Flex Manager
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GM or VP

GM or VP

Work Experience

1999 - Consulting BV - Amsterdam NL

1995 - 1999 VP Sales & Marketing – Calixon/Descartes N.V. - R’Dam/N’Gein NL

1992 - 1995 Sales/Marketing Manager - SAS Institute - Heidelberg D

1986 - 1992 General Manager - Software AG Nederland B.V. - Amsterdam NL

1982 - 1986 General Manager - VCI Value Computing GmbH - Düsseldorf D

1978 - 1982 Sales Director - The European Software Company - Düsseldorf D

1976 - 1978 Sales Support Engineer - CAP-Gemini Sogeti - Düsseldorf D


As Dutch national he completed his formal education in the Netherlands with a High school directed program towards international commercial trading. Subsequently followed academic education in modern Languages and International Trade. Bou further developed his education on the job at various junior and middle management level assignments at Information Processing departments of international companies such as Royal van Leer and VBA, during which time he followed all relevant education programs in particular at IBM's education centre. In addition a number of commercial education programs, such as American Management School (UK), Commercial Sales Management at Gustaf Käser in Zürich (CH).
Speaks fluent and writes perfect Dutch, English and German, with reasonable command and understanding of French.


General Manager Experience

In his career Bou has managed several companies at the MD or General Manager level. A solid knowledge of the European IT-Market and experience with negotiating at top management level with the top 500 European Multi- Nationals, provide a very broad background in a growing European inner-market. The capacity to address most negotiations in the local language with excellent understanding of the local cultures and business habits is key to any Hard-, Software, Application or Service organisation operating throughout Europe. Also, European organisations that operate in the USA will be able to benefit from Bou's background. As General Manager of US companies, he developed capabilities to manage the different views and attitudes of Europeans and Americans. This ability is key in succeeding in today's global economy. Bou's exposure to both General Management as well as Sales Management has given him the ability to have an eye for both the Revenue as well as the Profit-margin objectives.

Sales and Marketing Experience

A successful commercial career in several European Countries, provides for a well-balanced attitude in sensitive yet demanding sales opportunities. The various assignments as Sales Executive enables a good approach in selecting the right staff for sales oriented organisations as well as the right style to deal with people and getting the best out of them in terms of motivation and productivity. Good understanding of reliable and conscientious forecasting guarantees for optimal financial planning. Bou understands the importance of both delivering products as well as providing for the necessary professional services element. Today's customer likes to be served by an organisation willing to take total service responsibility and this is rewarded by both revenue numbers as well as customer loyalty. In all his assignments Bou has performed above quota targets, in most cases exceeding all objectives by a wide margin.

Industry Knowledge and Exposure

The past ten years have been quite a change in the computer industry, both from a Software as well as from a Hardware point of view. In his role as General Manager for VCI- Value Computing Inc. as well as for Software AG and SAS Institute , Bou has been very close to all these innovations. Knowing the complexity and rapid changes in these areas, Bou has a good understanding of the way to combine both technical competence as well as personality to address the needs of the technical expert as well as the end-user and his specific needs and demands. An excellent understanding of the ICT architecture's and product lines, combined with a good understanding of the growing IP architecture's that evolve around open platforms. Knowing the sensitivity of current management to issues of right/down sizing, implementation of ERP, CRM systems and Executive Information Systems. OLAP and Multidimensional Databases, ROI on IT Projects Enterprise wide, and the practical challenges associated with these issues gives Bou the ability to discuss these matters with maturity at the right level. The exposure to the decision makers with most of the large companies in Europe and in Holland in particular as well as his knowledge of the European IT-Industry as a whole and the Dutch, Belgium, Austrian, Swiss and German IT-Industry in specific, is of benefit to those organisations who want to grow and or establish operation in Europe and the USA.

Management Style

Management style is adaptable and flexible, leaving room for individuals as well as ensuring teamwork is established in the appropriate environments. Decision-making must be fast and concise, not including or excluding group consensus decisions as well as individual decision-making. Line management will receive decision freedom but also full direct accountability and touch and feel for P/L responsibility. Each individual should be given all possible levels of freedom to ensure that his capabilities are identified as early as possible, and put to positive use for the corporation as soon as possible. His charismatic personality guarantees for good leadership and strengthens the team effort to succeed. Bou strongly feels that "education permanente" is essential for people to grow in their jobs and be more motivated. Knowing how to apply the right incentive programs for all staff to feel rewarded for the efforts they put into the job to succeed as a member of the total team, guarantees for top performance both as an individual as well as a member of the team.


Dutch, German, English and French


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