Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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Werkervaring interimmanager

Aug 1995 - Dec 1995
Several jobs via a Staffing Agency

Jan 1996 - Dec 1999
PRO-XS Adviesbureau Automatisering, Delft
Self-employed. Consulting and support in business automation, software application development and Web site design.

May 1997 - Jan 1998
Happietaria Delft 1997.
Function: Operations manager
Responsibilities: Initiation and operations of a temporary restaurant whose benefits are allocated to third world projects.

Apr 1998 - Dec 1998
Trainee at Aircraft Development & Systems Engineering B.V., Schiphol-Rijk
Function: Junior Systems Engineer / RDD Consultant
Implementation of Systems Engineering (SE) methods and support in the application of SE tools at British Aerospace Military Aircraft & Aerostructures in the development of an aircraft.

April 1999 - Jul 1999
Trainee at van Dam & Den Doelder Management Consulting, The Hague
- Technical analysis of the environmental performance of a customer in the brewery industry
- Characteristics & actual performance of an ecological sustainable brewery

Jan 2000 to present
Partner in PRO-XS Consultancy, The Hague
Advisory services in the area of information and communication processes.
- Organisational structures & processes
- Technological innovation

Dec 2000 to Jun 2001
Part-time assistent at Delft University of Technology, section production technology and organisation
- Development library information system
- Organisation of study course: Applied Systems Theory for Mechanical Engineering students
- Organisational working group for IPV-course for Ph.D. students

Opleiding interimmanager

Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, curriculum for a master's degree.
Core programme: Design Engineering
Specialisation: Industrial Organisation

University of Leiden, Faculty of Philosophy, curriculum for a bachelor's degree.

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

Software application skills
Office applications: MS Office (Word, Exel, Access, Powerpoint), WordPerfect
Software Development: MS Visual Basic, Borland Delphi, Borland C++
Engineering:RDD-100 (Requirements Driver Development), AutoCad, SolidEdge, Nastran
Multimedia:HTML-code, VRML-code, Java-code

Talenkennis interimmanager

Dutch: Native
English: Fluent (Also Technical and Business terminology)
German: Good/working knowledge
French: Fair


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