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CFO, Controller, Internal Auditor

CFO, Controller, Internal Auditor

Work Experience

over 20 years employed by international operating production/sales company (Chemicals)in the following functions:
* 1999/2001 - Manager Global Internal Audit and Cash Management (reporting to CFO)
* 1991/1999 - European Controller (reporting to Global Controller)
* 1979/1991 - E.g. Country Controller
Experienced in:
- Taxes
- Treasury
- Legal affairs
- Audit
- M & A, divestitures
- Process re-design
- Project management


- Various external courses, like taxes, treasury, etc.
- Various company seminars, like process re-design, strategy, etc.


- Dutch fluently (writing/speaking)
- English fluently (writing/speaking)
- French limited


- willing to travel abroad


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