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Communicator for expertise driven companies

Communicator for expertise driven companies

Work Experience

Period: 1999-2000;
Function: Marketing- en salesmanager, E-Commerce Start-up TNO (1998-2000)
Activities: Content identification; Scans/ benchmarketing; Development concepts for applications and traffic-chasers; Supervising external creation- process of applications; Concept, preparation and execution of niche-marketing actions

Function: Marketing- en Communication-Consultant (Three employers in period of two years)
Employer: Lelystad
Activities:Creation of concept and implementation new packaging for diagnostic kits; Research and creation of Concept-policy plan Marketing and Communication; International acquisition (Thailand; Brasil; Norway; Scotland)
Employer: Naaldwijk, The Netherlands
ActivitiesL Research and Preparation of Communication Concept-policy ; Revitalising communication department

Employer: Zeist, The Netherlands
Activities: Analysis, Research, Development E-Commerce Concept for research organisation; Creation of basis for businessplan; Supervising designers/ site constructors; Design and creatgion of front- and back-office of site

Period: 1989-1997
Function: Communication-manager Research Organisation
Employer: Wageningen
Activities: Bootstrapping and revitalising staff communication unit; Setup policy, budget etc for corporate communication; Research, analysis and development of media-mix; Research, analysis and execution of worldwide brand communication; Ghostwriter; Media spokesman

Period; 1983-1989
Employer: Government, The Hague
Function: Press-spokesman for the ministry of Agiculture, Nature Management and Fisheries
Activities: Informing national and international media of policies, point of views etc; preparation radio, tv and newspaper appearances


1976-1981; Master of Arts, University Leiden, German, Pragmalinguistics;
1982; Res. Officer Training Course, Trainingcourse for Allround Army Press and Information Officer (Active duty: 7 monthts UN forces Libanon)
1982-1997; Several courses and trainings. Subjects: Management; Negotiating; Marketing Communication for non-profitorganisations; Management Development Programm; Communication-management (NGPR-B)


Crisis-communication, revitalising communication-units, corporate communication (Not advertising!)


Dutch/ English/ French/ Schwyzer-tuutsch


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