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Process, Quality, Project, ICT and Interim Management

Process, Quality, Project, ICT and Interim Management

Work Experience

Sodexo, January – July 2010
Assignment: 1. Integrate the management system of KPN Facility Management with the management system of Sodexo Altys. 2. Develop an optimal project management method for Sodexo Altys.
Role: project manager, and quality manager.

Result: The management systems are integrated, with an emphasis on the new and changed primary processes which address the collaboration with KPN. The developed project management method is based on the method of the 3 biggest accounts of Sodexo Altys: Shell, KLM en KPN, and on the method Prince2. The result is presented to the management team of Sodexo Altys and accepted as the uniform PM method.

KPN, October 2008 – December 2009
Assignment: Acquire the combined ISO 9001 and 27001 certificate in July 2009, and filling in the role of Process Manager and Operational Security manager (OSM). The certificate is acquired with good result. The SOx controls and crisis management (pandemy) were also responsibilities of the Process Manager.
Role: project manager, and quality manager.

Result: The combined ISO 9001 and 27001 certificate was acquired in July 2009.

Unique for the solution of the management system is that ‘no paper has been produced’. The management system is an intranet solution, thus all employees can use it anywhere any time. New e-manuals were developed which made the learning of information systems (e-learning) very simple and practical.

The business processes of the unit KPN W&O RES Facility Management have been analysed, designed and released in cooperation with the employees.

Trademark office EN, 2003 - present
Assignment: redesign IT and the business processes.
Role: IT manager, and quality manager.

Result: The IT is up to standard, a specialised workflow management tool Patricia is implemented, and interfaces have been made with other key systems.

Boskalis, October 2009
Assignment: Support the European subsidy Application by describing the VENTURI program of Boskalis.
Role: IT consultant.

Result: The complex and global ICT programme of Boskalis was described.

Robeco Rotterdam, maart – July 2008
Assignment: Audit the major IT projects based on Prince2, and implement the Prince2 method.
Role: Quality manager for project management.

Result: The major IT projects were audited, the results were presented to the programme board. The Prince2 method was implemented.

Law office Groenenveld & Partners, 2003
Assignment: Identify the measures to be taken with respect to ‘Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens’ (Privacy legislation).
Role: business consultant.

Result: A report on the improvement of documentation procedures was presented.

Imtech, Product Development Fiber2All, 2002-2003
Assignment: Deliver the Vision report Fiber2All, which explain how to implement a fibre infrastructure in the Netherlands.
Role: business consultant.

Result: The Vision report was developed and presented to the programme board.

Imtech, Knowledge centre Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens, 2002 – 2003
Assignment: Manage the knowledge centre ‘Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens’ (Privacy legislation).
Role: business consultant.

Result: The knowledge centre ‘Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens’ was managed.

Siemens Nederland NV, Implementation MISSION, 2002-2003
Assignment: Implement a quality system for Siemens Nederland via intranet.
Role: project manager, and quality manager.

Result: A quality system for Siemens Nederland via intranet was implemented.

KPN Telecom, 2002
Assignment: Analyse the implementation processes and develop and deploy a plan for logistical processes for adjusting the installation within technical telecom installation environments.
Role: business consultant.

Result: Process were analysed, the plan was developed and deployed.

Gak Nederland, 1999-2001
Assignment: Monitor and support all (20+) ICT projects.
Role: Quality Assurance manager for the project management office.

Result: Many projects were closely monitored and kept on track, a professional project management method was developed and implemented.

Millennium, 2000
Assignment: Develop services and knowledge for the Millennium quest.
Role: Manager product development.

Result: Millennium services were developed.

CZ, 1998-1999
Assignment: Monitor the quality of the newly developed information system.
Role: Quality assurance manager for project management.

Result: The quality of the project was assured.

Industrial deployment ISO 9002, 1998
Assignment: Acquire the ISO9001 certificate.
Role: Project manager and quality manager.

Result: The certificate was acquired.

Amersfoortse online quality manual, 1998
Assignment: Develop and implement a quality manual on intranet.
Role: Project manager and quality manager.

Result: The quality manual was developed and put on intranet.

Chamber of Commerce Amsterdam, 1997
Assignment: Analyse and describe the business processes.
Role: Project manager and quality manager.

Result: The business processes were analysed and described.

Ministry for Traffic and Water, 1997
Assignment: Select a new facility management information system.
Role: project manager.

Result: A Microsoft solution was selected and developed.

Erasmus University Rotterdam, 1996
Assignment: Perform lectures on computer simulation
Role: Guest Speaker

Result: The lectures were performed, the students were enthusiastic about the development of computer simulation.

Municipality of Tilburg, 1996
Assignment: Improve the business processes of the municipality of Tilburg
Role: business consultant

Result: Using the computer simulation tool Arena, business process improvements were analysed and implemented.

Curaçao, Ministry of the Dutch Antilles, 1995
Assignment: Select a new salary system for the ministry of the Dutch Antilles.
Role: Project manager.

Result: A new salary system for the ministry of the Dutch Antilles was selected.

Curaçao, Law firm, 1995
Assignment: Select a new financial system.
Role: project manager.

Result: The financial system ‘Grote beer’ was selected.

Vetus jachtenbouw, 1994
Assignment: Improve the production logistics for building yachts.
Role: Consultant.

Result: A production design was developed and implemented

Siemens Nixdorf Institute, 1994
Assignment: Develop and present courses on Quality management and logistics.
Role: Trainer.

Result: Courses on Quality management and logistics were developed and presented.

Institute for Medical Statistics, 1993
Assignment: Improve the information flow of clinical trials in England, Belgium and Germany.
Role: Consultant.

Result: Improvements for information flow of clinical trials were presented

Bed & Breakfast Hotels, 1992
Assignment: Develop a strategy for several \'Bed & Breakfast\' hotel in Texas, USA.
Role: consultant.

Result: The strategy was developed and presented.

World Trade Centre Rotterdam, 1992
Assignment: develop a business plan for the World Trade Centre, Rotterdam.
Role: Consultant.

Result: The business plan was developed and presented.

Fortunadruk, 1991
Assignment: improve the business processes.
Role: Consultant.

Result: A report was presented.

Bank Mees & Hope, 1989 - 1990
Assignment: Analyse new information system that can independently trade on currencies.
Role: consultant.

Result: A report was presented.

Leidsche Bijles Centrale 1985 - 1989
Assignment: Set up a company for supporting high school students
Role: entrepreneur

Result: The LBS existed for 4 years, teaching many students on several subjects.


Master of Business Administration, General Management, at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University of Rotterdam. 1991-1993

M.Sc. Mathematics, at the Rijks University of Leiden. 1985-1991


As a quality manager, project manager, interim manager and consultant experience with Quality Management, process design and –optimisation, strategy, project management, business balanced scorecard, public service centres, knowledge management, IT, telecom, workflow management, information management, business development, software selection, facility management, computer simulation, planning and control and training.

Work environments: telecom, facility management, insurance, ministries, local government, banks, public service providers and law firms.

Primary professional focus: business processes, quality management, project management, general management and ICT.


Dutch and English fluent,
German good,
French un peu.


Customer- and result oriented team player with wide and in-depth knowledge. Provides pragmatic and fitting solutions fast.

Total Quality Management, Internal Auditing, Project management, ITIL, Introduction Telecom, Administrative Organisation, SDW, Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens.

Methods and Techniques
Experience with development of project management methods and means, Quality Assurance in projects, Prince 2, ISO certification, quality scans, auditing, business process redesign, Capability Maturity Model, Business Balanced Scorecard.


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