Flex Manager
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interim manager

interim manager

Work Experience

Professional employment:

2000 – present: Miscellaneous assignments as interim manager and business consultant, including:
American multinational, market leader in industrial cleaning and sanitizing. Implementation Sarbanes-Oxley for the companies in the Netherlands and Belgium (European distribution centre).
Group of companies involved in media and broadband technologies, production and distribution of content. As interim CFO been responsible for reorganisation and financial restructuring as preparation for an IPO, takeover or merger. Merger realised in a later stage.
Recently supported the company successfully in a legal conflict with a major media organisation.
IntraSites BV
Application service provider and software development. As interim CFO been responsible for organising the company, investors’ relations and preparation of business plans for second round funding.
Endemol Entertainment Holding BV
International television production company. As intended CFO prepared the detailed business plan for a new media company comprising commercial television, radio, print and internet broadcasting. Not realised due to the take-over of the company by Telefónica SA.
Reorganisation plan film distribution company (fully implemented), consulting a major publisher for a new radio station, advisor on treasury accounting to several companies, informal counsellor to a number of entrepreneurs (a.o. on implementation IFRS).

1997 – 2000: RTL/Veronica de Holland Media Groep SA, chief financial officer
Market leader in commercial television in the Netherlands through exploitation of the commercial televisionstations RTL 4, RTL 5 and Veronica (renamed to Yorin). Additionally the company owns a radio station and a television production company.
Member of the Executive Board (four directors), in charge of finance and ICT.
Been responsible for reshaping the internal organization, reorganization of the finance and ICT function, development and implementation of information and automation plan and cleansing of the polluted and therefore unreliable financial records. Also realized new joint ventures with content providers (mainly Endemol) and telecom companies (KPN, Libertel). Results before taxes improved from € 3 million to
€ 33 million.

1993 - 1997: KLM Catering Services Schiphol BV, chief financial officer
The company is a logistics operator with two extensive production and assembly plants, providing inflight catering services to KLM and other airlines; privatised on October 1st, 1993 from KLM NV (Royal Dutch Airlines).
Executive Board of two directors; in charge of finance, ICT, re-engineering of logistics and operations (temporarily).
Been responsible for the financial and legal privatisation from the KLM organisation and the development and implementation of a new logistics concept. Project dimensions: € 35 million, duration 3 years, project staff about 70. Consequences: major reorganization, extensive construction projects (adjustments to building and mechanization), implementation of logistic information systems and process-based costing and pricing. Results improved from a loss before taxes of € 7,5 million to a profit of € 7 million.

1992 - 1993: Miscellaneous assignments, amongst others at the options exchange, a privatised public transporter and a consultancy firm.

1987 - 1992: Amoptions Holding BV, chief financial officer
Operating on stock and option exchanges in Europe and the USA. As CFO been in charge of finance, information technology, personnel and organization and the international co-ordination. Been responsible amongst others for development and implementation of information and automation plan, founding of new entities and the acquisition and divesture of companies by the group.

1984 - 1987: Algemene Bank Nederland, audit manager
Acquired broad international experience through carrying out organizational and operational reviews at branches and subsidiaries of the bank (Middle and Far East, USA and South America).

1979 - 1984: Coopers & Lybrand, audit manager/edp auditor

1975 - 1979: Algemene Rekenkamer, assistant auditor

1973 - 1975: Moret & Limperg, assistant auditor


Registeraccountant, qualified through Royal N.I.v.R.A.


Organisations: media, manufacturing and assembly, financial institutions, internet, external auditing, public sector.
Proficiencies: financial, general and operational management, information technology, media and marketing, logistics, accountancy and edp audit
interim management, change management and consultancy
international experience.


German (basic knowledge)
French (basic knowledge)


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