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Directie & Management

Directie & Management

Work Experience

Work Experience
2003 – Current Oilily
Currently I am working in the position of Director Supply Chain and ICT for Oilily. Oilily is the leading kid and women wear business globally with total revenue of Euro 72 mio.
At the end of 2002 Oilily changed ownership. Oilily was in a very bad financial and operational state. I was one of the first MT members selected by the new shareholders supporting the Turnaround. In my role I have started up and delivered strategic important change projects in the Supply Chain & ICT like Outsourcing Logistics to 3rd LSP, selection and implementing new ERP system, Sourcing Strategy, Quality Assurance program, etc.
My main responsibilities are:
- ICT;
- Production
- Sourcing;
- Facility Management
- India production facilities;
- Logistics,
- Quality Assurance;
- Distribution;

2001 – 2003 NCR Benelux
I have worked for NCR Retail EMEA in the position of Professional Service Sales Manager for the Retail Solution Division responsible for the Benelux and German market.
In this role I was P&L responsible for Store Automation in the Benelux and Germany serving Tier 1 customers like Albert Heijn, Schuitema, Vendex KBB, Metro, Edeka, Woolworth etc. directly and Tier 2 and 3 via indirect Channel . I was reporting to the Vice President of NCR based in London office.

In this position I was responsible for:
- selling of NCR Store Solutions total Outlook of Euro 45 mio;
- using my network for acquisitions;
- responsible for Bid and Risk management in Bid Review Process;
- pricing of Solution Service offerings;
- coaching the 23 sales consultants within Store Automation Netherlands and Germany
- build Human Factor Engineering group within EMEA;
- financial Management (Outlook processing, reporting and P&L);
- managing of Indirect Channel Partners;
- end Responsible for the running projects (Implementation and roll-out of Software and Hardware, Software Development, IT Consulting, Project Management, Euro projects etc.). Mostly these projects are multi million dollar projects with steering committees on highest board levels;
- developing and marketing POS application for the Benelux;
- sales support and proposal production (Presentations, RFI/ RFP/ RFQ support);
- marketing of Store Automation products like (POS, Software (POS and Back office), Scanners, Kiosk, Electronic Shelf labels and Self Check Out).
Successful wins and projects for NCR are:
Albert Heijn - Several projects relating to replacement of current POS, EFT Smartpay Euro project, Self check out, and HFE study for new check out.
Aldi Sud - Sold new front office and back office software application at least 10.000 licences.
AVA Marktkauf – Installation of Electronic Shelf labels
Edeka - Installation of POS and Front Office Software plus Maintenance and Support
ETC Tolcollect – Installation of Kiosks and application for toll collection on highways.
Hema - Sold and installed first Self Checkout installation. We as NCR had a lot of media exposure with this installation leading to successful sales opportunities with other Retailers
Hoogvliet - Installation of Electronic Shelf labels including software integration module
InterPolis – Sold and build Kiosk and Software application for Self Service in the Restaurant;
Jumbo / Van Eerd – Sold and delivered Pilot for Self Check out including software integration
Kijkshop – Sold and delivered Kiosk and Kiosk application for Self Service Payments process
M&S Mode – Sold new POS and installation Services for installation into Europe
McDonalds – Installation of new POS and Software into the restaurants in Netherlands and Belgium
Metro – Selling of Self Check out Solution
Praxis / Brico – Sold and delivered new front office and back office software;
Schuitema – Several projects on POS and Software installation plus account managing the Support Service and Customer Service for their organization
V&D – Installations of new POS in their stores

1997 – 2001 PricewaterhouseCoopers
In 1997 I have started working with Coopers & Lybrand (later merged into PricewaterhouseCoopers) in the position of consultant Retail Operations. The next year I was promoted to Senior Consultant and within 8 months to Manager of the group for Retail Operations. In this role I was mainly focussed of selling consultancy into the Retail and was able to sell for Euro 3 mio consultancy per annum.
During the time I have worked with PricewaterhouseCoopers I have developed “thought leadership” on IT, Retail processes (main focus on Logistics and ECR), the software package SAP Retail, E- market places for Retailers and Retail Strategy.
Next to doing projects with customers I was heavily involved in acquisition and coaching of consultants. I also represented PricewaterhouseCoopers within the Benelux SAP community.

Short description of projects and achieved results:
GlobalNet Exhange
Project leader for setting up E-Market place for Carrefour, Metro and Sainsburry responsible for E-Logistics and Auctions. In this assignment I first investigated the saving assessments for each Retailer and helped “selling” the concept to other Retailers. Result was a real burning platform for this concept and further investments of the stakeholders.
Ralco - Israeli retailer of household appliances and computer hardware with global approach
Project leader for drawing up a business plan for an E-retail platform for the USA market and European Market. Made a planning for the organisation, systems, processes and the necessary investments based on a market analysis and cash flow calculation. The company found investors and is setting up the e-retail shop.

KPN Retail - Telecom retailer with over 150 branches
Project Leader for the implementation of SAP Retail 4.6B and ICL Global Store in a multi-channel environment (including on-line), including the set-up of a new retail organisation. Project has been stopped due to costs cutting program of holding company KPN.

KPN Retail - Telecom retailer with over 150 branches
Project leader for project “replacement of shop operating system” (software and hardware for both shops and Head Office). Made a selection, starting with a business model via knock-out criteria, shortlist, demo script and scorecards. Result was that I was able to create support for the new selected Solutions including approach of implementation.

Ardenberg - Shoe retailer 3 Chains
Conducted a retail due diligence by order of an investment company. Made a market analysis of the shoe industry and a business analysis of the company (Strategy & Operations)

KPN Consumenten Markt- Telecom retailer with over 170 branches
Project leader for setting up a business case for a master franchise: what should be done in the areas of personnel, systems and organisation and what are the financial needs?

KPN Consumenten Markt - Telecom retailer with over 170 branches
Gave strategic advice about a certain scenario that would put the retailer in the market and indicated what the value consequences would be in several other possible scenarios. Made use of the discount cash flow method. Results were presented to and accepted by the BoD.

KPN Consumenten Markt -Telecom retailer with over 170 branches
Set up a business case to further professionalize the organisation of financial services, including a control model, business rules and KPI’s.

KPN Consumenten Markt - Telecom retailer with over 170 branches
Apart from the ‘regular’ way telecommunication and multi-media products are sold, these products may also be obtained via various financial services. I was project leader of a project, in which a feasibility study was conducted, resulting in the identification of a potential saving of NLG 10 million and organisational recommendations.

The Greenery International - Marathon Hard Fruit, organisation of merged fruit and vegetable auction companies
Project leader of the aspect team Testing & Conversion in a SAP R/3 implementation project. Set up a conversion plan and conversion rules. Drew up a test plan, supervised application tests, integration tests, system tests, conversion tests, acceptance tests and dealt with issue management. The project was characterised by exceptional time pressure and very complex processes.
Also supported the work group Sales & Price-making. Described the desired mode of operation for the sales function. Set up and gave a training course dealing with SAP R/3 Sales & Distribution.

The Greenery International - Organisation of merged fruit and vegetable auction companies
Active team member in a process stabilising project. Identified mode of operation in the auction company and implemented it in other auction companies to (a) harmonise and stabilise the mode of operation throughout the entire organisation and (b) to prepare the organisation for implementation of the SAP R/3 system.
The mode of operation was stabilised to the client’s satisfaction.

1996 - 1997 Bakker Logistiek Groep - Logistic services company combined with Wilson Sporting Goods Europe, Munich, Germany

As the branch CEO, I was responsible for 109 people at the Zeewolde unit. The unit provides services to various Unilever branches, the largest envelope manufacturer in the Netherlands, Wilson Sporting Goods and several other retail-oriented organisations.
I was primarily responsible for:-
- selling of the Service Delivery concept
- strategic and operational planning of transport vehicles (a total of 85 trucks);
- storage;
- cost price calculation;
- logistic administration for customs (C-BAC) and tax (limited fiscal representation;
- IT, among which a number of projects such automatic route planning, on-board computers and a new ERP system;
- process mapping for clients;
- financial administration;
- setting up and supervising supply chain management projects with clients;
- client support with respect to logistic projects;
- ISO 9002 certification.

1995-1996 Wilson Sporting Goods Europe, Munich, Germany

Manufacturer and distributor of Ultimate Game Improvement sporting products
As the Logistics manager Europe I was responsible for:-
- logistics throughout Europe;
- initiating, supervising and executing the centralisation process in Europe;
- supervising the implementation process of the standard software package SAP R/3 with regard to the logistic process; promoting the idea of a logistics process in the SAP system to employees;
- central purchasing – founded in Irvine, Scotland, throughout the Far East and the USA;
- the process of formation of import duties at warehouses with C-BAC licences;
- supervision of all goods coming in from European countries, and the consolidation of carriage by sea from the Far East;
- concluding contracts with regard to European transport and pallet/package distribution;
- the process of forecast to purchase plan;
- checking the European stock and product assortment;
- managing the distribution centre of the logistic services company of Wilson, Bakker Logistiek Groep.

1990-1995 Scapino B.V. - Retailer of shoes, clothing and sporting goods

As Logistics manager I reported directly to the General Manager. I was a member of the management team, responsible for the flow of goods from manufactory up to the stores, and directly responsible for the distribution centre in Assen. I managed around 125 employees in a strongly seasonal process, in which flexibility was crucial.
My main duties were:
- initiating and assuring the execution of the production plan within the DC;
- improving the efficiency of the organisation and automation at the distribution centre from purchase to delivery within the centre;
- implementation of new batch order picking process;
- implementation of new inbound and storages process;
- design, development of new warehouse management system;
- implementation of sorting machines;
- expansion of warehouse.
- developing and carrying out the personnel policy;
- initiating change project with regard to the automation and distribution process, including bar coding and EDI development;
- supervising the process with regard to import licences and duties (C-BAC);
- procurement of goods not for resale;
- car fleet management.

1988-1990 Friedrich Grohe B.V. , Zoetermeer, Belgium

Manufacturer of bathroom fittings
As Head of Logistics & Purchase I played a pivotal role in the communication between client and the factory. My main duties were:-
- optimising the physical flow of goods between Germany and the Netherlands;
- implementation of self-developed logistic systems in other branches in Europe (training, supervision and testing);
- set-up and maintenance of logistic planning procedures;
- purchase of trade goods and administrative goods;
- making a production plan and budget control;
- giving training courses for supervising and promoting the company-wide use of computers and assisting the System Manager;
- developing a sales support system for the sales staff in the field.


• Atheneum B, Netherlands, English, German, Mathematics A & B, Science, Chemistry, Economics II
• Assistant Logistic Management (Post HBO-Nevem)
• Organisation Studies, Marketing, Operational Management, Open University

• 1998 – Consultancy skills
• 1998 – Process Mapping & Modelling
• 1998 – SAP R/3 Overview
• 1998 – SAP R/3 Sales & Distribution (SD)
• 1998 – SAP R/3 Material Management
• 1999 – Convincing speaking
• 1999 – Structured Software Selection
• 1999 – Clear en convincing arguing
• 1999 – Goal Directed Project Management
• 1999 – Advanced Dutch
• 2000 – E-Business Training
• 2000 – Emm@ Training
• 2000 – E-Procurement
• 2000 – E-Market development
• 2000 – E-Logistics
• 2000 – E-Business advanced
• 2001 – Holden Solution Selling
• 2001- Accounting & Control
• 2002 – Professional Project Administration & Control


Goal direted management style
Change Management
Team builder
Commercial attitude


Dutch Native language
English Good
German Good


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