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International Interim Manager / Business Contractor

International Interim Manager / Business Contractor

Work Experience

GLOBAL EXPERIENCED INTERIM MANGER, PROJECT MANAGER, MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT and BUSINESS EXECUTIVE / MANAGER (Speaking the main languages, familiar with the culture and having the network for direct access.)

General Managent, Project Manager, Business Contractor, Development Manager & Management Consultant, Information Technology and Global High-Tech Strategy Consultant, Sales, Marketing and Change Business Process Re-engineering.


International Business Liaisons (IBL) Inc. Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris, London, Tokyo, New York, Los Angeles, Palo Alto, Denver and since May 2001 back in The Netherlands.
Int. Management Consultant - Strategy & Projects
1-15-92 / present.

* Project Director 'Kilometerheffing' at the Dutch Ministry of Verkeer en Waterstaat.
* Ordina UTM - Change Executive.

* Interim Management Assignmnts within a.o; Carriers, KLM, SAS, KPN Indonesia, Mindport, Ing-Barings Bank, Jardines Group, ICT companies and Multi nationals.
* Global Governance Strategy Manager to CIO; Philips CE - Information Technology; for all global IT plus their rollouts.
* Consultant at Verisys Design Automation, Freemont, USA and Berlin Germany - System on Chip model checking and verification software developments for Synopsys Inc.
* International Consultancy Manager Nokia - Introduction of high level program management in all international divisions.
* Business Contractor Microprocessors Asia - business contracting for embedded 16, 32 and 64 bit RISC/CISC processor technology embedded system applications & ATM.
* Change Manager HP/CONVEX SIMD/MIMD applications in parallel processing.
* Interim Technology Knowledge Broker - Dansk Technological Institute; industrial technology IT solution implementations QFD and TQM in IT in Asian territories.
* Project Manager Boeing-McDonnell Douglas; Airfraiming manufacturing IT in Shanghai, China.
* Interim IT system integrator / Senior Consultant at a.o. NEC, NTT, Toyota in Japan as well as international.
* Intrim Vice President Picario E-Commerce Germany.
* Board level interim technology and business development advisor to ALPS, Daimler Benz, Hyperstone, Philips, Shell, Unilever, HKSB Bank, ABN-AMRO Bank, Mannessman, SAS, CIS Singapore and Sabena.


ICS Technology Inc. Europe – Paris, France.
4-15-89 / 12-31-91
Business Development Manager Europe (Executive VP.)
Responsible for the start-up, roll-out and presence of the then new heterogeneous networking software for full OSI integration of IBM, Digital, UNIX and the PC platforms throughout Europe.
As an IBM partner made 52% of the global turnover out of Europe. Company did a successful IPO in 1992.

DEVTECH - General Dynamics, Aachen, Germany / San Diego.
Global Consultancy Manager Advanced Technology.
9-1-87 / 3-31-89
Production systems for advanced materials; materials of a non-isotropic nature, stealthy for most common radar- and other signature deconvolution equipment. Aspects involved and key activities: Project management for new aircraft constructions. Project management 12 D.o.F IT Robotics in manufacturing systems.
Heavy calculation and feasibility simulations. Super computers; SIMD & MIMD. Project manager Self Supervised Learning & Tactical Decision making software development. Neural and topological algebra’s. (Hyperknowledge™ in cooperation with G.D., DARPA and the D.o.D.) Artificial Intelligence - non-rule based. Featuring a forward chaining effect of exclusion. Operating and working in a cross-matrix development- en project team structure, (the wold’s best & brightest. Was solicited by my government to work here.) Non disclosure on the revenues and details. Keywords: SHIELD, ASW, STELLAR, YF, Active / Reactive, GPS, Internet GS, Tempest-B2 classified, AQUAP.

Computervision South East Asia & South America – Hong Kong. 5-1-85 / 8-31-87
Vice President- International Operations Asia Pacific.
Initializing all Computervision management structures and activities, in the regions, South East Asia and the South America’s plus the build-up, coaching and appointments of country managers together with the coordination of all activities in both of the regions. Hong Kong, (Regional HQ), Japan: Tokyo en Osaka, P.R.C.: Beijing, Canton, Shanghai, Shenzen, Wuhan, Taiwan: Taipei, Korea: Seoul, Singapore, Australia: Sydney, New Zealand: Auckland. Obtained preferred vendor status in China. Distributor Operations as country manager in the other Asian and South American countries, like India: Delhi, Bombay en Madras. Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur en Penang, Indonesia: Djakarta, Thailand: Bangkok, in South America; Brazil: Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Venezuela: Caracas, Chili: Santiago, Argentine: Buenos Aires.

Computervision Inc. Bedford Mass. USA. 3-25-83 / 4-30-85
Business Development Director North American Group.
The US, Canadian, Mexican and Arabian integration of the AGS acquired MEDUSA Computer Aided Design software. >$50 million in the region as revenue within the first 2 years of operation.

Applied Graphics Systems, Europe. 2-1-75 / 3-24-83
Co-Founder, Director Marketing & Sales, CM. Germany.
Director Strategic Business & Consultancy - Cambridge UK.
Business development in all west European countries, marketing procedure implementation and consultative selling approaches; Screening of the biggest industries in western Europe in order to come to analyses providing for the ultimate production and CAD/CAM-IT solutions a.o. in: Dowty Mining - Ahlstrom Atlantique - SCFF - Krauss Maffai - ABB - Sulzer Eschewitsch - Bofors - British Aerospace - Siemens - Agie - Nixdorff - CTC - Tecnos - MBB - PTT - KLM - Lufthansa - SAS - Air France - Süd Aviation Toulouse - Dornier - Mercedes - BMW - Saab - Volvo - Volkswagen - Thomson CSF - Vulkan - Fiat - Seat - Deutsche Aerospace - Fokker - Phillips etc. Turnover $250 million after 4 years of operation. March 1982 we sold AGS to Computervision Inc. and the products merged in their CDS
product ranges.

Townplanning Architect Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
1974 - 1975


Constant learner in new global business developments, management and consultancy techniques across the range.
E-Leadership specialized in 1998 (Managing generation X & Y)

High-level management training courses, cross cultural business aspects and IT related business development strategies: - Harvard University Cambridge Mass. USA.

Computer Science courses at the universities of Cambridge, UK. CALTEC & Stanford, Palo Alto, USA.

Marketing and Business development courses at INSEAD Fountainebleau, France.

B.Sc. - (HTS) civil engineering and computing.


Over the years, I have built on a very successful ‘cross-cultural’ management consultancy - and high level business development career in a wide field of international lines of business; IT/ICT advanced technologies, including; E-Commerce, B2B, B2C, e2e, CRM, OSS, BSS, Wireless & Telecommunications, high level international Program & Project management, Executive & General Management, (Ex.VP, COO, CIO, & CEO levels) on my abilities to quickly assess situations, identifying opportunities and focussing on strategies which do obtain results.

I am currently seeking a challenging new opportunity with an internationally focussed and cultured, Dutch based strong growth oriented organization. My enclosed resume details in summary here details some of my accomplishments.

I am of Dutch origin, have a dual nationality – Dutch - US. and have met the unique global challenges of start-up's, turnaround's and high paste growth companies. Also have I been working in what one would consider status quo organizations, (the blue-chips). I have continually been challenged to deliver results that required creative, strategic and strong tactical leadership. Most significantly, in each of these situations, I have delivered measurable financial improvements in revenue, market share and bottom-line profitability.

A few specific examples that best exemplify my performance include my current leadership of a global technology/management consultancy venture, for which I generated personally $45 million in new revenues in the year 2000. In my previous position as Executive Vice President of the International Business Liaisons Group, my team and I improved profitability 38 percent average per year and positioned the company as one of the key payers in the mainly US and Asian markets. Earlier career achievements were equally notable during my tenures in sales, marketing, turnaround consultancy, business re-enginering and new business venture developments.

Consistently exceeding business expectations during continuous new missions for optimum results and earning the highest return on investment in leadership, market presence and completion of the assignments, turning intellectual properties, projects and services into corporate assets, within businesses that effect survival in sustain. Aggressively embracing technology, imaginatively maintaining the traditional, being gifted with both, an equal commercially, and a deep technical understanding of my business assignments, I use the latter to my assignment advantage, taking thresholds easier and having a solid acceptance in the present (global) business arena.

In summary, I feel confident in my ability to tackle virtually any management challenge by assembling the right personnel, identifying the appropriate markets and building product recognition despite competition. Of paramount importance is my ability to build relationships throughout all levels of an organization, defining common goals, implementing incentives and challenging my workforce to deliver its best.


Fluent in Dutch, English, German, French and Mandarin (Chinese)


Inspirator, Communicator, Leader, Motivator, Organizer mix.
Business Process Re-engineer
Strategy Manager
Tactical Planning
Organizational Change
Top Management - Executive VP, CIO, COO, CEO level
Technology evaluator
Channel Manager
Conflict resolution manager
Reorganizer / turn-around manager
Advisor to board of directors
high level Project & Program Management
Shadow Management
Management Counselling
Surgical Change Methods
Mergers & Aquisitions
Due Dilligence
Management Analisys and Recommendations
Venture Capital Intermediairy
Business Liaison
Business Development
Marketing & Sales
Distributor Manager
Technology Evaluator
Board Level Advisor
\'Cross - Cultural\' Negotiator
E-Leadership (E-Business Reality)
Equal Technical as well as Managerial
Team Player within concise missions, scope & objectives
Lateral Management Thinker and Consultant
Management Consultancy
Business Consultancy
Business Plans plus Financials
Chief Operating Officer
ICT/IT and Telecom, across the range
Multidisciplinairy Management
Multi-level Management
Start-up\'s, Mid-Size to Top Fortune 100 Management
IPO\'s - Initial Public Offering Management
Technology Evaluation Management


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