Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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interim manager/consultant

interim manager/consultant

Work Experience

I have worked for 35 years in the Computer industry and in the Telecom industry, the first 25 years in R&D , the last 10 years in Services. Managing teams in many countries. Most R&D projects were related to SW development, some to HW development. In Services I was responsible for project deployment ( HW and SW), project management, training, customer support etc. I have worked in Canada ( 3.5 years), USA ( 6 month), China (2.5 years), Asia/Pacific (from Singapore)(3.5 years) and the rest of my career in the Netherlands with many contacts
in Europe and the Middle East. Most recent experience is in Project deployment and Customer support in Asia. Managing up to 500 people and revenues up to $250M.


Technical University of Delft, engineer in Mathematical-Physics 1967


-Understanding the ins and out of large deployment projects
-managing customer expectations
-risk management


Dutch- fluent
English- fluent
German - Understanding:good, writing/speaking:moderate
French-Understanding:moderate, writing/speaking:poor


Looking for short and temporary opportunities in western Europe, the Middle East , China ,Indonesia etc


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