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Manufacturing professional

Manufacturing professional

Work Experience

Managing Director - Collins & Aikman Plastic Products (UK)Ltd
Collins & Aikman, an American owned multinational, specialise in the design and manufacture of climatic control vents, door handles, interior lighting, side turn markers , and decorative trim to the major automotive manufacturers. The UK division employed 800 people over five sites with a turnover in excess of £30 million.
Key Achievements
Restructured the Group from a collection of different companies to one of a central management team with local management at each of four manufacturing sites.
Gained Main Board approval for a revised manufacturing strategy and within twelve months had consolidated the four manufacturing sites down to three. This yielded savings in excess of £1 million and was achieved on time, to budget, and with no disruption to Customers.
Improved quality performance by driving through a culture of responsibility and accountability within the manufactuing units. The cost of poor quality was reduced by 30% and QS9000 accreditation achieved within eight months.
Zero defect launches on the Jaguar S Type and Opel Zafira products.
Introduced an actively managed VAVE programme.

Director and General Manager Abex Plastic Products Ltd
A privately owned company with a turnover of £10 million and employing 250 people Abex supplied injection mouldings into the highly demanding markets of Automotive, Precision Engineering, and White Goods Industries.
Key Achievements
Introduced a formalised production planning and control system that led to on time delivery performance in excess of 95% and a reduction in working capital by 50%.
Increased machine and labour efficiency by developing a team approach and the acceptance of working to standard practises throughout the operation.
Improved quality performance by a factor of 30 by establishing and relentlessly implementing the principles of defect prevention rather than detection.
Part of the team put together by the owner to sell the business. This was successfully concluded within nine months.

Manufacturing Director - Britax Weathershields.
The largest manufacturer of automotive sunroofs for the aftermarket with factories based in the UK and France employing a seasonal workforce of 70 to 200 operators.
Key Achievements
Devised and implemented, by negotiation with Unions, an annualised pay package.
By revising the methods of manufacture reduced assembly time to one third of traditional methods.

Unit Manager - Britax Vega
Part of BSG Britax Vega is a major manufacturer of rear lamp clusters to the automotive manufacturers.
Key Achievement
Rationalise the manufacture of the high volume lamps into highly focused and automated units based upon cellular manufacturing principles.


Fellowship in Manufacturing Management from the Cranfield Institute of Technology.
Chartered Engineer.
BSc (hons) from Newcastle University.
OND in Marine Engineering.
TQM by Price Waterhouse.
SPC by Coventry Management College.
Problem Solving by Kepner Tregoe.
Psychometric testing bty Svend Holst.
Workshop Management by Nissan Manufacturing UK.
Study tour of Swedish Manufacturing Companies.
Study tour of Canadian and North American Manufacturing Companies


General Management, Operations Management, Manufacturing Management.
Business and Manufacturing Strategy.
Quality Assurance.
Problem Solving and Root Cause Analysis.
Project Management.
Union Negotiation.


Basic French


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