Flex Manager
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Business Decelopment/ E-commerce

Business Decelopment/ E-commerce

Work Experience

2003 – Oct 2006
Head of Direct Response Advertising/ E-commerce EMEA
Microsoft Digital Advertising Solutions
- Responsible to launch and lead the Direct Response business in 9 markets. Planning, Forecasting and tracking revenue in the markets.
- Lead International team of local Sales Specialists (11 direct reports, 9 markets, 9 nationalities).
- Drive the cultural change towards Direct Response way of selling in stead of traditional reach model.

- Product: Successful roll out of Direct Response business in 9 countries + emerging markets in cooperation with local Sales Managers/teams
- Revenue: tripled within one fiscal year
- Management: Received from team a 95% ‘total agree’ on managers feedback, team health index +10% above average organization
- Personal: Review FY06: received ‘Exceeded’ and ‘Outstanding’ (=both highest possible scores)


currently studying Executive MBA at IESE


People Management, e-commerce, Digital marketing and advertising, software services


Nederlands, Engels, Duits, Spaans, Frans


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