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business development director

business development director

Work Experience

Following an early background in Economics and then in Operational Research he worked for Coopers & Lybrand in the field of supply chain optimisation.

He qualified as an accountant and specialised in the financial impact of supply chain strategies. This work lead him to the business process re-engineering experts Alexander Proudfoot where he was responsible for the value analysis assignment following the merger of Asea and Brown Boveri.

During his 5 years with ERP leader SSA he held senior product development, sales and marketing roles and was responsible for the integration of supply chain complements with the ERP backbone.

A chartered marketer, most of his assignments are for enterprises seeking to combine supply chain optimisation and collaboration through b2b exchanges.

His clients have included IT suppliers such as mainframe leader MSA, the process industry ERP leader SSA, Digital Equipment, the Mapics ERP division of IBM and some end user corporations including Novartis.


BA Exeter University Economics 1977
MSc Warwick University Business School Management 1979

British Computer Society 1983
ACMA 1984
CPIM 1986
Dip M 1987


business development,
value analysis,
value alignment in high tech businesses,
channel design and recruitment


English, French, German


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