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Hoger management/ Directie

Hoger management/ Directie

Work Experience

Career history and professional experience

2000-today Consultant, Hydro Agri Rotterdam BV

1998-2000 Vice President, Hydro Central Europe’s management center in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Member of the senior management team responsible for Hydro’s agricultural operations in Central Europe. Corporate yearly turnover in the region ca. 500 million USD.
• Developed relations with producers of plant protection chemicals and buyers of agricultural products, for sales and project co-operation throughout Central Europe.

1990-1998 Managing Director, Norsk Hydro Hungary Kft.
Responsible for Norsk Hydro’s corporate activities in Hungary, yearly turnover ca. 30 million USD, investments executed ca. 10 million USD, employees 115.
• Founded the company, acquired shareholdings in 6 retail companies established a JV with a Dutch grain trading company. Responsible for business development in surrounding countries like Slovenia and Bulgaria.
• Design and planning of a logistical system to supply a new Aluminum smelter in Slovakia resulting in successful uninterrupted supply of 220.000 mt per year (ca.600 mt per calendar day) raw material to this factory.

1987-1989 Deputy Director Norsk Hydro GDR , East Berlin.
Co-responsibility for Hydro’s operations in- and relations with the German Democratic Republic, with a yearly turnover of ca. 70 million USD.
• Development of trading activities in oil, aluminum and related products.

1983-1987 Marketing Manager/Product Manager, Windmill Holland B.V.
Responsible for the company’s sales- and production plan for fertilisers. Responsible for overseas exports of fertilisers including Dutch aid to development countries.
Product management of 2 products as well as the sales of these products into Eastern Europe.
• Developed export channels into Central Europe.

1981-1983 Process Engineer, Windmill Holland B.V.
• Development, design and successful introduction on the Dutch horticultural market of the SUBSTRAFEED fertilisation system.

1980-1981 Process Engineer, Compagnie des Engrais de Longueil (France), a subsidiary of Windmill Holland B.V.
• Introduction of corporate work processes , improvement of product quality, improvement of the production process.

1977-1979: Junior Process Engineer, Windmill Holland B.V.

1975-1976: Process Technician, Windmill Holland B.V.

1973-1974: Instrumentation Technician, Windmill Holland B.V.



- St. Joseph Technical School; General
- Christiaan Huygen Medium Technical School; Process control & Instrumentation techniques
- Van ‘t Hof Institute Technical Highschool; Chemistry.
- Various management and marketing courses (a.o.Krauthammer, Insead, Edward de Bono)


Personal qualities
Energetic and enthusiastic personality with professional skills and self-discipline collected during a long period of commitment to- and international experience in the fertiliser industry.
Having good abilities to maintain relationships with individuals and groups also under difficult multicultural circumstances.
Having good skills in setting priorities and adapting to changing circumstances in the business environment.
Ambitious and keen to see progress in both business- and career development.
Being determined to reach realistic goals set by the company or myself and
continuously setting new goals to enlarge the business- and career horizon.


Dutch Mother tongue
English Fluent
German Fluent
French Speak, read and converse in business


Interest and hobbies

-Political and economical development of the countries once belonging to the Moscow led COMECON organisation.
-Development of the European Community and integration of East European countries.
-International assistance for revival of the economies in Eastern Europe.
-Reading: Novels, art, cooking, wines, sailing.
-Sports: Sailing, Tennis and Golf.
-Music: Enjoying listening to music varying from classical to modern but with a vast preference for jazz.


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