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Directeur, CEO, COO, Executive Interim Manager

Directeur, CEO, COO, Executive Interim Manager

Work Experience

1. CEO for private interim management agency (2001-present): founded in february 2002, specialized in interim executive management: mainly working on and for Shareholders/Board of Directors levels; specialized in reorganising companies or departements of companies that are under pressure either in terms of results or in terms of commercial and financial targets. Within this role 2 large interim jobs fullfilled in a leading energy company (reorganising and redefining strategy for the corporate Consumer & Billing Services departement)and within a public services company (general management).

2. CEO for marketing agency (2000-2001)
Appointed by a leading banking organisation to restructure, reshape and redefine strategy for this internet marketing agency, under heavy financial and commercial pressure because of faillure of leadership in the past. Reorganised and reshaped this company in 7 months time, after that buy-out construction was set up;

3. Director of Customer Services telecoms branche (1996-2000). Started as Risk & Fraud Manager as one of the first staff in 1996, guided and helped with grow of this company to a solid 2000 FTE in 2000. In 1999 temporary changed roles, becoming Director of Customer Services, leading Customer Call Center, Billing Departement, Process Control Departement and Risk & Fraud Departement.

4. Credit & Risk Manager Benelux transport branche (1992-1996). Leading American financial services company (no. 1 multinational in the world), responsible for credit & risk management in the Benelux region.


Economy - University, Brussels.
High School (Belgium): specialisation in Economy, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.


- general management, management over Board of Directors
and/or (multiple) management teams;
- CEO ship: end-to-end responsible over company's general
management, reporting directly to shareholders;
- leading, reorganising, refocusing high-volumed
organisaties and companies;
- heavy experience in leadership over high numbers of
- talented in bringing fast relief;
- developer of high-level people management programs;
- experienced change and crisis manager;
- heavy target and result driven;
- no nonsense, direct communicator;
- experience in telecoms branche (startegy & general
management), marketing and internet branche (CEO ship);
finance risk control.


(US) English (excellent); Dutch (mother); German (excellent); french (basic)


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