Flex Manager
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Managing Director

Managing Director

Work Experience

Managing Director
MiCyte Ltd

Interim Appointment

A start up company that pioneered the digital imaging and advanced decoration of mobile phone covers.

6-month interim appointment proposed by venture Capital investor.

Initial appointment as management consultant and strategic advisor to group CEO strategic

Within 2 weeks of joining appointed Managing Director of main group subsidiary.

Managing Director
ViaCode Ltd

A wholly owned company of Royal Mail that acted as a public Certification Authority (CA) and was the leading UK provider of digital signatures, to underpin Internet transactions executed by government, business and citizens.

Head hunted as an external recruit to The Post Office.

Appointed on a service contract to establish a commercial business from what had been a technical research project.

Carried out a strategic review of the business incorporating market opportunity, product definition, product positioning, channels to market, strategic alliances, group management structure, and employee skills. (The group had fundamentally been an R+D operation financed by investor funds. It lacked a strategy and structure to take its products to market and generate positive cash flow)
Implemented group wide re organisation to significantly reduce costs and increase both customer and product focus.
Defined Brand and Product positioning, and, put in place a sales and support structure.
Planned and started roll out of a Nation-wide field franchise network.
Negotiated agreements with Car Phone Warehouse and Vodaphone to achieve product placement in 850+ retail outlets for Christmas 2001. Established discussion with other major high street retailers and major wholesale distribution companies.
Set up distribution agreements for the leading European markets.
Managed a close working relationship with Motorola in UK and USA. Executed projects with Sendo and attended high level discussions with Nokia.
Closely involved in the commercial aspects of \"next generation\" decorative techniques for mobile phones and other small plastic covered products.
Managed negotiations with 3rd party Plastic Moulding companies and Industrial paint shops.
Put in place basic customer service, supply logistics and engineering change management procedures and systems.
Provided day to day advice to group CEO on all issues including Investor relations and fund raising.

Full responsibility for the P&L, balance sheet and operational departments.
Developed initial commercial models and a full five-year business plan that was validated by PWC.
Worked actively to seek outside investment from trade partners and venture capitalists. As a result the technology venture capital arm of a major European bank entered negation.
Recruited and managed a multi-disciplinary team of 70 people based in three locations.
Successfully negotiated multi-million pound distribution contracts with commercial organisations and The British Chambers of Commerce.
Involved with the Cabinet Office and the e-envoys office in developing policy and standards for electronic government.
Invited to attend the Cabinet Office Top Management Programme (TMP) a one month residential programme for senior government officers.
Extensive experience of the commercial and technology issues surrounding e-commerce and the Internet.
Mastered the complex technology issues surrounding asymmetric key encryption and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), and, the use of the Internet for business transactions, with a strong emphasis on 3G mobile, iTV and smart card applications


Senior Vice President
Dow Jones Markets

Appointed to recruit and manage a global team that would bring to market Internet based electronic trading systems, for wholesale banking and commercial users.

Reported directly to corporate headquarters in New York and worked alternate weeks in London and Manhattan.

International Sales Director
Dow Jones Markets

Tasked to lead the global co-ordination of the top 100 international accounts.

These accounts represented 47% of the total global revenues of $950m.

Based in London but with frequent travel to all European capitals plus New York and Tokyo. .

European Marketing Director

A leading provider of, US and Global, financial information, news and analysis.

Tasked to fast track the commercial and technical development of Internet based electronic trading systems for wholesale transactions.
Recruited and managed a team of 100 people in New York, London and Hong Kong
Worked closely with major International banks and exchanges.
Acquired an in depth knowledge of the commercial and technology issues associated with the electronic trading and settlement of exchange based and over the counter (OTC) instruments
Successfully executed an internal campaign to win the support of the local operating companies and the board of the parent company.
Gained very early exposure to the Internet a medium for executing secure, high value transactions.
Built and installed global trading systems for several leading banks.

Final outcome resulted in a growth in global revenues from the sector of 35% in the first 2 years of full operations.
Personally negotiated contracts with a term value in excess of $50million
Required a significant change in the local, regional and global account management philosophy of the company. This involved the DJM local subsidiaries giving up substantial commercial and operating autonomy.
The role was based on the concept of operating through influence rather than control, and necessitated accurate commercial analysis and sensitive political lobbying to ensure local buy in.
Gained experience in appreciating the needs of major global customers and building sophisticated \"win-win\" propositions.

Established and ran first European regional marketing team.
Created unified look and feel to market operations in 27 European and middle East countries
Responsible for European pricing and packaging of services
Scripted and lead annual European road show
Designed and managed major staff incentive schemes


UK Regional Manager

Recalled from Middle East to Establish an independent UK operation

Regional manager
Middle East

Based in Bahrain

Country Manager
Saudi Arabia
Kuwait Finance House

Based in Al Khobar Saudi Arabia

Sales Manger and sales Executive
Data General

The Royal Airforce

Managed a team of 128 sales and support Staff
Grew annualised revenues from $45million to $78
Created first operational structure independent of European head office
Extensive troubleshooting to resolve the severe contract problems caused by 1987 market crash.

Responsible for all Middle East operations
Grew annualised revenues from $500k to$7million
Establish offices and distributors in 8 Middle East countries.

Ran successful start up operation which bid and serviced technology contracts in the public and private sector.

Successful career selling mid range computers

Officer and aircrew training at Royal Airforce College Cranwell.


1963 69 Danum Grammar School
9 0 levels, 4 A levels

1969-3 Bradford University
Honours degree in Applied Physics


Photgraphy,Sailing, Travel, Architecture, Macro economics


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