Flex Manager
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Finance Manager

Finance Manager

Work Experience

Interim projects from 2003 and 1996-1999

03-Financial Model Dutch National Centre for Prevention

03-Project Shared Services Unilever Netherlands
. Business case for the HR shared service centre
. Contact management implementation (Remedy) for the financial centre

00-02 Finance Manager Africa & Middle East region of JohnsonDiversey - Sales 100M usd - Schiphol in the Netherlands
·Responsible for finance, IT and supply chain with 100 indirect reports
·Closed factory
·Lead the US-GAAP conversion and other European change projects
·Completed turnarounds, acquisitions and dis-investments

98-99 Interim Finance Director Start-Up Diversey Foodsafety Consultancy - Amsterdam
·Created business model and financial systems
·Lead knowledge management approach with alliance partners

96-98 Interim Financial Director NipponDiversey - sales 45M usd - Tokyo
· Responsible for accounting, IT and manufacturing, 35 and 50 reports
· Implemented new accounting, reporting and HR systems
· Implemented cost savings resulting in 2.5% higher gross profit
· Launched a new product and achieved 1M usd sales

95-96 Financial manager Foods Division NipponRiba - sales 230M usd - Tokyo
· Lead strategic studies on manufacturing in Asia and new JV
· Build a new logistics system for the Lipton tea unit

93-95 Chief Accountant - Otares – sales 80M Euro - Enschede and Maarssen in the Netherlands
· Converted the Sara-Lee systems and created new legal structure
· Implemented SAP (financial, controlling and sales)
· Merged two accounting departments
· Created a new department covering all supply chain functions

91-92 Assistant-to-the-Controller NipponRiba - sales of 1B usd - Tokyo
· Worked on reporting, investor relations, treasury and acquistions.
· Replaced the financial manager Personal Products division for half year

88-91 Junior Accountant with UniMills oil milling group in the Netherlands and UK.
· Responsible for consolidating German, UK and Dutch results
· Lead project to re-organise the inventory systems in English factory

86-88 Officer - Dutch Army Staff in the Hague
· Co-ordinator of strategic planning system

Additional experience

00-02 Project-leader of the U-Shop, an internet personnel shop
· Initiated and lead the project
· Build the shop to 5,000 customers, 25,000 orders and 1M Euro sales

93-94 Part-time teacher of Accountancy and Management

89- Trainer at internal financial courses, speaker at conferences on Controlling


2000 article about Economic Value Added in Handbook Management Accounting


1992 Chartered Accountant [RA titel] - Dutch Accountants Institute
1985 Master Business Economics [doctoraal BE] – Groningen University


Business modelling, IAS > US-GAAP conversion, Acquisitions, E-commerce, Shared Services


Dutch native
English fluent
Japanese, French, Spanish and German good


International experience
Europe, Japan/Asia and Africa/Middle East
Change management experience
Start-up, SAP implementation, Restructuring of back-office, Post-acquisition integration and Turnarounds


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