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IT/BPO Sourcing Manager

IT/BPO Sourcing Manager

Work Experience


2000- Current Managing Partner, NavIT a consultancy company focussed on outsourcing Information Technology (IT) and Business Processes (BPO), at Amsterdam, The Netherlands

1997- 2002 Director, ECLATON eBusiness Solutions, a set of two companies with headquarters at Amsterdam, The Netherlands; with a subsidiary company, a software development center, at Bangalore, India

1995-1997 Project Manager, Private Sector Programme, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania

1993-1995 Programme Manager, Private Sector Programme, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

1991-1993 Financial Controller and Management Trainee at Corporate Controller’s Department, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Schiphol, The Netherlands

1991 Financial Controller with Royal HASKONING Group at Rangpur, Bangladesh


As lead consultant responsible for the implementation of IT Portfolio Management projects with several customers in the private sector:
· P&O Nedlloyd (UK) Study for implementing IT Portfolio Management processes at P&O Nedlloyd
· BAS Consultancy Designing a new consultancy product in the field of IT Portfolio Management

As Managing Director for ECLATON responsible for:
Ø Overall management and strategy of Eclaton companies
Ø Setting-up a 100% subsidiary company, Eclaton eBusiness Development Unit (eBDU) India Pvt. Ltd., at Bangalore for software development in March 2000. This unit grew to a strength of 40 persons in 2001
Ø Establishing technology partnerships with key middleware vendors viz. IBM, BEA, iPlanet and other strategic Independent Software Vendors
Ø Marketing and sales of software development services.
Ø Account Management including contract negotiations, and project co-ordination of the following major accounts:
· Tiscali Development of a personalised advertisement manager and message manager for all the messages being sent and received via the Unified Messaging System
· LTNM New Media Development of a new multi-media site for selling consumer gadgets. The site is able to handle 25.000 concurrent users
· ING Bank Development of a new IT platform for an innovative payment system for the bank’s big corporate customers

Responsible for leading two product development teams to conceive, design, develop two new products for the wireless market. Beta versions of both products were launched in January 2002:
· SMBT Server Simple Message-Based Transaction (SMBT) system for making person-to-person payments via SMS messages
· M2 Hub Wireless message-based product making use of Chat (e.g. Jabber), Email and SMS messages for any-to- any device, transmitted over any communication protocol

Overall responsible for the Marketing and Sales of Telecom Protocol Stacks, and related Software Development Services for which the software development was outsourced to Indian software companies. Achievements inlcude building up a business of USD 1.2 Million in the first year with a 110% growth in the second year. Also responsible for the Account Management, contract negotiations and project co-ordination of the following high-tech software development projects:
· Alcatel Bell (Access/Wireless/Switching Divisions) Development of VB5.2 protocol stack for Fibre-to-Home Product; Wireless UMTS protocol stack; operating system (OSE) of the new 100% based software Switch
· Lucent Technologies (Access) Development of the routing software for Optical Line Termination Product.
· Telspec (UK) Development of the switching software and signalling software (SS#7) for new Switching Product

Project Manager for the United Nations Private Sector Development Programme in Zanzibar and Tanzania. Main responsibilities included:
· Implementation of the Tanzania International Investment Forum, a USD 4 Million project. The Forum aiming to match local and foreign investors, attracted a record of 250 foreign companies; resulting in agreements worth USD 780 Million
· Advising the government and the two Chambers of Commerce on Private Sector Promotion Policies
· Technical and financial advice to companies on joint-ventures, licensing, franchising, turn-key projects and technology transfer agreements

Programme Manager for the United Nations Private Sector Programme in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Main responsibilities included management through phases of formulation, administration, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of several private sector projects including the following:
· Integrated Investment Promotion Programme for PNG
· Automation of the PNG Customs
· Micro-Credit and Savings project which was launched in the Highlands of PNG in accordance with the principles of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh
· PNG Small Business Development Programme

Financial Controller and Management Trainee at KLM’s Corporate Controller’s Department. Main responsibilities included:
· Designing and implementing a new administrative organisational structure and accounting procedures
· Budget preparation (Euro 25 Million), control and financial reporting
· Preparing feasibility studies for: (i) sale of KLM administrative software to third parties (ii) transfer of ticketing administration from Rijswijk (around 400 persons) to Mumbai, India

Financial Controller of Rangpur Region’s Rural Development Programme, Bangladesh. The Euro 30 Million project was commissioned by the European Union and executed by HASKONING.


Masters degree in Business Economics from the State University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Majors: Finance, Marketing, Business Information Systems and International Economics


Product Management, Project Management, IT Portfolio Management, Wireless Communications, Software Development Outsourcing, ITIL processes, CMMI processes, and Direct Sales


Excellent written and spoken Dutch and English


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