Flex Manager
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Implementation Manager (Telecommunication equipment)

Implementation Manager (Telecommunication equipment)

Work Experience

Work Experience

Ericsson GmbH Germany

04/2001 - 31/12/2001

Position : Regional Site Acquisition Manager

Responsible for guiding the acquisition side of the role-out for UMTS in the turnkey project Ericsson/MobilCom. Within the region office Dortmund/Dusseldorf Subcontracting management of several SA companies. Setting up and guiding the processes for Multi Site Owners/ Multi Landlords. Supporting and training the other Site Acquisition Managers doing their work. Interface progress/process meetings with the client (Operator Mobilcom) to structure and optimise the roll-out. Financial planning and cost controlling. Ericsson GmbH is going to handover the turnkey rollout to the operator and has given noticed to all employees/consultants working on this project.

Ericsson BV Netherlands

08/2000 - 02/2001

Position : (National) Site Acquisition and Permitting Manager

Responsible for setting up processes for acquisition for both UMTS and LMDS(WLL) in anticipation of a full turnkey contract from one of the Dutch operators. Responsible for the acquisition input within the tenders to the different operators for UMTS and WLL. Preparational work for the National manuals used within the rollout process. Making presentations concerning the acquisition process and the radioplan/acquisition process for UMTS. Jointly set-up the ESE (existing site evaluating) process for UMTS Sites.

Guiding the Request for quotations to the different Acquisition subcontractors. Analysing the quotations made by the different subcontractors and selecting the subcontractors and developing a strategy. Ericsson concluded from the response from the offers made to the different operators that no full turnkey contract is expected. The auction for WLL has been postponed so several contractors were given notice on their contract.
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03/2000 - 08/2000

Travelling through India and Nepal, together with my girlfriend. Learning the culture and setting up own company named Neinti Handicrafts VOF, importing from Nepal and India.

Siemens Czech republic

01/2000 - 03/2000

Position : Site Acquisition Manager

Independent Contracting consultant at Siemens Prague for building the DCS 900/1800 network, Siemens equipment.

Responsible for the acquisition of a region of the East of Czech republic for Siemens Prague. Training four other acquisition controller's and supporting them in their role and setting up the processes. Left Siemens for private reasons.

Orange Communications S.A. Switzerland

11/1998 - 01/2000

Position: Regional Acquisition Manager, Cluster Teamleader

Independent contracting consultant at Orange Switzerland, DCS 1800 network, Nokia equipment.

Regional Acquisition Manager

Regional acquisition manager for the North Region covering over 250 telecommunication sites, three sub-contractors and two other acquisition controllers. Weekly progress, meetings with acquisition agents, acquisition controllers and management. Monitoring and supporting the whole process from issuing the SSO till hand-over to construction at site kick of meeting. Support agents during negotiations of difficult leases and build-permit application problems. Specialised in the acquisition of power pylons.

Cluster Teamleader

Responsible for Cluster team Aargau, six people all together, Acquisition, permitting, construction, transmission, Radioplanning and Implementation of 150 telecommunication sites. Controlling the whole process from issuing an SSO, finding the suitable candidate until getting the site integrated/on air. The cluster Teamleader was responsible for the budget and the progress made within the cluster.
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Dutchtone Netherlands

02/1998 - 11/1998
Position: Site Manager

Consultant for a French company specialised in networks for telecommu-nication, radio communication and private cabling video named Alci-daetel. Alcidaetel Worked for Dutchtone (France Telecom, ABN-AMRO, and Rabobank) to build the DCS 1800 network for mobile telecommunication using Alcatel and Nortel equipment. My tasks were to negotiate con-tracts with real estate agents, directors of companies, local governments, multi-land-lords and landowners, to rent a part of their property to install telecommu-nication equipment and to support and teach other site manager in doing their job. Alcidaetel placed me as a consultant by Dutchtone for negotiation of areas for the first phase of the network.

Smitsvonk Holland B.V. Netherlands


Position: International Sales Representative

A Company specialised in production, development and sales of low-tension high-energy ignition equipment for the petrochemi-cal-, chemical- and steel industry. Main tasks were to esta-blish the sales department, marketing information system (MIS) and pricing policy. To maintain the international business relations (mainly the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and England). Active sales to new prospects, organising fairs and taking care of the follow-up. Giving company presentations abroad and in the Netherlands.

Advanzco Australia


Position: Sales Representative

A company specialised in selling direct to customer. My task was to sell telephone contracts for Optus a new service provider in Australia. After a few months I managed to change 83 households in one week to Optus, this was third best of about 500 people doing the same. This position was to support taveling costs.

Amstrad Benelux Netherlands


Position: Sales Representative

Amstrad Benelux is a Manufacturer of computers and electronic household equip-ment. I was Part-time employee, next to the University of Amsterdam, responsi-ble for the fairs in the Netherlands. The fairs were arranged by distribu-tors from electronic household equipment and held for retailers.

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Skills and Benefits Acquired


* University of Amsterdam (HES) B.CE., Bachelor Degree in Marketing graduated 1994
* Middle school for Economics and Administration (MEAO) graduated 1989
* High school (MAVO) graduated 1986

Personal Skills

* Decisive Team leader and Player * Representative
* Excellent communications skills * Persistent
* Creative Problem solver * Active listener
* Cultural sensitive * English and German
* Negotiating and sales * Humour

Training Courses attended

* Business Objects * The keys to success in sales
* KPN Course safety working on height * Permits and Legalities GSM/UMTS
* Basic sales training in the Netherlands.
* Management and Time Management * WLL and Radioplanning.
* Europe and the ECU * Mini-Link Bass(WLL) training Ericsson.
* Sales training selling telephone contracts * Train The Trainer

Computer and Software

* NetOne Business Objects * Nim
* Nidt * Gespro
* Windows 3.1 and 95, 98 (NT) * WP, Word for Windows, Excel
* Quattro * D-base
* Internet, Outlook * Visio
* Photo-shop * Power Point


* Squash * Soccer
* Skiing * Golf


Bachelor degree Marketing
Various management Courses
Various Sales Coures


See above


See above


See above


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