Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
21218 professionals


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Work Experience

Brand development and engagement, futures work BP 2001
Strategy and planning, BP 2000-1
Business Transformation - Programme Direction Burmah Castrol 1999-2000
Organisation change - managing consultant, various sectors 1997-9
Strategic review, engineering multinational 1996
Manufacturing strategy, 1995, 1991-3, 1989-90
Project and programme management 1993-5, 1999-2000
Sectors - FMCG (Unilever 1984-90) (London International 1991-3); energy and oil (BP, Amerada Hess, RWE - consulting assignments); public (NHS, environment agency); telecoms (SPT Telecom); chemicals (Burmah Castrol); engineering and technology (RWE, Wagon)


First class honours degree in engineering, economics and management, University of Oxford 1988


Innovation, strategic change, programme management, inspiration and leadership


English. Have worked in Germany (1987 limited now).


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