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International entrepreneurial position

International entrepreneurial position

Work Experience

08/'00-now Swets Blackwell B.V. (Lisse, The Netherlands): Worldwide
leader in journal subscription and information management
• Regional Director Europe based in the Netherlands. Responsible for the general management of the European country organizations, with 10 Country Managers as direct reports, a total headcount of 300 (25% of company headcount). Responsible for Euro 500 mln turnover (45% of company).

- Prime responsible for the acquisition of large Dutch competitor (100 staff, NLG 90 mln turnover): investment analysis; negotiations with owners, workerscouncil and union; managing integration.
- Appointed to commercialize and professionalize mature European sales organization.
- Introduced company wide Customer Driven Marketing system
- Removed "walls" between local companies, increasing synergies and decreasing learning curves
- 2001 results: turnover growth over 2000: +10%

06/'91-07/'00 AKZO NOBEL N.V. - ORGANON Teknika - Medical Diagnostics and
Pharmaceutical products - various positions based in Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Indonesia, Singapore.

07/’97-07/'00 • General Manager South-East Asia for Organon Teknika (AKZO
Nobel Pharma).
Responsible for the general management of the local Organon Teknika
organizations and agents/distributors in 10 ASEAN countries (total
headcount 70, P&L responsible). From 09/97 until 01/99 based in
Jakarta, Indonesia. From 01/99 until 07/2000 based in Singapore.

- Transformed 3 established organizations (Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand) with decreasing sales, increasing costs and chaotic management into profitable teams with steady growing sales, despite the economic crisis, by gradually changing the management and introducing a customer driven marketing system.
- Established area-wide standards in sales and human resources management and a high level of synergy between the countries.
- 1999 YTD figures: 15% over budget, 60% growth over 1998. Highly profitable.

09/’95-06/’97 • Key-Account Manager/Product Manager at Organon Teknika Germany (Heidelberg). Responsible for sales and marketing of infectious diseases diagnostics and systems in the German blooddonation market.

- From zero to market- and image-leader in two years in a new product market combination (sterility tests). The top-20 customers were fully managed by myself during the sales process. Market-segment share after one year: >90% (with strong competition available).

11/’93-08/’95 • International Product Manager (international marketing department, Organon Teknika International, Turnhout, Belgium). Responsible for the world-wide marketing of diagnostics (eg HIV and Hepatitis B tests) for the bloodbank market.

- Introduced a new AIDS test, two years later belonging to the top-5 in the world.

06/’91-10/’93 • International Product Specialist (international marketing department, Organon Teknika, Turnhout, Belgium). Responsible for the marketing of pregnancy tests and tests for infectious diseases for the clinical laboratory and hospital market.

- Project leader for the final development, promotion and introduction of a new professional pregnancy test.

Scientific experience

02/’89-05/’91 - 9 months Clinical Chemistry research at departments of Biochemistry and Neurology of the Academic Medical Centre (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands).
- 16 months Biochemistry research at the R&D departments of Organon and Organon Teknika (Akzo, Oss and Boxtel, the Netherlands).


06/’93 • NIMA-B (marketing management) diploma
01/’91 • NIMA-A (marketing assistant) diploma

09/’86-05/’91 • MSc in Chemistry (Drs.) at the University of Nijmegen (NL). Specializations: Biochemistry and Clinical Chemistry.

09/’80-06/’86 • Atheneum B in 's-Hertogenbosch (NL). A-levels equivalent. Subjects:
Netherlands, English, Mathematics 1 and 2, Physics, Chemistry, Biology.


• Entrepreneur with solid general management and pioneering experience.
• A unique combination of personal skills, commercial sense and scientific background.
• Proven trackrecord in sales and marketing of services, medical technology (capital goods), diagnostics and pharmaceutical products.
• Experience with managing regional offices with in total of 60-300 employees.
• Multicultural flexibility: both international (headquarters) and local experience, in Europe and Asia in large multinational companies.
• Management style: “hands-on” playing captain, delegated responsibility on all levels, sparring partner, open communication.
• Personality: enthusiastic, open-minded, flexible, teambuilder.
• Work style: structured and analytical approach, objective oriented.


Dutch, English and German: spoken (fluent), written (good). Moderate French and basic knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia.


Interests: • Chairman (& trumpettist as well) of the Showtime Big Band, a semi-professional show orchestra while at university.
• I like scuba-diving, sailing and travelling!


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