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Managing Director

Managing Director

Work Experience

August 1996 – Present Managing director of CCM Ltd.

CCM Ltd provide a range of high quality management services, with an emphasis on risk management and business diagnostics. Under my guidance the business established itself well in its chosen niche markets and has successfully competed against many of the major consultancies for key assignments.

January 1994- August 1996 Senior Consultant with DS&A Ltd.

Provided risk management consultancy services specialising in quantitative analysis, business plan development, change management, project evaluation and risk management.

October 1988-November 1993 Project Manager at Cooper Oil Tools

Project managed major subsea projects, designed subsea control systems as well as leading the development of new products.

Sept 1986- October 1988 Systems Engineer/Project Manger, Combustion Engineering

Provide process consultancy, software support and project management on contracts worldwide.

Sept 1984- Sept 1986 Design Engineer at Yarrow Shipbuilding

Responsible for various aspects of structural design for the Type 23 frigate.


MBA from Warwick University (1994-1999)
BSc(hons) Mechanical Engineering (1980-1984)


· A seasoned generalist manager with a project and programme management background that spans IT, construction, transportation, oil & gas and process. Projects that have been managed and supported range in values from £1m to £500m.

· Excellent salesman and negotiator with experience of selling tangible and intangible products to board level clients.

· Commercially astute with top-level contract management expertise.

· An outstanding communicator and facilitator who has run numerous successful workshops and change management programmes.

· Experienced systems developer who has designed leading edge risk assessment and management packages.

· Cutting edge Information Management expertise and highly computer literate.

· Highly numerate with experience of developing bespoke mathematical and statistical models, data mining and knowledge based applications




Details of Assignments that CCM has undertaken which I have been responsible for the successful management of:-


Audit of business planning tools


Railtrack had developed an in-house decision support package to determine the how the businesses output measures will change given additional investment and service growth. The package forms the basis of the proposal by Railtrack to the government for additional financial support.

We have been commissioned to review the algorithms and data quality to determine the overall accuracy of the submission that will be made to the government.

Success measure:

The audit redeveloped and refined all algorithms and data evaluation techniques, thereby significantly increasing the accuracy of budgetary estimations to the government and refining overall business strategy.



Thameslink 2000


Represented Bombardier Transportation’s bid for the signalling contract for Thameslink 2000, which has a total contract value of approximately £250m.

Success measure:

Using risk management techniques, we developed the contract strategy and determined optimum risk/reward ratios for the contract.
The contracting strategy was accepted by both Bombardier and Railtrack and subsequently became the model for Railtrack’s other contracts on the programme.



Control Centre of the Future (CCF). CCF is a major nationwide IT project designed to allow Railtrack’s signalling staff to proactively manage the infrastructure and subsequently diagnose incidents and responses.


We developed a “Benefits Management and Realisation” strategy that provided the strategic directions from which specifications, migration strategy and operational philosophies were developed

Success measure:

The project is regarded as the most successful IT implementation within Railtrack and this has been identified by the client as being down to the clarity of the business strategy.

All targets are currently being achieved and user acceptance is high.



Contract evaluation on Railtrack’s new generations of maintenance contracts


The new generation of maintenance contracts amounted to approximately £1billion of work over the 5-year contract period. The contracts are structured on a partnering arrangement between Railtrack and contractors.

We developed mathematical and statistical models to determine the value of the risk transfer between the client and contactor. This provided a framework against which the contract bids could be judged.

Success measure:

The techniques developed allowed rapid contractor evaluation to be made as well as providing an auditable evaluation methodology.



Railtrack West Coast Route Modernisation programme


Developed logistics strategy and managed the programme of depot developments.

Success measure:

Delivered the working logistics solution.



Proposed rail link from Heathrow to St. Pancras.


Developed mathematical and statistical approaches that provided rapid evaluation of the service robustness

Success measure:

The approach that we developed was significantly quicker and more auditable than conventional simulation techniques. The output successfully highlighted what changes would be necessary to existing contracts to make the programme viable.


Review of Areas Delivery Group Strategy.


Railtrack’s “Area delivery group strategy” allowed for decentralisation of decision-making and was initially successful in improving service performance. However, these improvements started to taper out after a period of time.

We were engaged to review the existing strategy and determine how it needed to evolve to ensure continual and sustainable business improvement

Success measure:

Developed a series of both short-term action plans and long term strategic objectives for the business.
Railtrack used the output from the exercise in defence of the regulators determination.



Provision of a Nationwide training programme


Railtrack had introduced a new position nationwide across the country whose remit was to carry out data analysis and provide the long-range vision for the new Area Delivery Groups.

We were engaged to determine the job definition, develop the training requirements and develop and deliver the course.

Success measure:

The course was scored highly by all participants and we have since been commissioned to carry out a series of follow on training courses.

The output from the exercise was also used to refine the role profile for the position and influence recruitment strategies.



Major depot development (client confidential)


A major operational depot was being upgraded to support the introduction of a new transportation service. The interface of between the upgrading works and the ongoing deport operations had critical commercial significance for the end client.

Crystal Clear Management were request to arbitrate between the client and the contractor and provide independent verification of the programme robustness through a detailed risk assessment.

Success measure:

The exercise successfully highlighted weaknesses within the programme in a manner that was acceptable to all parties. This allowed for a re-design of the project plan to ensure that a proper balance was maintained between risk and reward.



Cooper Oil Tools Shell and Mobil Contracts.


Supplier of latest technology for the subsea sector of the offshore oil industry.
Provided project and commercial management on the Shell and Mobil contracts that had a combined annual turnover of approximately £40million.

Success measure:

Turned around the relationship with Mobil so successfully that Cooper Oil Tools was used as Mobil’s model contractor.

Increased the margin on the Shell business despite taking over a situation were the design changes had undermined the project viability and client relationships had deteriorated to breaking point.


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