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HR Director

HR Director

Work Experience

Global HR Director (March 2003 - August 2003)
Build up HR department and HR processes in a travel software company with 225 employees and locations in Belgium, Sweden, France, US, Switserland and Australia after a take-over by a world leader in travel software
Global HR Director (March 2001 - August 2003)
Build up HR department and HR processes for a leading global telematics start-up company
Global HR Director (Jan. 1998 - March 2000)
Manage HR department for a medical hightech company with development and production center in the Netherlands and Sales branches in 20 countries
Management Development Manager (March 1988 - Dec. 1997)
Member of global Management Development taskforces to develop and improve management development systems
Manage management development reviews and activities (high potential recruitment, career development, training and coaching, demotion and outflow) for 25 business lines in Belgium ranging from lighting to components, semiconductors, consumer electronics to medical systems and other equipment


M.A. organizational psychology Leuven, 1977
Postgraduate personnel management Diepenbeek, 1987
Knowledge Management, NSC, 1998
Mastering Interim Management, Vlerick Managment School, 2003


HR Management, expertise in recruitment and selection (computer aided testing, assessment centers), broad experience in management development, experience in design of compensation and benefits programs


Fluent Dutch, French, English
Basic German


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