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Change manager

Change manager

Werkervaring interimmanager

Alex aluminium extrusions bvba Gullegem 1/9/09-4/12/09
Managing Director
Recently started extrusion company, 40 people
Loss making and restructuring needed.
Focus shift introduced
Results came instantly, first month already had a positive EBIT
Next steps introduced, following months had even better results
After 3 month the owner decided that local management could take over again.

Sapa RC Profiles NV/SA Lichtervelde/Ghlin (former Remi Claeys Aluminium) 2003 - 15/06/09 Managing Director
Belonging to the Sapa Group (HO in Stockholm, Sweden),
2 sites operation (Lichtervelde and Ghlin), 385 people, 150M€ turnover
Total restructuring of the company
From structural loss making to above industry average profitability
Turnover: almost doubled
Value added sales approach, from 0% to at present 20% of total turnover
Decreased vulnerability by market diversification
Streamlined organisation with TPS focus
Improved productivity by 40%
Manning reduced 15%

Sapa Headoffice, Luxemburg and Stockholm 2001-2003
Group logistics & IT
Setup of group metal coordination
Reduced stock levels by >30M€
Guaranteed supply of raw material for the group
Setup of group IT coordination
Implemented rules for intercompany trading

Sapa Nederland BV Hoogezand (NL) / Former Scandex Aluminium 1983 -2001
Managing Director 1999 -2001
All time high EBIT in 2000
Highest EBIT in Sapa in 2001

Deputy Managing Director 1996-1999
Previous function but including Customer Service and Finance.
Substitude for MD
Operations manager 1989-1996

Apart from previous function, responsibility for all production and technical areas.
New medium sized press line in 1989, tripling the turnover
This line has set the standard on pressline requirements for the group
New pressline in 1995, replacing the original small one
Die making facility in 1997
Breaktrough in the industry (reduction of leadtime from 15 days to 2 hours)
New paintline in 1999 (first vertical line in NL)

Logistics & IT manager 1983-1989

Setup logistics department
Introduced ERP system
Focussed on short leadtimes and customer flexibility (real differentiator)
Setup and developed extrusion process control system

Cordis Europe in Roden (NL) 1981 - 1983
Mechanical Engineer
Production and development of pacemakers, leads and catheters.
Introducing new product lines
Setup of production lines
Developing tooling
Instruct operators

Fokker Special Products NV in Hoogeveen (NL) 1978 - 1981
Process Engineer (trouble shooter)
Milling of titanium and aluminium, gluing of sandwich panels, PUR foaming, wet paint.
Mainly for aerospace and army (shelters).

Opleiding interimmanager

MBA Groningen (NL) en Newcastle (UK)
HTS Werktuigbouw - Groningen (NL)
diverse bedrijfskundige, logistieke en IT cursussen

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

Bedrijven of activiteiten die in moeilijkheden zitten winstgevend maken.

Talenkennis interimmanager

NL-D-Engels: goed
Fr: begrijpen goed, spreken matig


People manager die werkt vanuit het principe dat het succes van een bedrijf afhangt van de mate waarin de medewerkers kunnen samenwerken.


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