Flex Manager
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Work experience

Samsom Uitgeverij 1974 – 1982
Company/Branch: Publisher : books, magazines and loose-leaf publications
Job: Copywriter/promotionmanager
Jobmission : Promotion of loose-leaf publications via direct-mail
Activities : Identifying targetgroups, briefing art-directors, copywriting, print purchasing and response analyses.
Management : No

Nationale Nederlanden Levensverzekering Mij NV 1982 – 1985
Company/Branch : Insurance company (Life and pension insurances)
Job : Copywriter/promotion manager reporting to the Manager of the Product Management & Promotion Group who reported directly to the Board.
Jobmission : Promoting insurance products via brochures, advertisements, mailings, radio- and tv-commercials, customer oriented as well as business to business. Organising events and seminars on products and market development.
Activities :Managing the art © department within the Product Management & Promotion group, copywriting for print and RTV, copywriting/editing the business tot business magazine NU, organising events (including the selection of locations, the design of stands/information pannels, the hiring of speakers, entertainers and caterers, supplying documentation and writing speeches).
Achieved goals : The complex and highly theoretical pension information was accessible and understandable to the end-user
Management : 5 fulltime employees,

Pensioenfonds PGGM 1985 – 1988
Company /Branch : Pensionfund for the Healthcare branche.
Job: Communications Manager reporting directly to the Board
Jobmission : Setting up a communications department, and develop and implement a long term communications plan.
Activities : Writing of the department plan, hiring staff, writing and implementing the communications plan (setting up a line of informative brochures, a magazine for the organisations within the healthcare branch and a magazine for all current and past employees working in it.
Achieved goals : A stable department (running within 6 months); a successful communications plan attuned to the situation at hand.
Management : 5 fulltime employees

Meulenhoff Educatief/European Bookservice-pbd 1988 – 1991
Company/Branch : Leading publisher of educational books for primary and secundary education. European Bookservice-pbd (subsidiary of Meulenhoff) is a European distributor of (scientific) books published in the US and the UK.
Job : Meulenhoff Educatief: Manager Sales en Sales promotion reporting directly to the board.
European Bookservice-pbd : International Commercial Manager, member of the Management Team.
Jobmission : Meulenhoff Educatief : Reconstructing the marketapproach towards primary and secondary education to make it more (cost)efficient
European Bookservice-pbd : Structuring the departments in the Netherlands, the US, the UK and Germany after the merge of European Bookservice and Proost & Brand Distribution and subsequent (re)model the business.
Activities : Meulenhoff Educatief : Reorganising the sales-department by forming separate teams for primary and secondary education (internal and external account management), setting up a comprehensive database of all secondary schools, and their educational methods and the period during which these methods were in use. This database was used for direct mail selections and sales approach. Organising the participation in national bookfairs.
European Bookservice-pbd : Managing (restructuring) the departments in the Netherlands, the US, the UK and Germany ,analysing the activities of the two former companies and based on this analysis, changing the strategy to a profitable one , visiting (academic) bookstores/libraries all over Europe to introduce/sell the new strategy, and visiting the US and the UK (academic)publishers. Organising the participation in international bookfairs such as Frankfurt, London and the ABA, purchasing air-, sea- and trucktransport.
Achieved goals : Meulenhoff Educatief : goalfocussed approach by salesmen replacing the so-called coffee(social) visits, cost-effective promotion: better results with (50%) less money invested.
European Bookservice-pbd: From annual loss to break even within a year, and to a profit in the next; merging two cultures (European Book Service and Proost en Brand Distribution into one clear and accepted culture.
Management : Meulenhoff Educatief: 22 employees
European Bookservice-pbd: 60 employees

Stichting Vakbladen 1991-1993
Company/Branch : Publisher of two trade journals in the Mixed Branch and Toy Branch.
Job : Interim Managing Director, reporting to the founders of the organisation.
Jobmission: Guiding a small publishing company from the “Stone Age” into the 20th Century.
Activities : Implementing a Macintosh-infrastructure for editorial and creative purposes. Introducing DTP by using QuarkXPress, implementing software based on Exact for the acquisition and accounting department
Achieved goals : Minimised overtime-budget, 20% decreased production costs professionalizing non-professionals with family relationships within the organisation
Management . 8 employees

Intechnium 1993-1995
Company/Branch : National educational and technical centre for the Installation of Technical Supplies
Job : Business Unit Manager Publishing, member of the Management Team.
Jobmission : Managing the business unit , while financially responsible for all activities . Managing the editing, production and selling of all course-books (loose-leaf made within a Printing on Demand environment), technical manuals and magazines.
Activities : Managing the project managers responsible for editing, managing sales and promotion, setting up an Internet-site.
Achieved goals : Changing the production from traditional printing to Printing on Demand . Realising the acquisition and sales of books of other companies within the scope of Intechnium, these goals being vital in securing a profit.
Management : 20 employees

ScanLaser 1995 –2000
Company/Branch : Leading laserprint company (of English origin) for Printing on Demand/Direct Mail/Billing solutions.
Job : Manager Orderprocessing, Project Management, Planning and Production (laserprinting and finishing methods), member of the Management Team.
Jobmission : Managing administrative, technical/IT- and production staff, organising the workflow, implementing new projects by analysing customer demands, translating them into laserprint solutions using SGML and related languages and making those solutions presentable to the customer. Producing costeffectively.
Activities : People management (complex because of different educational levels within the department : high educated IT-specialists as well as production people working in shifts). Controlling the quality and the planning of time-critical-productions. Product presentations in cooperation with sales.
Achieved goals: A high involvement of production people resulting in a better performance (quantity and quality) and creating a good atmosphere in the workplace.
Management : 57 employees

Forms Facility Group 2000 – present
Company/Branch : Member of the Bertelsmann Group specialised in graphic facility management/out- and insourcing (Supply Chain Management and Marketing Services).
Job : Project Manager specialised in Printing on Demand solutions (in combination with CRM/loyalty programs), Content/Document Management systems, Media Asset Management systems and e-promotion.(Web (Online)-shops, surf analysis etc.).
Jobmission : Solving marketing-communication-issues using project management techniques.
Activities : Analysing the workflow at the customer-side, writing a projectplan based on the analysis, formulating an offer ( in co-operation with Sales). Forming project management teams and workgroups, setting up a planning and making deliverables visible, controlling the time frames and the quality of the deliverables. Handing over the project to the client.
Examples of delivered projects:
Poststraat Staatsloterij, all lottery-related communication (print, mail and SMS) is managed by the Forms Facility Group organisation (about 20 million personalised letters, 1 million mails and 500.000 SMS).
A marketing communication database for Staatsloterij including all media assets (in all formats like JPEG, QuarkXPress, PDF, WAV etc) accessible via Internet and Intranet based on the software FileworX from Empolis (Empolis is the software developer of Sigmalink an important SGML-solution).

Many activities are carried out in close co-operation with German colleagues (Marketing Services in Germany runs loyalty programs for Lufthansa (Miles & More), Deutsche Bundesbahn and did the complete internet job for Bol.com).
Achieved goals : Successful introduction of all new and improved digital services like content management, webshops, media asset management. Realising within a limited time frame of 5 months the complex outsourcing of all lottery-related communication from Staatsloterij to Forms Facility Group and making the production of time critical letters in Germany possible.
Management : Proces- and peoplemanagement within the scope of the project at hand


HBS-A, NIMA-A (=marketing), NGPR-A (=Public Relations), Praktijk Diploma Boekhouden (=Accounting), Management-courses and divers IT-courses Macintosh and Windows (a.o. QuarkXPress, Documentum 4, Fileworx) (on the job)


* People-manager
* wide orientation
* 15 years Management-team-experience
* communicator
* inspirator
* perfectionist


Dutch, English, German and (min) french


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