Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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Interim Manager

Interim Manager

Work Experience

Interim Sales responsible Energy (January 2007 - March 2007)
Sales of gas and electricity multisites, streaming of internal business flows, invoice and communications.

Key Account Manager (December 2004 – December 2006)
Business areas Belgium, Netherlands and Netherlands Antilles. Key Account Manager for the sale of wind turbine installations up to the realization phase. Negotiation with customers and sub-suppliers (electrical and civil works). Follow-up during the tender phase, site visit, contract negotiation, selection of sub-suppliers, closing of deal with customer and sub-suppliers and budgeting. After contract sign follow-up of Project Management, Contract Management. After installation follow-up and internal structure of Service and Maintenance.

Project Highlights
Aruba $ 21 million
- Negotiation FIDIC Yellow contract with Owner and Engineer
- Site visit with sub-contractors
- Negotiating price and quality with local sub-contractors
- When erected Project- and Contract management.

Colombia $ 60 million
- Contract management Vestas, Dutch content intermediary and customer
- Site visit

Several projects in Belgium € 80 million
- Negotiation FIDIC based contract with Owner and Engineer
- Site visit with sub-contractors
- Negotiating price and quality with sub-contractors
- When erected Project- and Contract management

Several projects in Holland 40 MW € 35 million
- Site visit with sub-contractors
- Negotiating price and quality with sub-contractors
- When erected Project- and Contract management

Key Account Manager (May 2002 – December 2004)
Business area Holland, large customers and projects. Key Account Manager for the sale of wind turbine installations. Negotiation with customers. Follow-up during the tender phase, site visit, contract negotiation, closing of deal with customer and budgeting. After installation follow-up and internal structure of Service and Maintenance contract.

Account Manager (May 2000 – May 2002)
Business areas North Holland and South Holland. Account Manager for the sale of wind turbine installations. Negotiation with customers, project development, permit-procedures. Follow-up during the negotiation phase, site visit, contract negotiation, closing of deal with customer and budgeting. After installation follow-up and internal structure of Service and Maintenance contract.

Project developer (April 1995 – May 2000)
Project developments for wind energy projects in the southern part of Holland with own company. As an agency of a Danish wind turbine manufacturer responsible for the Project Development, Sale, installation and service of the realized wind projects

Project manager (January 1997 - August 1997)
Project manager for cleaning and modification of 3 crude oil storage tanks and an oil-water separator tank. Follow-up of contract, Health and Safety plans and responsible for the daily operations.

Project manager (June 1996 - December 1996)
Project manager “Pig launch station”. During the engineering phase interim between owner and engineer. During the installation phase responsible for safety, operations, budget and time limits. The project consisted of the physical interruption of a crude oil pipe line, welding of flanges and mounting the pig launch station.

Project manager (January 1996 - June 1996)
Preparation of the Technical Requisition File for cleaning and modification of a 120.000 m³ crude oil storage tank. Presentation of the TRF to potential sub-contractors and the selection of these parties.

Operations (January 1990 - January 1996)
Responsible for the daily operations of discharging crude oil vessels, pumping of crude oil and storage. Responsible for small maintenance and Health and Safety at the work floor.


MAVO Angelus Merula Spijkenisse 1980-1984

MSvS (MTS) Maarten Tromp Brielle 1984-1989
Maritime Officer

Mechanical Business Management (B. Sc)Department of Mechanical-Engineering Specialized in Business Management Technische Hogeschool Arnhem The Netherlands 1993-1998

Additional courses
Industrial fire fighting 1994, 1996 and 1997
VCA 1 1994
Internal auditing ISO certificate 1996
VCA 2 1997
Business English 1998
Management 1998
Industrial Sales 2001


Project Management on industrial machinery, Sales Management on industrial machinery and energy, Contract Management on industrial machinery and energy, European Tendering on government projects both on sales of industrial machinery and energy


read : write : speak :

Dutch very good very good very good
English very good very good very good
German good fair fair


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