Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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Line Management

Line Management

Work Experience

2010 Chief Auditor: Municipality Vlaardingen
2010 Adviseur: Municipal cooperations
2010 May Management Advisor, Damen Dredging Equipment; MBTI assessments and coaching advise to management.

2009 -2010 Organisational Coach, Municipality Vlaardingen: Strengthening the use and principles of Good Governance and Project Management Cycle within the team; Engineers and Project Managers.

2009 – 2009 Interim Management Waterschap Hollandse Delta: Rural board water-roads management: Managing the refurbischment of a Customer Service Centre, coaching the team towards ownership and maturity. Creating a link between the Customer Service Centre and the core business.

2008 – 2009 Organisational Coach: National Marine Dredging Company Abu Dhabi, reporting to the board, setting up new organisational structure of annual work plans, targets, controls and HRM structure.

2008 – juni Management Trainer/coach, Training needs assessment en organisational advice: National Marine Dredging Company Abu Dhabi.

2008 -2008 Management Coach: Rabo bank Zeist: Assisting in management approach for ITIL implementation on software test environment. Instigating improvements in the communication and result focus

2007 – 2008 Interim Manager: RET Rotterdam Metro and Tram. Line management, transfer from governemental to commercial organisation of Infra-facility stations and power supply facilities. P&L responsible over a € 12 mio annual budget. Initiating result orientation and contract management processes, riving the appraisal system and recruitment.

2006 – 2006 Change Management. The Netherlands Advisor with the Police authorities of Noord Holland Noord, Kennemerland and Zaanstreek Waterland.
• Facilitating strategy development aligning 3 facility management services.
• Advisory services to Senior Managers.

2006 - 2006 Organisational Advisor/Coach. WESCO Steel Industry Ijmuiden. Netherlands Re-structuring the organisation: Coaching Senior staff and. Directors

2005–2007 Trainer Coach. Gulf Cobla, dredging company in Dubai, UAE Dubai, Okt 2005, March 2006, Nov 2006, May 2007
• Coaching of Project Managers
• Training needs assessment en training of senior and middle management.
• Supporting the company with focussed management training courses.

2004 - 2004 General Director a.i. Antillean Co Financing Organisation (AMFO). Neth Ant. Responsible for results and securing the turn-around of a well embedded change for financing the NGO environment in a strongly politicised organisational field, securing a € 15 mio annual national financing budget.
• Strategic: turn around results, institutional development.
• Institutional: financial and strategic coaching of supervisory board.
• Tactical initiating/implementation of operational procedures and process flow, relation management, HRM and internal quality control.
• Promotion Long term promotion of policy and accessibility for clients.
• Operational: coaching new employees and operational directors, communication with interest groups NGO and NGO platforms).
• Responsible for the development of a business model and business plan of this social co-financing organisation.

2001 – 2003 Project Manager. The prelude to the Antillean Co Financing Organisation (sept) (AMFO finances NGO projects Antillean islands (5)). Neth Ant.
• Analysis of the operational and institutional state of co-financing on the Neth Antilles, setting new strategy. Secured financing of socio-economic projects on five islands. For he Government of the Netherlands Antilles and the Dutch Ministry of Internal Affairs and Kingdom relations (BIZA):
• Policy development at political and gov. levels, planning and budgeting.
• Promotion of policy and social partnership, participation and ownership.
• Financing-control processes, organisational structure, complaint procedures,.
• Preparation/writing and negotiating of the bilateral agreements, policy agreement, business models and statutes
• Team of 3 experts, 2 government officials, 5 NGO representatives.

2001 - 2001 Office Manage; Qicon BV Nederland.
Netherlands Development and implementation of office management procedures for the ICT consultancy Qicon BV. Amersfoort.

1997 – 2000 Business Advisor, TempoConsult in Namibia: (Owner Director)
Namibia Business Advisory company with three employees, Business and Organisational advisory services for SME and Government organisations. Market and statistical research, Interim Management, management coaching and training-courses.
• Commercial advisory services to the tourism and environment board.
• Vehicle manufacturer URI, business plan and financing, board set-up.
• Ministry of Trade and Industry, feasibility studies and business development
• Worldbank/Nam Government, research competency based educational.
• GTZ, evaluation of the SME programme with Min. of Trade and Industry.
• Monitoring assignments with Water supply projects for Medicos Pretoria
• Project implementation Rural Water Supply for Unicef Windhoek.

1995 – 1997 Team Leader (chief technical advisor) Finnconsult oy, Namibia, Oshakati:
Namibia Overall Management, responsible for project budget, planning, control, staffing and implementation with an annual budget N$ 6.3 Mio. (1995)
• Project management water and sanitation project, advisory services to regional government, project planning, budget control, HRM and training.
• Advisory services for regional development plan, infrastructure and improving the levels of ambition.
• Responsible for the participatory approach; policy implementation and communications with rural population Ohangwena Region.
• Project 35 employees, 4 international experts.

1992 – 1995 Training Coordinator Directorate Rural Water Supply, Namibia, Windhoek. (Min. Foreign Affairs Namibia Netherlands):
• Initiating the post independence changes and formulating new policies for rural water supply.
• As Team Leader Extension work rural water supply: mobilising and preparing 110 extension officers, realisation of a turn-around in rural water supply.
• Developing trainings curriculum and extension message.
• Presenting organising and outsourcing of training resulting in a regular staff development programme still running today.
• Promotion of Government Policy and social, participatory interaction of beneficiaries on aspects of social political issues related to water supply.
• Responsible for the development of the extension message and the introduction of payment for water services.
• Key result was bridging the gab between pre-independence approach to rural water supply and the post independence approach.

1989 –1992 Advisor/Engineer IWACO BV (now Royal Haskoning), Netherlands, Rotterdam.
• Back-up support to various projects, focus on engineering and design
• Analysis and studies on specific subjects related to Pollution, Environmental Impact, and Water Hammer.
• Setting up and organising procurement and logistic support for specific bulk supplies for isolated rural projects in Africa.

Sudan Works Manager (ad interim team leader): Nyala Darfur Sudan
• Project management and water supply engineering (mechanical and civil).
• Interim Team Leader rural water and sanitation project Darfur province.
• Shallow-well project, participative design and development of water supply solutions and hygiene programmes.
• Organisational advice structuring Rural and National relations and division of tasks offices in Nyala and Khartoum.

Mauritania Engineer Water Supply
• Urban and Rural Water Supply.
• 6 towns water supply (semi rural) Engineering and Design.
• Supervision of tendering procedures, for 6 towns water supply.

Other experience
• (1985) Inter Church Co-ordination Committee (ICCO), Tanzania. Trainer.
• (1982–85) Caritas, Tanzania, Netherlands Volunteers Service (SNV).


2004 – 2005 Nyenrode University Professional Interim Management,
1985 – 1989 Ing. Bsc. Mechanical/Chemical Engineering with Business Management HBO Groningen. Extramural Business Management.
1980 – 1981 Diploma Engineering Technician; Automotive and Business studies
1976 – 1979 Diploma Mechanical Engineering Technician

Professional development
2010 Conflict Management Nyenrode and OPP, MBTI Accredited assessor
2009 Psychometrics Meyers Briggs Type Indicator by OPP (step I and II certified)
(2001) Introduction to Prince II project management, Pink Roccade,
(1998) Financial Management, Finan Hilversum,
(1996) Individual Effectiveness’ Programme, PIT Windhoek,
(1995) Cross Cultural Management & Leadership en Logical Framework, (MDF)
(1994) Training of Trainers, Imaginal Training.
(1992) Logical Frame Work, Evaluation and Monitoring (MDF)


French (limited)
Arabic (limited)


MBTI certified
Prince II experience

Emotionally and fysically very fit!


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