Flex Manager
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Project manager,Site Manager,Consultant,Superintendant

Project manager,Site Manager,Consultant,Superintendant

Work Experience

Experience in general
Plant-site management and commissioning,shipmaintenance,energy management , automation thermal installations, boilerconstructions, waist incineration, maintenance manager

Experience in industry
Wärtsilä Finland
Site Manager for Aqualectra in Curacao
Renewed a 18V32 engine

Trilobes Total Energy
Bio Diesel Installation
Made a plan for a licence

Trilobes Total Energy
Site survey in Lufussa in Honduras
Heinen & Hopman
Site Manager for a HVAC project on the Keppel Verolme Yard in Rozenburg

Wärtsilä- The Netherlands BV in Zwolle
Republic of Yemen
Site Manager for Wärtsilä The Netherlands BV
Extension of a Diesel-Electrical Plant

KEMA –Arnhem
Republic of Yemen
Consultant for PEC-Mukalla-Al Riyan Diesel Electrical Project
Wärtsilä Finland Oy
Site Manager Diesel Electrical Plant in Curacao
Wärtsilä Finland OY
Mechanical manager on a Power Plant in Aruba

Projectsupervisor for Brunel at Electrabel Powerplant in Bergum
(800 MW Steam turbines+ Gasturbines)

Commissioning engineer for Stork GLT on gasplants in Groningen
Manager Installations for Stork Bronswerk BV in Amersfoort.
Installed HVAC installations on ships

1996 April ¡V 2002
Site manager and Project manager for Wartsila Nederland BV in Zwolle.
Did 3 plants in Pakistan(HFO-1,2,and 4x 16SW280), 1 plant in Saudi Arabia(HFO-3x 18W26),1 plant in Seychelles(LFO-2 x 12SW28),1 plant in South India (HFO,3x 6L26),1 plant in North Korea(HFO,2x 18W26).In Meaux in France I assisted with the start up of a 2x 18W28 SG gas engine, for two month.
In 4 sites I did commissioning with HFO plants and the take over-certificate.
I worked for 3/4 year as area manager CSO Asia in Zwolle
Project Manager for the extension of 1x HFO 18W26 in Al Hania,Saudi Arabia
The factory was closed at the end of 2001

1995-1996 Worked in an academic hospital as staff assistant to hand over projects to service.
One of the projects were 5 Waukesha gas engines with heat exchangers for hospital use.
Started temporarily my own project office for environmental problems and maintenance.

1989-1995 Technical manager of a cardboard and aluminium factories and member of the MT
Responsibility:Leadership-7 till 25 man
Budget ¡V2,5 milj.Dutch Guilders
Technical personnel and safety
Investment-projects and purchase
Training and education
Results :Started training
Started a new preventive maintenance project
New office project
Investments in new machinery
Investments in new production process
1986-1989 Maintenance manager of an Ice stadium in Den Haag
Technical manager at a Waist Incenerator project.
1981-1986 Shell Refinery in Pernis
Senior Process operator- responsible for starting up HP- and MP ¡Vboiler units(90 bar-125 MW electrical power), pump installations, watersoftners, coolingwaterunits and gasturbines(55MW)
1970-1981 Koninklijke Java China Pakketvaart lijn and Van Uden Scheepvaart ¡V en Agentuur Co.
These companies had lines between Europe and the Far East and South America
Here I started as assistant and finished as 2nd Engineer
I got experience with heavy two stroke HFO engines, Cooling and Electricity.


„h Highschool
„h Nautical college
„h Certificate- B ship-engineer
„h Factory certificates :Control engineer
Instrument engineer
Combustion techniques
Gasturbines and Exhaustgas boilers
Engines:SW280, W26,W28SG,WECS2000,
„h Training : Management:giving and taking the lead
Maintenance :technique and methods
Meeting and group discussions
Quality assurance
„h Software :Word,Excel,Primavera


Experience in general
Plant-site management and commissioning,shipmaintenance,energy management , automation thermal installations, boilerconstructions, waist incineration, maintenance manager


German: good
French : understandable


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