Flex Manager
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Marketing Project Manager

Marketing Project Manager

Werkervaring interimmanager

- Tele Atlas: develop – roll out marketing communication programs towards end-users and channel partners

- Microsoft: coordination of marketing awareness initiatives (Microsoft Security Mobilization Initiative)

- Option: marketing strategy, pr, implementing crm software, channel marketing, customer communication, close-the-loop direct marketing programs

- Electrabel: channel development, channel communication, channel sales actions, close-the-loop direct marketing programs, loyalty programs

- Fujitsu Siemens Computers: introducing a close the loop marketing scheme (online and print dm-driven), introducing online marketing techniques, channel marketing plan, channel review and qualification, loyalty programs

- Tech Data: direct marketing consulting, internet & channel marketing consulting, market analysis, introduce close-the-loop direct marketing concepts, loyalty programs

- Luon (marketing agency): direct marketing, internet consulting, channel marketing consulting and project management for clients ( SUN, XRT, Resource Analysis, Easynet, ConnectIT)

- HP Europe: developing internal sales-story about Managed Services, develop customer-story about Managed Services, develop business development story about Managed Services (lead-generation, sales approach)

- VNU Business Publication: PC Dealer (IT magazine for IT channel-resellers), launch of Computer Idee, launch of Interactive - P&L responsibility

- Newmonday (recruitment): full project management, business planning - marketing planning & roll-out, P&L responsibility

- VNUnet (IT-portal): full project management, business planning - marketing planning & roll-out

- Internet (internet business focussed IT portal): project management, business planning - marketing planning & roll-out Belgian edition, P&L responsibility

- Mediaxis (now Sanoma): Woman portal (concept - design - technology consulting)

- Riverland: business planning - marketing planning for the European launch of FireFly (web personalization software)

- Modem Communications (ad agency): internet/web consulting for various clients (e.g. Peoplesoft)

Opleiding interimmanager

1976 – 1982: Humanities (Greek-Latin), Halle
1983 – 1984: Law, KULeuven – unsuccessful
1984 – 1987: Higher Education in Social Work/Personnel Management, Brussels - Distinction

1996: INSEAD, International Marketing Management – Fontaineblau (France)

2001: VLERICK Management School, Customer Relationship Management - Ghent (Belgium)

1995 and 1996: Krauthammer, Management training - Brussels
1995: Krauthammer, Speeching in Public - Brussels
1995 and 1996: Karrass, Effective Negotiation
1997 – 1998 – 1999: several seminars on Marketing, Direct Marketing, Business-to-Business Marketing, E-commerce, the Internet etc.

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

Direct marketing

Develop and roll-out plans to recruit, grow and retain customers.
Define & select the target group. Define the real unique selling propositions of the product/service. Define what can attract a prospect to get in touch with your company. Define the benefits for the user. Define the media via which we can do this. Develop loyalty schemes for top-customers. Develop a detailed plan on how to communicate on an ongoing basis with suspects, prospects, clients and long-term clients. Implement and measure what is useful (and what's possible).

Internet marketing

Write an Internet marketing plan that is viable and serves a real business purpose (lead-generation, customer support tool etc). Evaluate the revenue & profit potential of your website. How to make your website more effective (for customers, prospects, channel partners etc). Develop viral marketing programs, on-line survey's, e-mail marketing planning & follow-up, search-engine optimization, develop opt-in databases that you can use for relationship or lead-generation purposes. And measure what we can and/or is useful.

Channel marketing/Trade marketing

Define or fine-tune a channel strategy. Develop partner communication tools. Selecting and evaluating partners or partner programs. Set-up partner extranet & websites. Develop & assure timely follow-up on lead-generation or sales actions. Evaluate & develop a multi-channel sales approach. Organize partner events. And measure what we can and/or is useful

Talenkennis interimmanager

NL = moedertaal
FR = goed gesproken
UK = goed gesproken en geschreven
GER = noties


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