Flex Manager
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HR manager

HR manager

Work Experience


Human Resources manager, trainer and consultant with new venture company experience in consultancy business. Near fluent English and German speaking. Self employed since august 1995.
Experienced in building HR-departments, development and implementation of HR-policies and management of organisational change (behaviour/culture and structure). Considerable hands-on experience in consulting directors and managers on HR-issues, and in training of management and staff in leadership and sales skills.
In my working experience of more than 21 years, I was able to develop good communication and leadership skills. I prefer working in companies that need to change, thoroughly and quickly. My key competencies are “driven by results and efficiency”, “serious creativity”, “hands-on mentality”, “consulting skills”, “self starting/pro-active”, “knowledge of behavioural change” and “professional knowledge of HR-issues and HR-technology”.

Key Career Details
· Thoroughly and fast managing the HR aspects of the merger of two private companies in A-brand sporting shoes, apparel and equipment
· successfully managing the restructuring of Holland Casino Eindhoven within deadlines (280 employees) based on a highly professional system of competencymanagement developed for Holland Casino Netherlands
· restructuring and staffing down HR-departments (e.g. 14 employees) into a result driven and customer focused team that produces high quality services (temp agency and waste water treatment authority)
· recruiting 45 production workers within two months in a very tight labour market (Menken Drinks)
· realising the dismissal of 21 staff members in a politically and legally very complicated situation (National Association of General Practitioners)
· designing and implementing a performance evaluation method as an accelerator of organisational change (FDM Ltd., Drink Water Company and Content, temp agency)
· reducing sick leave from 14% to 6% within 3 months (Content)
· reducing sick leave from 13% to 4% within 5 months (Holland Casino)
· designing and implementing retention policies as an accelerator of organisational change with extra focus on higher profits (Content)
· analysing activities at the central office (70 staff members) and producing a cost cutting program within a deadline of two weeks (National Association of General Practitioners)
· advising managing director and Board members on the restructuring of the organisation (central office and 23 districts, 400 employees)
· acquisition and execution of management and sales training in a fast growing wholesale trade organisation (Lukas Klamer; private company)

Career Summary

March 2004 – July 2005
coach Frans Maas Logistics Amsterdam B.V. and Arch Timber Protection B.V.

Febr. 2004 – march 2005
interim Human Resources Manager / consultant / manager Operations Organization for youth welfare work

Febr. 2003 - July 2003
interim Human Resources Manager Europe Asics Europe B.V.

Febr. 2002 - Febr. 2003
interim Human Resources Manager state prison for juvenile delinquents

Febr. 2001 - Oct. 2001
interim Human Resources Manager Content Beheer B.V.

Dec. 2000 - febr. 2001
interim Human Resources Manager Intel International B.V.

Dec. 1999 - Oct. 2000
interim Human Resources Manager LHV
Landelijke Huisartsen Vereniging; Utrecht (National Association of General Practitioners)

Jan. 1999 - Oct. 1999
interim Human Resources Manager
Holland Casino; Eindhoven

Dec. 1997 - Oct. 1998
interim Human Resources Manager
Zuiveringsschap Hollandse Eilanden en waarden; Dordrecht (waste water treatment authority)

Dec. 1996 - Nov. 1997
interim manager Human Resources, Public Relation and Internal Affairs
Flevolandse Drinkwater Maatschappij; Lelystad (FDM Ltd., Drink Water Company)

Feb. 1996 - Nov. 1999
In this period I worked as a self employed consultant and trainer for Q-Print (Utrecht), Dienst voor het Wegverkeer (RDW, Zoetermeer), Lukas Klamer (Groningen etc.), Reclassering (Den Haag) and Bruna (Noord-Holland)

Feb. 1995 - Aug. 1995
Account manager
Joh. Enschede Security Printing b.v.; Haarlem

Feb. 1990 - Feb. 1995
Human Resources Manager
Menken Drinks B.V.; Bodegraven

Feb. 1987 - Feb. 1990
Consultant and trainer
CI&AC/MAC'; Leidschendam.

Dec. 1983 - Jan. 1987
Staff member Human Resources
TNT Post; Den Haag


· “De spilfunctie van de HRM-specialist” (HRM-specialist as a linking pin), PW Vakblad voor Personeelsmanagement, May 4, 1996
· “Bouwen aan teams, De metaplansessie als ijsbreker” (team-building), Nederlands tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsopleiding, December 1996

Leisure interests
Investing, reading, fitness, music and having fun



· University degree in Organisational Psychology
· University of Professional Education (HEAO, business programs, degree in economics and legal specialisation)
· Athenaeum A (Higher College)
· Accountmanagement (SRM)
· NIMA-A (marketing degree)
· Relevant courses: Strategic HRM, PAPI, Personnel Information systems, Total Quality Management
· Training in consultancy and sales skills


English, German very good


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