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Work Experience

Consultancy Projects

Started employment with Glacier Metal company, specialising in the design, manufacture of thin and thick wall bearing for the automotive, electrical, marine and general engineering industries. Worked for several years in several senior positions leading into internal consultancy within the MD management group.

Engineering related projects
1. Company wide forecasting system
2. Factory performance measurement system
3. Manufacturing efficiency improvements
4. Capital projects analysis and justification
5. Introduction of new automatic engineering equipment
6. Capital investment projects

After my career with Glacier Metal Company, I joined ICL concentrating on IT related Consultancy Projects with Blue chip IT companies

I was ICL’s Senior Business Consultant to SW region and my remit was to develop relationships with ICL’s clients at Board level and use my skills to promote the use of IT to enable ICL’s clients to gain competitive advantage .

Projects involved assignments with clients ranging from 3 day workshops to 4 month paid consultancy and included

1. The business review of DRG’s manual order management system and justification of an computerised alternative demonstrating that financial and service level improvements could be made.
2. The justification of a stock control management system to Anglian Windows.
3. The development and implementation of a financial reporting management system for the Board of Myson Radiators as well as the introduction of an MRP system.
4. The use of “ view data “ for freight forwarders to enter C11 data for reducing the handling time taken by Customs to clear goods. This required setting up a community of users.
5. Installing a project management system for Hunting Engineering to manage major engineering projects.
6. The development of an ICL simulation system to aid factory managers in assessing the impact upon factory and company performance upon changes in priorities on work scheduling.
7. The financial impact upon ITW, a manufacturer of plastic mouldings of introducing an MRP system.
8. A IT strategy review presenting options to La Porte Industries on a centralised verses decentralised IT architecture and the business benefits thereof.

All of these projects resulted in ICL securing orders for business that would have been lost to competition.

Upon moving into Account and Sales management focusing on BT for ICL, I used my consultancy skills to sell IT solutions in

1. Order management (£2M) involving a telesales marketing system linked to a JIT stock management systems involving a new method of rapid development utilising Tuxedo and Visual basic
2 A major Computer Centre reorganisation across the UK(£40M) outlining the business benefits and implementation process for consolidating 11 major computer centres down to 3 larger but more cost effective centres.
3 A business overview of a solution for the Motor transport division (£7M) allowing management of costs and efficiency of some 340 MT garages across the UK as well as providing costs against vehicle manufactures claims.

My promotion to manage ICL’s Image and Workflow group allowed me to develop skills in

1. Business planning establishing a strategy for a new business and gaining board commitment to this plan
2. Developing a new channel based sales strategy as well as a supporting services business.
3. This plan was accepted by ICL and in the first year, over £5M of orders were achieved.

My move into Siemens as Client Director allowed me to use my consultant skills

1. To gain treasury approval of a risk base PASS PFI arrangement which allowed sales persons to continue to sell PASS systems into the NHS trusts
2. Sell an outsourcing solution to an NHS trust.

Within Bull Information Systems as Account Director, I helped

1. COLT develop a new order management and provision systems for SDH circuits across some 23 European cities. This involved advising COLT of the issues surrounding this system, the selection of the appropriate software solution and the method of integrating the components together. I also Programme managed the relationship during implementation.
2. The final SI contract value was in excess of £8M.

3. Produce and manage consultancy reports for trouble tickets systems, one for Primus Telecom, and the other for RSL.

Consultancy projects within Compaq

I was head hunted into Compaq ( now Hp) and working with the solution architects within Compaq, I used my knowledge to help develop the business solution and justification ( at a top level ) for IN, BSS/OSS and SLA management of Tier 1 networks.

Other related skills.

1. Sales management
I have directly managed Sales and support persons in ICL, Siemens, Bull. I am familiar with the buying and selling cycles as pertaining to the sales of capital goods and software services and am very familiar with leasing arrangements. I have attended courses on account management, account development, new business selling, self assessment, solution selling, project management, Compaq Solution Architecture Methodology as well as product training courses on the solutions and products sold by all 4 IT companies. Total secured business to date in excess of £150M over 20 years

2. New Business Development

1. Development of a new channel based strategy for Powervision, a low value PC software licenced products offered for sale across Europe and the States.

2. The introduction and piloting and exploitation of Telemarketing as an aid to reducing costs and improving performance of sales persons.
As a result of these 2 initiatives, over £5M of new business was secured of which over £1M came from licences

3. Start up of a new Telco business where I helped develop the business plan, selected the solution sets, targeted the appropriate clients and gained company commitment to the sales plan.
After 12 months, I secured COLT and then RSL and Primus within a further 6

3. Development of client relationships.

In all my activities, whether engineering, health or telecoms, I have always managed to secure the right relationship to help deliver and secure the business.
These include directors at the Finance, Engineering or IT level as well as those at the appropriate technical level.

Industry Knowledge

1. Light Engineering ....batch and process control, stock management, MRP, JIT, capital projects and product development
2. Health… Patient Administration Systems, Nursing systems and PFI requirements and the risk management of the same.
3. Telecommunications ....BSS/OSS inc provisioning, IN, Network management, billing, mobility as well as identification of software partners

A general knowledge of the issues and problems facing senior managers within these industries and an ability to relate to these issues and gain clients commitment to the introduction of new technology to improve competitive standing.

Details of Engineering Consultancy work with Glacier Metal Company….over a period of 3 years

1. Company forecast system
The problems faced by management was that they had no rational system on which to base the levels of stock and raw material purchases needed to support company plans other than by the impact of orders being received by the company. The lead-time from suppliers often led to shortages or overstocking .
I developed a company wide “ management ratios “ financial system for forecasting of Factory output and consolidated performance.
This work involved developing mathematical algorithms to predict future movements of sales orders, cost of production and WIP based upon historical and cyclical data.
This information was then used the to direct the purchases of raw materials and the stocking levels within the factory system.
Savings in excess of £1M were identified.

2. Measurement of factory performance
The Company was unable to optimise the production from the Kilmarnock automotive parts factory and consequently were unable to determine the factory performance against any standard yardstick.
I identified a method whereby all factory jobs could be expressed in Std hours of output enabling a consistent measure of factory output to be agreed and used for performance measurement, not only at section and department level but also factory.
The work involved re-categorising all jobs into STD hrs for capacity planning and costing purposes

Less disputes between management on factory performance, which also lead to the introduction of a bonus, related performance scheme, which improved factory performance by 7%.

3. Improving factory efficiency
The factory production processes were geared to “make to order” only. As set up times for the automated production lines was over 4.5 hours and output was over 800 std hrs per line per hour , the impact of small orders of 50 –400 pieces on factory efficiency was devastating . These small orders were from major clients like Ford Solution.
By studying the frequency of these small but repeat orders over a 3 years cycle, I was able to prove that by making to surplus stock upon receipt of a small order, factory performance would be improved by not having to set up and manufacture upon receipt of subsequent orders and that the additional stock holding would not have an impact upon the company’s cash position.

Factory performance improved by 15%, and though stock holding increased by 2%, profit margins improved by over £500000 per annum.

4. Capital expenditure report and Control

Over 1000 capital projects were authorised annually by the Board from purchases of furniture ( UCE) to fully automated production lines for automotive shell bearing production..
Reporting expenditure against agreed budget and authority level Inc overspend was always 2 months over due and overspend on major projects out of control.

After considerable study of the process and procedures involved in the capital authority and reporting process, upon my recommendations, the Board agreed to the purchase of a bespoke capital authorising and reporting system from FI international..
I spent 6 months with them identifying the process and working with them to implement the same.

The introduction of the computerised reporting system reduced the lead-time for reporting to the Board to 5 days from month end. Control of the major projects was significantly improved.

5. Introduction of new automatic machining Centres
Costs for the London factory which was primarily a batch production unit for manufacture of bearings for pumps, turbines etc a were increasing, maintenance on old plant also increasing and factory output not keeping pace with orders.

Investigation of process practices within certain machine centres i.e. lathes, vertical and horizontal boring machines etc revealed that the introduction of semi automated machine centres would reduce batch set up time, consolidate several machine processes within one work centre and improve output. Changes to recommended process would be required as well.


Many automatic and semi automatic machine centres were purchased and installed leading to a improvement in output and quality of finished and semi finished components. I was responsible for the development of the individual business cases for each of the machine centres Inc documented improvements to the manufacturing processes

6. Capital investment consultancy projects

1. Investment appraisal of all capital investment running at £3M p.a. as well as assessing the impact upon business processes and technology refresh
2. Development of IT strategies to support the business objectives of the subsidiary companies
3. Detail knowledge of engineering process such as MRP, stock control, order planning to support the implementation of new factory management systems
4. General understanding of the economic and social drivers within the Engineering and IT industry to support the general investment approach being advocated
5. A complete business and manufacturing review of redeveloping the principal manufacturing site.

During my tenure with this role, I introduce mini computers into the factories for batch and automatic manufacture as well as introducing improvements to existing automated processes .


C Eng
MImech E


sales management, IT Strategy, business start up, management consultant, engieering consultant, OSS, BSS, JIT
expertise, marketing


english, poor french


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