Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
21218 professionals


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Work Experience

CEO, Cosworth Racing 2001-2004, Turnaround progamme from loss to profit coupled with 25% sales growth from $100m to $125m.
Managing Director, TRW Electric Steering 1994-2001, New technology development and startup on greenfield site with launch customers Renault, Fiat and Nissan.
Marketing Director, Lucas Aerospace 1990-1994, New market development in USA and China
General Manager, Lucas Aerospace Ignition Business 1988-1990, Business turnaround programme
Personnel Director,Lucas Aerospace 1986-1988, Business Development and restructuring


BA Hons University of Leeds
MBA University of Bradford
Strategic Management INSEAD


Business Turnaround and restructuring.
New Technology Development.
Strategy Development and Execution


English, Basic French


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