Flex Manager
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Work Experience

Belgium Chocolate Group NV, OKT 2001 - NOV 2002
T/O 1 500 000 € (Gartner) 22 310 417 € (Industrial)

Bottomline Manager Gartner Chocolatier

Main duties:
product & clients analysis worldwide, writting & implanting a commercial strategy, creating new products & marketing strategys, forecast & productionorder, quality & HACCP, peoplemanagement & floormanagement, distribution negotiation per country, contract & manual writting

Main achievements:
Implementation of the 20/80 rule
Making a negative TO into a positiv TO by strategic brandbuilding
Costsaving by restructuring employment & quality and by reduicing productionlevel
Motivation of a worldwide salesteam

Les Maîtres Confiseurs NV, MEI 1998 - SEPT 2001
Wholeseller TO 1 611 308 & Franchiseur TO SHOPS : 1 065 942 €

Franchise Manager

Main duties :
Screening potential franshising candidats & locations
negotiating with contracters
creating stores, communication with the franshises, fieldmanagement of the stores, workshops, PR, pricestrategy, interial decorations of the stores

Main achievements : 1999 - 2001
- Full Franchise Stores 3
- Corner Franchises 11

De Jampot, detailstore MAR 1994 - 2003
T/O 161 000 € - 185 000 €

General Manager - Owner

Main duties : storemanagement - confiseriestore in chocolates, sweets, cookies, nostalgie, bears aso

Main achievement : resulting in not getting broke - learning everything there is to know about retail & detail and most important, consumers

Euro Shoe Unie NV - MAR 1990 - SEPT 1995
Avance detail store on consignation base

Main Duties :
Storemanager, stocks, selling, ....

Main Achievement :
Increasing the yearly TO from 185 000 € (1990) in 372 000 €(1993) and to maintain that TO during the years

Before 1990 - not on independant base

TO 1 115 520 €


Main Duties :
Selling AGEPAN woodfloor for Transports (Van Hool, LAG ...)
A German product creating concurention for Delignit Floors

Main Achievement:
Realising contracts on a yearly base creating a solid commercial bound between a new brand and the biggest transportbuilding firms in Belgium (at that time) TO 1 115 520 € represents only the TO of Agepan as side business

Before 1988

Excepting different jobs as a salesrepresentative in the touristic sector.
TO 743 680 € in selling bustrips on European teritory


Klassieke Humaniora Wetenschappen A
OBO- Sint-Jansstraat te Tongeren
Toerisme Lange Kwalificatie
Dekenstraat te Leuven
The University of Life due to aprox 20 years of working in sales & management jobs
Experiences from detail/retail up to productionunits


All round manager with over 10 years experience within the "artisanal" foodsector, confectionery (sweets, candy & cookies) & chocolats. A specialist in her field. Customerlevel : higher middle & lower-middle higher level. This as well on a retail/detail level as on productionlevel. Shopmanagement, workshops & Consulting, Franchisemanagement, Marketing & Pubs, New Product Development, Manuals, Distribution, Logistics, Forecasting, Budgets, Leadtimes Production & Stocklevels, Packaging, Fairs, Costprice analysis & overheads


In order of importance:
Dutch - well written & spoken fluently
English - well written & spoken fluently
German - written & spoken, fluently
French - written & spoken, fluently
Spanish - basic


Projectdevelopment & implantation, Nokia, Dell, E-mail, Excel, Windows, Manuals, Leadtimes, Productiontimes, Costcalculation, Stocks, Econ. Stocklevel, forecasting, Marketing, Buy & Sell, Packaging, Budgets, Overhead, Full franshising, Soft & Hard Franchising, Loi Doubain, Ordas, Mixit, Contracts, Consulting, Strategic, Creating, Commercial management, fieldmanagers, Mac, online store, Trading, wholesale, F1, F2, retail, detail, Shop in the Shop, Folders, Collection, Dutch, English, German, Frensh, Spanisch, MDI, Bottom Line


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