ Consultancy” currently not core to the L&T group. My focus is on driving End to End supply chain with Clients around OPEX, profitability etc using my capabilities / skills from the industry to strengthen the offering of the L&T team.Main areas of engagement with Clients is in Strategy development, Network design and Operational Excellence. Two projects were delivered OTIF and with projected savings and Capital Avoidance.

Employment History

Sept 2012 to June 2014- KRAFT HEINZ BV European QSM /Sauces Supply Chain development manager followed by European Operations Transformation Lead – Sauces category.

The European Operations Transformation function, involved partnering and supporting the Global Procurement,, Zone Marketing, R&D and Operations teams in developing, maintaining and executing the Zone category initiative programme ensuring financial benefits are delivered on time in cost. This role’s main activity was t lead the category programme and category execution team, driving delivery of the Zone category programme, as part of the defined Operations strategy with the associated savings, both on time in full.

• Supply Chain Strategy Development and Planning – European across 6 internal sites and several co-packers
• Leadership of category project management team – a team of 9 PM’s across 4 locations
• Capital Investment Planning and Reporting – budget annual of approx 25M$ and additional Operational Transformational budget of 50M$
• Business Partnership – across all functional heads in Europe.

Nov 2009 to June 2012 – UNILEVER Global Category Engineering and Technology Director as well as SC Director - Beverages.

• Design a 5 year programme across the globe and functional expertise base to further grow the business in Latin America and diversify into Asia
• Double the business in value in 5 years and grow the margin by 6 bases points 350M euro business to 700MEuros value by 2015.
• Develop a technical roadmap to freshen the category technology, innovate re technology and facilitate roll-out ( taking it from a regional to a global business) win back the “competitive edge”
• Leadership of Virtual teams of 5 direct and over 28 indirect reports and several suppliers
• Identifying required skills / competencies for the global business and then Building capabilities for fast deployment across the globe, a supply chain strategy which is robust with clear KPI’s and deliverables as well as a technology roadmap for the next 5 years.
• Champion major Innovation Capital projects. Key for all capital projects was and is reduction of costs and speed of innovation – have worked very closely with a number of ESP( engineering service providers) to bring a 20% capital reduction to the Capital spend of the category - currently set at 80MEuros / year – engineering element was approx 10MEuros.
• Development of Joint Business Plans with external suppliers

2006 to May 2009 - UNILEVER Global Savoury Supply Chain & Technology Director.

• Developing leading edge technology with key strategic suppliers, for a new product launch
• Identifying, verifying commercially and then setting up new manufacturing sites, Greenfield, Brownfield – Europe, Asia and Latin America
• Carrying out both Project Engineering and Project Management roles in parallel – Countries included China, Europe and Mexico.
• Developing and implementing a technology strategy for the category which was aligned and focused - very close collaboration with the suppliers, NPI and the non-foods division of Unilever – using the,latter to implement proven practices
• Development of cross technical teams across the regions to allow self support over the coming years
• Leading the technical teams across operations, regions with various cultures and expectations needing to be managed
• No direct reports but technical team I led ranged form 10 – 25 people.

These projects have involved responsibility for Capital over 10MEuros right upto OTIF( on time and in full), which has been delivered for both China and Europe.

Next phase involved projects with a total Capex of 28MEuro .

2002 to 2006 - UNILEVER Global Supply Chain director - Savoury.
• Re-aligning the European strategy as a priority, re-structuring the 21 European sites we had in 2003, to a target of 11 by 2007.
• Benchmarking operations in America, Latin America, Australia, Turkey with the aim to then set their strategic direction
• Delivered results - site saving of 20% on End Conversion cost on average / site
• In the last year, as the regional strategies are now taking shape, have spent time on key core technologies, to facilitate fast, cost effective innovation rollouts.
1998 – 2002 UNILEVER
Global Culinary Category Packaging Manager
• Packaging optimisation / harmonisation and innovation
• World class manufacturing.
• Developed a value addition packaging programme which benefited the business
• Global skills analysis initiative set up starting with Europe
Global Category Engineer UNILEVER
• Benchmarked sites globally
• Identified and implemented key elements for the Category Strategy for World Class Manufacturing( WCM) as well as Innovation.
• Developed with suppliers Low Cost Flexible Packaging technology – end goal was, to achieve a path towards WCM – opportunities identified in terms of efficiencies, complexity and optimisation / harmonisation.

Global Technology Convergence Manager – UNILEVER M & A and change MGT
• Technical role during the acquisition / merger process of Unilever and Bestfoods – the bridge between the 2 sourcing strategies
• Globally reviewed all plants, and though not responsible for any direct P&L, was directly responsible for benchmarking the sites and coming up with a strategic sourcing strategy and then for the sites which would remain open to come up with a 5 year plan on how to achieve set Performance Indicators.
• Working with people across the globe, with different cultures, understanding skill base etc and was what I found to be the most challenging role to date within Unilever.

1998 - 1995 Unilever Research Vlaardingen( Foods)

1995 – 1998 - UNILEVER European Culinary Category Engineering Manager.
• Worked across the key European sites, to identify key core machine suppliers setting up specifications against which machinery could be bought.
• Developed lobal buying contracts. Used this to create European strategy for World Class Manufacturing and then started implementation, was then also taken to S. Africa.

1991 – 1994 Lever Brothers Warrington and Lever Europe( Non-Foods)
Maintenance Manager ( 19mths) –
• Responsible for 26 shift engineers and the continuous operation of the site
Project Manager – Europe
• Spent 16 months as the European Project manager for all the engineering aspect across 5 sites for the parallel launch of Omo / Persil power – ensuring the machines were ordered to the same spec, delivered on time, commissioned and production was out ready for the launch.This involved me working across UK, Italy, France, Germany and Spain
Works Manager - Warrington Powders Factory.
• The key achievement here was managing the 5 sites parallel with 5 separate project teams each approx 6 – 8 strong and keeping one European specification, and then delivering this as a marketing mix on time and on budget – Warrington being the flagship from where all other activities were driven.
Category Packaging Manager, - Laundry
• Delivering higher factory efficiencies, harmonisation's and optimisation programmes.
1987 – 1989 – Mattessons Walls( Foods) – Manchester - UK
• Management trainee - project engineer
• Shift Bakery Manager
• Performance improvements Manager
Set-up of a new Fresh Bakery Plant – working close with Equipment Suppliers – responsible for 42 people in the factory, and was first European Bakery for Unilever. Then moved onto the Meat plants for efficiency improvement work.

1989 – 1991- Mattessons Walls( Foods) – Banbury
• Marketing exposure for new product launch – 8mths
• Assisted in planned Factory closure in London
The closure of the meat plant was as my first real exposure to how a business impacts people’s daily lives a real eye opener – and set solid for myself how one should work with others and to be very conscious of the prevailing conditions, which of course will be different for each situation.

I am a highly driven, self-motivated, delivery biased supply chain and engineering leader having worked 26 years at Unilever and most recently within Heinz. I am a married mother 51 years of age, with 2 children, ages 16 and 19 and live in the heart of the Netherlands, on a self-renovated farm. Since 2016 I have my own business in the arena of Supply Chain strategy and Transformation.

My motivations are to work for a business who wants to WIN, has clear defined plans on how to achieve this and thus empowering its leaders to implement.


My core skills, competencies and knowledge base within Supply Chain and Engineering though quite diverse over the past 27years, have focused in the areas of:

1. Category & Operations Strategy and Manufacturing Optimsation Globally
2. Engineering & Technology roadmap/programme to ensure Lean design, Right first time and Repeatable models (key during mergers and acquisitions), working closely with Operations and Supplier base globally (bias in the upfront end of the manufacturing process – Pack).
3. Change management, - 2 key topics being the merger with Bestfoods in 2000, and outsourcing of all Engineering Services / Capital projects and working with Eastern service providers.More recently with Heinz the entire European operational re-organisation as a result of being bougjht by the 3G Capital group and Berkshire and Hathaway
4. Leadership & People Management of multifunctional teams for top performance – both face to face and virtual.
5. Project Management & delivery – of Capital projects – all sizes / complexity.
6. Programme delivery for a given category globally, and engaging at top level with key suppliers, in Joint Business Programmes.

The key driver within all my roles has been to bring to market innovations and optimise existing operations( European and Global Networks) with the emphasis being on quality, speed and costs.


Dutch & English


1983 – 1986 University of Manchester Degree - Chemistry / Biology – BSc Honours 2:1 with distinction
1989 – 1990 University of Salford
Advanced Certificate in Management Applications.

Languages English, Dutch and Gujarati

Outside Interests

The time I have I spend preferably with my children and in the farm we bought 22 years ago.I enjoy sports( motivated after loosing ability to walk in 2000), cooking and gardening and am involved in various charity and church activities.
My husband and children, can also after almost 3 years of hard work enjoy our indoor swimming pool and relaxing area. !!!! Further I enjoy working with various charities and the local church as a volunteer.


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