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Interim Executive / Senior Business Consultant

Interim Executive / Senior Business Consultant

Work Experience

Romsey, Hampshire, UK
January 2003 – Date

Executive partner of own construction and property development business, specialising in the development of historic and character buildings. The business directly undertakes all activities in-house from site identification and acquisition, through, planning and design, construction, to marketing and sales. Projects range in value from £500k to £2.7m.

Richmond House, Whitehall, London, UK
October 2002 – January 2003

Lead Commercial Advisor to the DH on the development of a mixed economy for the provision of healthcare to NHS patients, helping the DH to develop significant additional capacity available to the NHS to be provided by the independent healthcare sector – a fundamental shift towards ‘buy’ over ‘make’.

The assignment included providing advice on development of the DH’s long-term strategic direction and policy for healthcare provision in the UK, as well as early market making activities, including:

- Engaging with chief executives and boards of private sector organisations from the UK and overseas, gaining their buy-in to new ways of providing clinical services to NHS patients;

- Helping to define and initiate the largest procurement of clinical services ever undertaken by the DH;

- Market development strategy;

- Marketing and communications activities to engage the provider community in the UK and overseas.

Lansdowne House, Berkeley Square, London, UK
March 2001 – December 2002

Business Consultant tasked with ensuring the strategic transformation and development of EDS’ second largest global account ($1bn turnover pa) which was set up to deliver the largest business change and IS/IT programme in Europe on behalf a major government department. Assignment achievements:

- Development of account strategy to meet key business targets;

- Definition and implementation of the organisation structure, governance and operating models, development and change of the account leadership team to achieve a step change in efficiency and effectiveness and to create the alignment necessary to achieve key business objectives;

- Development and implementation of a commercial and operating framework for consortia working between EDS, AT Kearney, IBM and PwC;

- Development of the account leadership – individually and as a team;

- Development of client relationships and mediation.

Railtrack House, Euston, London, UK
September 1999 – March 2001

Strategy Consultant, supporting delivery and implementation of Railtrack\'s corporate IS strategy, an enterprise-wide approach for leveraging IT to support achievement of Railtrack\'s business objectives (£500M+). Assignment achievements:

- Strategy – Development of Railtrack’s Information Systems Strategy;

- Business planning – Setting and obtaining board approval for current and five-year plans and budgets;

- Sourcing strategy and supplier relations – Developing and implementing the sourcing strategy, establishing relationships with strategic suppliers. Defining and negotiating commercial frameworks;

- Solution evaluation – Supplier and solution assessment and recommendation (railway operation, asset management, property, finance, supply-chain, workflow and document management systems);

- Strategic planning – High-level planning for implementing enterprise-wide infrastructure, applications and business change programmes, including migration/decommissioning of legacy systems;

- Marketing – Internal marketing and communication of the IS strategy.

Various Clients UK
April 1999 – September 1999

Development of business and e-commerce strategies, and supporting business, sales & marketing plans for various clients. Assignments included:

Publishing Intermediary - At the request of the shareholders, development of the business strategy and plan for significant growth, repositioning the company as an on-line information provider:

- Broadening the target markets (consumers as well as existing corporate and professional clients), extending the product/service range moving from individual products to subscription based services;

- Redesigning the supply process to enable on-line ordering and fulfilment and to strengthen strategic competitive positioning in the overall supply chain;

- Development of strategies to develop retail business by attracting customers to the company’s existing products, and to provide new marketing related revenue streams;

- Development of on-line and alliance marketing initiatives;

- Acquisition of venture capital to enable this.
Recruitment Services Company - Development of the business case for the establishment of a new specialist search and selection agency, leveraging Internet technologies.

UK wide
May 1993 – April 1999

March 1996 to April 1999 Business Consultant supporting Syntegra’s health care sector, responsible for defining the business strategy and the commercial framework for the creation of an electronic marketplace to enable healthcare organisations to trade electronically. Assignment achievements:

- Developing the business strategy for establishing a new business unit (value £900M+), including the commercial framework and deal structure to attract private sector funding;

- Developing the pricing and competitive strategies for establishment, growth and investment protection, recognising a rapidly changing business environment, commoditisation and deregulation, and ensuring compliance with OFTEL regulations and EU competition law;

- Developing and negotiating of contracts for a number of customer communities;

- Defining marketing and sales strategies and lobbying processes to engage multiple public and private stake-holder communities, including board level sales to customers and other stakeholders;

- Growing strategic customer and third party supplier partnerships.

- In a wider role, Anthony helped to establish a strong health sector business, expanding Syntegra’s market focus to encompass the pharmaceutical and private medical insurance sectors.

May 1993 to March 1996 Business Consultant for CHIEF, a major programme for HMC&E (£100M+). Anthony established control over the scope, business and financial aspects of the programme, underpinning the financial viability of the business, moving it from loss to substantial profit within 12 months, in a very aggressive contractual environment requiring a high degree of client management:

- Bid Management - for all new work related to the programme (value £110M+);

- Change management - organisational changes to support the transition to the operational use.

- Financial management - budget setting, pricing, invoicing, and visibility of sales, orders and revenue;

- Contract management - definition, negotiation and agreement of a new contract framework, terms and conditions for the operational phase of the business;

- Planning - Creation and maintenance of high level plans.

Anthony also participated in the business planning for developing Syntegra as a major systems integrator, and wrote a number of briefings for government ministers and their advisors.

UK, New Zealand, Europe
May 1987 – November 1992

Various short consultancy assignments for a variety of public and private sector organisations in the UK and overseas.


9 GCE 'O' Levels
Personal research


Anthony has specialist strategic transformation, business development and commercial expertise. Key skills are:

- Leadership - Strategic vision with a global perspective. An innovative and decisive leader and team player;

- Strong strategic and tactical business development skills. Thorough understanding of market dynamics and the approaches and techniques (including political and commercial deal structuring) required to realise new opportunities. Experienced in strategy development, business planning, commercial design, marketing, account management and sales;

- Strong, broad-based business and commercial skills coupled with seasoned management skills;

- Excellent communication, interpersonal and motivational skills, at all levels;

- Ability to establish rapid control over complex areas and implement organisations and processes to perform a wide range of business functions;

- Strategic thinker: highly creative with rigorous analytical skills.




An experienced interim executive and consultant, Anthony is a successful, entrepreneurial, driven business leader who is visionary, innovative, pragmatic and effective. Anthony has specialist strategic transformation, business development and commercial expertise.

Anthony has strong strategic and tactical leadership and management ability, with a wide and deep portfolio of skills, grounded in hands-on business experience a broad spectrum of business activity: strategy, operations, marketing and sales, as well as commercial and financial.
Anthony has a proven record of accomplishment - delivering big business objectives and commercial commitments in high-risk environments against demanding contractual obligations.

Anthony’s expertise derives from working with global companies and government organisations with a broad spectrum of cultures, as well working with smaller organisations and pursuing his own business interests.

Anthony is a focused yet flexible executive and active team player, who believes in clear direction and leadership though teamwork.


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