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senior project manager / interim manager

senior project manager / interim manager

Work Experience

September 1999 - Now
consultancy BV / Beheer BV
Independent consultant - Entrepreneur

Staatsloterij – Albert Heijn
Because of the positive results of the previous project with Spielo De Staatsloterij Granted us the project to rollout of lottery equipment for their new customer Albert Heijn.
• Business process redesign (Albert Heijn and The Staatsloterij did have different processes to maintain equipment, finally our procedures will be used for both organisations)
• Project management
• Turn key project (fixed price)
• Complex communication structure. (6 parties involved which all had their own commercial interests)

Establishment of a new company (ISP)
Because Spielo could not fill in all service obligations they had to their European customers I did erect a new company which fulfils these services. The new company is specialised in 3rth level services for De Staatsloterij and De Lotto. In future we will also service other customers and we will offer more services.
• Entrepreneurship
• New business
• Quick erection of a Line organisation

Spielo Inc
Canadian company, located in Moncton, New Brunswick. Supplier of Lottery equipment.
Assigned to carry out the project management of the rollout of the lottery equipment on 7.500 locations. The project had a turnover of approximately €50.000.000,=. (Fifty million euro) At that moment the biggest ICT project going on in the Netherlands.
• Multidisciplinary project (Software development, hardware development and production, retrofit process)
• Project management (project manager rollout)
• Interim management (Set up and execute the temporal production facility in the Netherlands)
• International project (The Netherlands, Canada, Austria, Belgium, England)
• Cultural ‘bridge builder’ (different nationalities, different company cultures)
• Biggest ongoing ICT project

CFO, Turn-key project, realization CRM-system
Trade-union with their head-office in Den Haag and 6 regional offices spread over the Netherlands. This union counts 13.000 members. We have supplied a course registration system which guards over the skills of all members and is used to select people for executive functions within the union.
• Multi-site solution (Head office and 6 regional offices)
• ICT project (Delivery of information system, implementation of the system and training of the users)
• Interfacing (system interacts with obsolete system that carries membership file)
• Turnkey project

December 1994 – October 1999:
Liemar Automatisering BV.
Sales and Marketing Manager
Liemar Automatisering is both supplier and producer of an ERP software system. The software was developed for “make-to-order” production companies. The most important market is the steel-construction industry.

Within this organization I had overall responsibility for Sales and Marketing and was a member of the Management Team. In addition to drawing-up the Sales and Marketing Plan, I had project responsibility for the realization of those projects which had been brought in by me.

The Projects at Liemar almost always concerned the installation and implementation of our own ERP system with the relevant training. Furthermore responsibility for setting-up the project plan and the steering and control of the project team. Liemar has a matrix organization

November 1988 – December 1994:
A.I.P. Eindhoven. (Now merged to Zetes Netherlands)
Vice president
Account Manager / Project Manager (prior to becoming VP)
A.I.P. is a trading company supplying products for automatic-identification purposes. These products are used to improve logistic processes. These products are supplied not only to logistic companies and companies controlling their own distribution process, but also direct to retail outlets. The majority of the building-supplies outlets in The Netherlands make use of A.I.P. equipment.

As well as selling AI systems, I was also responsible for the realization of the larger projects. Automatic-identification projects are almost always an extension of existing automation.

Having overall project responsibility gave me the opportunity to gain a great deal of experience. The co-ordination and communication took place between our own automation experts, those of the customer and third parties, and also the users and other suppliers. Mechanical equipment was also involved in a number of projects. These multidisciplinary projects brought me into close contact with mechanical engineers as well as automation personnel.

May 1988 - October 1988 :
INAD Eindhoven.
Systems Programmer
INAD Eindhoven is a software company specializing in warehouse management systems and Sales force automation systems.

I was responsible for the development of interfaces between different information systems.
Just prior to my leaving this company I was offered the opportunity to become commercially responsible for the Sales System which had been developed by INAD.

1 February 1988 - April 1988:
Consultant Consumer Interests
After-Sales Department. Supporting users of Philips computer equipment.


1988 1989 Hogeschool Information Science, Evening School
1986 1988 Hogeschool Information Science, Daytime Classes
In addition: several logistics, sales and general management and project management training courses.


Specialised in the realization of large and complex projects. Used to think about the changes that will take place within the organization at introduction of new systems and processes.
• Project management
• Multidisciplinary projects
• International projects
• Cultural ‘bridge builder’
• Interim management
• Attending change of business
• Restructuring of changing organizations


Dutch fluently speaking and writing (mother tongue)
English, very well in speaking and writing


Living in the south of the netherlands. Willing to travel.


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