Flex Manager
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Project Management or General Management

Project Management or General Management

Work Experience

After completing my degree in computer science in 1976 and spending 8 months in Germany for my military service, I worked for 20 years with ADP-GSI, a computer-service bureau. Having started as a programmer I developed and installed for about 10 years a clearing software package (BSP=billing settlement plan) between travel agents and airlines.
I performed this activity in 10 different countries. Since 1994 I was leading ADP-GSI in Benelux as a General Manager. After an intermediate with Siemens as Technical Manager and Project Leader with IN2 and SBS, in 2001 I went to IATA (International Air Transport Association), the first year as IT manager Southern Europe, since 2002 as Regional Manager Benelux with a P&L responsibility towards the headquarters in Geneva. Since September 2006 I am free lance project leader on mainframe for a Belgian bank and assurer (KBC), being responsible for a project team of about 15 people, both in Belgium and in India (outsourcing of development).
-----Professional Experience-----

KBC bank (Leuven & Antwerp) 09/2006 – 05/2009
Project leader on a freelance base for a number of long term migration and distribution projects (about 2000 man days per project) on mainframe.
IATA (International Air Transport Association) (Zaventem) 02/2001 – 09/2005
a)IATA IDFS Regional Manager Benelux :
General management of the Benelux-offices in Zaventem and Amsterdam.
Bottom-line responsibility and P&L reporting towards the headquarters in Geneva.
Implementation of a number of new computer web-based applications for the tourist sector.
Organize and perform a number of staff reorganizations and set up of centralization procedures. 03/2002 – 09/2005

b)IT manager Southern Europe : responsibility for all IT process and the implementation of applications within Southern Europe. The biggest project was the installation of BSPlink for all travel agents and airlines. BSPlink is a global, web-based system for clearing between travel agents and airlines. On top, we also put on a web-based ASP-solution (Application Software Provider) for 7 IATA offices in Europe, in co-operation with a subcontractor. 01/2001 – 02/2002

Siemens (Brussels) 11/1998 – 01/2001
a)Projectleader with SBS (Siemens Business Systems) : contract with MVG (Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap). Introduction of EURO on Siemens mainframe. 07/2000 – 01/2001
b)System Service Manager with IN2 (IN2 = small computer subsidiary of Siemens) : planning and control of 11 technical engineers, set-up and follow-up of budget of technical department, contact with clients in case of major technical or commercial problems, project leader for major accounts, control of invoices and follow-up of guaranties in support of the financial department. 11/1998 – 06/2000

ADP-GSI (Brussels) 11/1978 – 11/1998
a)General Manager “ADP GSI Clearing Belgium” : bottom line P&L responsibility for the Belgian office (offices, staff, marketing, budget, …) and reporting to the European headquarters in Paris. 06/1994 – 11/1998
b)System Development Manager Benelux for BSP-package (Billing Settlement Plan) : clearing and invoicing software application between travel agents and airlines with technical implementation, maintenance and training of the application in Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, France, Greece, Ireland, England, Spain and Trinidad & Tobago. In every country I managed a local R&D team. 1982 – 05/1994
c)Analyst-programmer : COBOL programming and implementation of accounting packages, salary administration, “tailor made”-packages on IBM mainframe. 11/1978 –1982

Sligos (Brussels) : COBOL Programmer on IBM mainframe 02/1978 – 11/1978
Verenigde provinciën (Brussels) : COBOL Programmer on IBM mainframe
11/1976 – 05/1977


Degree in Computer Science at Rega School Leuven, several additional Management- and IT-training at Vlerick Instituut Gent (1990) and Software AG in Derby-UK (1987).


-----Professional Skills-----

Solid and diversified experience in :
International budget control : compiling, follow-up, correction, forecasting, consolidation with headquarters
Bottom-line responsibility at a number of service-minded multinationals
Daily teambuilding and coaching of a team of 7 to 14 staff members in Benelux
Project management on mainframe with national and international teams in several countries. Knowledge of MS Project.
Daily contact in tourist sector (travel agents, airlines, credit card companies, GDS-Global Distribution Systems, …)
Implementation of software packages on mainframe in several European countries
Frequent international contacts and traveling
Programming and development in COBOL and MS-Office tools on mainframe and RISC6000 (Unix)
trilingual (Dutch, French, English)

Personal profile :
Polyvalent, analytical, stress persistent, loyal, future minded, mobile, open, critical orientated, orderly, flexible, disciplined, quality and cost conscious.


Dutch (mother tongue), English and French (fluent in speaking and writing)


-----Professional Objectives-----

My ideal function (as employee or free lance) would be a strategic and operational job where I could use my responsibilities and skills on the level of management and IT-capacities towards team members and customers in order to assist to the future and development of a company.


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